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Noticing a new trend on this forum...

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  • #16
    Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

    This thread pwns.


    • #17
      Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

      anyway, i don't suppose slit gets any comeuppance? in case he pops his head in "psst, you need more than uranium to make a nuke"

      don't worry, i'm done now


      • #18
        Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

        Yay, thats the last of them!

        Thanks to Kirk and Webs for locking em up


        • #19
          Big Girls Blouse

          Originally posted by Sir. AAK625 View Post
          I see more threads complaining about negative experiences on servers, then I see positive comments about ANYTHING. You know what I do when I have a bad experience on a server? I go to a different one.

          Is there really a need to make thread, after thread, after thread, about an unfortunate gameplay experience?

          If you really believe that's so, maybe you should attempt to persuade Spawndemon into setting up a stickied thread where you can name a server and explain why it upset you.

          Just my half cent. :salute:
          Yes, there's generally too much whining on this forum lately.


          • #20
            Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

            1 more :O i went on his server he was on 90-0 in one 64 man camp g server LOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLLLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLO :P back to topic just leave the server if you oww to much and your gunna be banned

            i know :P


            • #21
              Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

              I agree.

              As for the sticky on complaining, every server will eventually end up in it anyway.

              Everyone is innocent and victims of abusive admins. (Yes, I know some of you really are innocent, so was I many times.)

              I remember our server being in the EA forums because I was abusive because I kicked the player for attacking the uncaps. He felt he should have been able to do it and we didnt have any right to manipulate his gameplay and that WE violated the ROE.

              On the reverse side, there is a server that any time ANY [BPN] member goes on, they are instantly banned because we defended a guy that didnt do anything wrong on the server, so they banned us all.

              It happens. Have fun and move on.

              Twitter: @CptainCrunch
              Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


              • #22
                Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                If every one hates these thread who makes them?


                • #23
                  Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                  Originally posted by pwnageisntgood View Post
                  If every one hates these thread who makes them?


                  • #24
                    Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                    The naming and shaming of servers serves as an attempt to remove traffic to a particular server. It can also function as a neutral area to air grievances. Many clans just delete posts and ban you when you try to find out what went wrong on their own forums.

                    In conclusion, it is both necessary and useful.

                    The threads are typically well named so if you don't want to read them then I suggest that you use your brain and don't click them.

                    Flagging posts for no good reason is childish and is many times less productive than the original post that you are trying to get rid of. The report button is not there for your personal vendettas.

                    Originally posted by Report Notice
                    Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.


                    • #25
                      Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                      You obviously didn't read those threads. NOTHING in there was constructive or useful to anyone... It was just one person flaming a server, ie the personal vendetta you are referring to. The posts were never written civily, they were all written as flames. They deserved to be reported and closed, and guess what? The admins thought so too.


                      • #26
                        Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                        Originally posted by Fingulfin View Post
                        You obviously didn't read those threads. NOTHING in there was constructive or useful to anyone... It was just one person flaming a server, ie the personal vendetta you are referring to. The posts were never written civily, they were all written as flames. They deserved to be reported and closed, and guess what? The admins thought so too.


                        • #27
                          Re: Noticing a new trend on this forum...

                          Originally posted by Fingulfin View Post
                          You obviously didn't read those threads. NOTHING in there was constructive or useful to anyone... It was just one person flaming a server, ie the personal vendetta you are referring to. The posts were never written civily, they were all written as flames. They deserved to be reported and closed, and guess what? The admins thought so too.

                          I think the thread about TAT was useful. We got to see the inner workings of a truly delusional cheater. Some of us even got some laughs out of it.

                          I agree that most of the posts are generally written as flames. If said posters had a place for their complaints with guidelines then maybe we could get some civil conversation on the matter.

                          People do need a place to vent their frustration about the servers they encounter. As VT said alot of clans will not acknowledge any issues on their own forums. They usually choose to ignore the situation because they feel that they are in the right and anyone who crosses them is wrong. If word got around that their was a hall of shame per say then maybe some of these clans might actually try to resolve some these problems that people have.

