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  • Ctd

    I just got 2 gigs of ram this christmas (And a 8800Gt And tri power 650 but i havent installed it yet) I have installed the ram. And i havent played BF2 in awhile i decided to crank it up. Well i first had 3 gigs 2 new pc-5300 1 gigs and 2 512 megs of RAM. Didn't work. I figured i needed to do a reinstall. did it and repatched, nothing. When ever i try to join a server it just crashes to desktop. I uninstalled the 512's as they were 4300 so i thought it may be a problem. Nope. Still wont work. I Ran the regedit and edited the code as someone told me it may have been CD key issue. Nope. Put it back to normal. Still nothing on vista and it didn't do anything. Please help!

    6150SE integrated graphics (POS)
    2 gigs of ram
    AMd 5000+ X2.

    Oh, i also got a Saitek Eclipse II, if that helps. I dont know how that could be screwing this up though


  • #2
    maybe your CD is damaged or has crap on it? and when do you get the CTD as you aren't being very specific. you named the title Ctd, and you put nothing about when/what the ctd happend ect...just some hardware spec's which are all over the place...

    a CTD in game while playing BF2 can be caused by a few things.
    a CTD after loading while at a black screen is caused by having a crappy *****.exe.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dudbomb View Post
      maybe your CD is damaged or has crap on it? and when do you get the CTD as you aren't being very specific. you named the title Ctd, and you put nothing about when/what the ctd happend ect...just some hardware spec's which are all over the place...

      a CTD in game while playing BF2 can be caused by a few things.
      a CTD after loading while at a black screen is caused by having a crappy *****.exe.

      Ok this is what happens. I Open Bf2 (Vannila and SF both do this) and wait for the dice Ea credits to go, then the BF2 movie comes on i press the "ESC" button. I then sign into my account (Is that supposed to take 3-5 minutes? it does for me), wait, then i get to the Main page and im logged in. Then i go to multiplayer screen wait for the screen to refresh with all the servers. then i find a server with a handfull of players and decent ping. Then the screen turns black right after and i find myself staring at my Desktop. So bassically i can't connect to the servers without Crashing to desktop. I only connected once to day, got bored so i decided to try another server, so i Get out Dissconnect then a found a server hit "join" Then a CTD at the very moment i hit the button.

      Also crashes to desktop when i I go to "options" Then click "Audio" PLEASE HELP..


      • #4
        check to make sure your video drivers are ok, also do a disk defrag, if any of bf2 has been fragged, it will really slow you down...


        • #5
          Originally posted by dudbomb
          check to make sure your video drivers are ok, also do a disk defrag, if any of bf2 has been fragged, it will really slow you down...
          Ok, quick question though how whould a defrag help with Crashing? And yes i just installed lastest drivers for my graphics...


          • #6
            it wont help for crashing, but if BF2 is really fragmented on the harddrive, then defragging will help boost your loading times


            • #7
              Originally posted by ConscriptVirus View Post
              it wont help for crashing, but if BF2 is really fragmented on the harddrive, then defragging will help boost your loading times

              True. To bad that doesnt matter if i cant play the game So pissed...


              • #8
                i crash to desktop all the time, defragging doesn't always work. but it will help the harddrive locate the files faster.


                • #9
                  i just love it when i post a thread and no one really helps.

                  OK guys i think i found my big break! I ran a defrag today Which didn't work, so i then went and did a "Error checker" Or something like that on the Harddrive. Well i started Bf2 after it got done and logged onto my friends account (His doesn't take So long to log on as mine)

                  I got this error when i attempted to join a server at first (Bf2 didn't crash, it just showed me this error)

                  "You have failed to connect Please check your network settings" So i say ok... then i noticed, Some servers with people in them didn't show the people in the box at the bottom (understanding me?) So i found one that did and isntead of Bf2 crashing it went into my bottom bar - well here let the pic. Speak. Wow firefox and EVERYTHING is taking FOREVER to load after i did the error checking.... Please help

                  Well you have an error message can you help now?

                  My computer is slower now to after the error checking... HELP?

                  Holly crap this automerged double post thing is GAY.

                  Thanks for all your help guys. freaking help me already this is so annoying.


                  OK WHAT THE HELL this automerged double post is the gayest damn thing i have ever heard of.


                  • #10
                    hmm...try the compability patch from somewhere else.


                    • #11
                      Now when i click on Bf2 it goes back like its about to start then i get this error


                      Now i reinstalled and when i try to join i get the same problem as desribed in post 1. Help me please?

                      ok now a new problem. NO ONE HERE SEAMS TO GIVE A DAMN.


                      • #12
                        Omg finally i found someone having the exact same problem as me. I get the memory.dll deallocating main thread memory error. I can play single player fine, but when i try to connect to multiplayer server i get that error msg. You said u got new RAM, but did u have bf2 multiplayer working before this change to u system. Also was the the new ram the only change u made to u system before bf2 stoped working. I had bf2 working perfect on old comp, but i got a whole new comp and now get that memory error.

                        Dont know if this helps but i have got Crysis, COD4 and steam games working perfect on this new comp

                        check if u got any of this stuff-

                        my specs

                        vista home basic upgrade (from windows xp home)
                        amd athlon64 X2 6000+
                        asus m3a motherboard AM2+
                        asus 8800gt
                        2 x 1 gig corsair DDR2 800


                        • #13
                          Well i dont get the memorry.dll error anymore. Just the CTD...


                          • #14
                            Wow This forum is grand. Thanks for all the help.:|:


                            • #15
                              Did you build your own computer, or is it a store-bought computer?

                              EDIT: You might get responses if you didn't get an attitude. Drop the sarcasm too. Some people here will actually try to help if you do that, myself included.

