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Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

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  • #31
    Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

    Hi everyone,

    Been a long-time 2142 player, am new to the C&C universe, but am VERY excited about Tiberium. A squad-based, online multi-player, sci-fi/ futuristic, combat style FPS is something that I think the market is sorely lacking. The vast majority of the latest greta games seem to be geared towards single-player, and to me that is a mistake. BF style multi-player action is where the true gaming high is, when it is pulled of correctly.

    I think this is a great thread, BTW, and I hope that discussions like this are indeed taken seriously by the devs as these posts are written by none other than the end user (paying customer). So cheers to the devs for chiming in here :-)

    If I may post a few pitfalls to avoid I have some that I have taken from 2142, and some from Quake Wars.

    Mistakes from 2142

    - Jumping: Jumping in 2142 is nowhere near realistic and only leads to bunny-hopping. Bunny-hopping, despite disabling the player's ability to shoot mid-hop, creates a distracting and often rediculous gameplay experience. New FPS games should eliminate the jump function and instead use a "grab" or "move over" function instead whereby the player presses a key to activate a special "move over" move to get over railings, bannisters, etc. This move would only be active when the player is in close proximity to the object, of course.

    - Players Per Map: Most of the maps in 2142 can feature up to 64 players (the game's max). Some of the maps like Verdun and Tampa can easily handle 64 player battles. Other smaller maps like Camp Gibralter just become pointless frag-fests with 64 players. I think smaller, infintry oriented maps should have a certain cap or max number of players allowed.

    Mistakes from Quake Wars

    - FPS Cap: Capping the FPS at 30 just makes zero sense. It just makes th gameplay experience choppy and sluggish. This would be a deal-breaker for me. In other words if Tiberium had a capped FPS then I would probably not buy it.

    - VOIP: When QW was released it did not have VOIP. How a multi-player online FPS cannot have VOIP is beyond me. The way 2142 handles VOIP is brilliant and is a MUST HAVE for any game of its style. Communicating on the battlefield takes VOIP plus Commo Rose, so both should be implemented at release.

    - Speed/ Sprinting: OK, how can you run forever and not get tired? and sprint at that? Sorry but that just does not feel like a combat game. It feels more like an arcade game, and hopefully players will get tired in Tiberium to add a little more realism. I think running at a more realistic jogging pace also leads to more of a tactical gaming experience rather than a run-n-gun shooting fest.


    • #32
      Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

      1. Jumping is necessary, but you can easily fix it by making so that if you jump, once you land, you youre resetting your movement speed to the lowest possible one. The reason why Counter Strike does not have bunnyhopping, is because of this. It makes the maneuver a very ineffective one. Jumping needs to stay, "grab" is a messy pile of code which can be unreliable at times. Its a great feature (COD4, Vegas), but needs to have a foolproof alternative.

      2. ETQW is a 100% arcade game, so no need to nag on features that are intended to be there.

      3. REALISM is never the way to success. As a matter of fact, fluid and fun gameplay beats realism 100% of the time. Hence realistic shooters always being a niche product.


      • #33
        Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project


        I'll have to play Counterstrike to get a feel for how its jumping works. Whatever they do I hope they employ a system where bunny hopping will not happen. Perhaps also if jumping is in the game it should be a lot lower than it is in 2142. You can jump what looks to be 5 feet high in 2142! Wish I could do that!

        Good point on QW, haha.

        As far as realism I am with you on that. Bare in mind, the point I am trying to make is that certan things should be more "realistic". They should be close or closer to real. But not everything should be true to life. IMO the biggest key to 2142's fun gameplay is balance.


        • #34
          Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

          Originally posted by Delta_Fixer View Post
          I'll have to play Counterstrike to get a feel for how its jumping works. Whatever they do I hope they employ a system where bunny hopping will not happen. Perhaps also if jumping is in the game it should be a lot lower than it is in 2142. You can jump what looks to be 5 feet high in 2142! Wish I could do that!
          Mind you that you can jump quite a distance in CS, and quite a height. However, if you try to make the second jump after the first one ("bunnyhopping" essentially is multiple jumps one after another), the second one is going to be a puny "bop" because the game is coded to give the second jump a LOT less "energy". Imagine this, first jump is a 6 feet long and 3 feet high solid one, and the second one is going to be 1 feet by 1 feet. I hope you get the general idea. You rarely see bunnyhopping in CS for that same very reason.

          In CS1.6, people found a way to exploit this, but they couldnt use it to outmaneuver bullets, merely to reach destinations faster. Using jumping and strafing and turning in midair, people could reach huge distances in jumps. This trick requires a LOT of skill (dozens, if not hundreds of hours of practice) and was accessible to not many.

          As far as realism I am with you on that. Bare in mind, the point I am trying to make is that certan things should be more "realistic". They should be close or closer to real. But not everything should be true to life. IMO the biggest key to 2142's fun gameplay is balance.
          BF2142 is not a very fun game, its showcasing everything that is wrong with modern MP games. Gave is balanced through firepower and nerfing, movement is restricted, quicky and feels "wrong", weapons lack the oomph and pretty much every sci-fi or realism feel is implemented wrong. As a comparision, SWAT4, a realistic shooter, manages to employ a much, much more pleasant and fluid motion, than BF2142. Not a lot should be taken from BF2142. However, Im glad that you see me eye to eye on the aspect that pains me the most. Which is using "realistic" features (weapons and gear", something everyone can associate themselves, or their knowledge to.


          • #35
            Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

            Originally posted by Chris_Redfield
            BF2142 is not a very fun game, its showcasing everything that is wrong with modern MP games.
            Thousands of people disagree.

            I sorta like the restricted movement of BF games, makes teamwork more important than showing off your 1337 pistol skills while bunnyhopping. Well, that won't work when you're playing a realistic FPS game but you get my point (I sure hope so)


            • #36
              Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

              Originally posted by -UtC- Iquere « View Post
              Thousands of people disagree.
              ~7000 against ~100´000 (+400´000), one has to think if its the "fun" or complete gameplay balance, that keeps people playing BF2142. I dont know of anyone who likes quicky and restricted movement, unless its a tradeoff for a 3rd gain.

              And youve just noted out that it is.


              • #37
                Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project


                Yeah, I understand now how CD's jumping works. I like that concept A LOT and wish 2142 used that system. One other problem with 2142's jumping is that while a player is in mid-jump that player is immune from damage from enemy bullets. I would hope that Tiberium makes sure players can take damage and get killed while in mid-jump.


                • #38
                  Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

                  So how is 2142's infantry movement "restricted"? Miss being able to be accurate while diving? I have played both games and they are mostly equal.


                  • #39
                    Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

                    Originally posted by Delta_Fixer View Post
                    One other problem with 2142's jumping is that while a player is in mid-jump that player is immune from damage from enemy bullets.
                    Not really but barely anyone plays with a ping below 40 so the hitboxes get screwed up. CS:S has hitboxes as well but everyone there plays with a much smaller ping so you don't have the same problem.

                    Yeah and the movement between BF2 and BF2142 are almost exactly similar except that you can't prone dive and you run slightly slower (due to heavier armour). Most people do the mistake of not choosing light armour though, your stamina recovers much faster with it and you can bunnyhop all day long


                    • #40
                      Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

                      Originally posted by -UtC- Iquere « View Post
                      Yeah and the movement between BF2 and BF2142 are almost exactly similar except that you can't prone dive and you run slightly slower (due to heavier armour). Most people do the mistake of not choosing light armour though, your stamina recovers much faster with it and you can bunnyhop all day long
                      The difference in that aspect between BF2142 and BF2 is huge, and is astronomical if we take the original BF2 into account. One is fun, fluid and fast (NOT BF2 post patch 1.2), other is slow, as if youre walking in a mud pit.

                      Im sure the "realism buffs" like it though. I thought the movement was badly done, until I played GRAW2.


                      • #41
                        Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

                        I still can't tear myself away from TF2.

                        I think I'll just stick with it until BF3.


                        • #42
                          Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

                          I dont know why are you comparing 2 games with different Engines...
                          If i know, Tiberium will be running on Unreal Engine 3, no?

                          btw, cool avy jake, i love Dr. House


                          • #43
                            Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

                            Originally posted by HEFO View Post
                            I dont know why are you comparing 2 games with different Engines...
                            If i know, Tiberium will be running on Unreal Engine 3, no?
                            Good point. Especially at this point, we don't really know how similar (if at all) the two games will be. Its kinda like comparing BF:H to TF2.

                            Thanks for the compliment. I could remove the white background from your avy, if you want.


                            • #44
                              Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

                              i loved C&C when i was younger number 1 and red alert and retaliation but i dont really like the upto date c&c's but i still buy all the latest ones in hope that they will be as good as the first couple


                              • #45
                                Re: Tiberium vs BF2142, or mistakes you can avoid from a similar project

                                Different engines is really no reason to stop comparing games. That's like saying we shouldn't compare Intel with AMD.

