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BF3: New VOIP feature?

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  • #46
    Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

    Originally posted by cwv_Odedge
    I am against the idea that you can hear the enemy. From a "realism" point of view, you will probably not be fluent in the other language. But more importantly, this will increase the chatter too much (how do you know if the person who is talking is on your team or the other?)
    Color #1: Teammates
    Color #2: Enemies


    • #47
      Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

      Originally posted by Sloi View Post
      Color #1: Teammates
      Color #2: Enemies

      Synesthesia eh?


      • #48
        Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

        Originally posted by cwv_Odedge
        I like the idea to be able to talk with other team mates that are not in your squad if they are close enough to you. It might also be interesting to not hear what other squad mates are saying if they are too far from you (SL might be an exception). The commander should only be able to talk to SL and he should have the option to select specific squads (I think they have this in PR).

        I am against the idea that you can hear the enemy. From a "realism" point of view, you will probably not be fluent in the other language. But more importantly, this will increase the chatter too much (how do you know if the person who is talking is on your team or the other?) and I don't think the game needs another way for people to be idiots (talking smack). There is already plenty of opportunities.
        You mean, if they start to talk at the same time? I think this will be a rare situation. I mean, I am talking about conversations you could overhear like in real life, so just within a few meters.
        To make distinction between your fellow man and the enemy, it could be done by makin the talking of your teammate visible (and i am not talking lipsync (yet)). But more like on Counterstrike or like the Icons that appear now in squads. The enemy would then not have an icon.
        Making the sound 3D positoinal would even be better, but I think that might be too complicated to build.

        And for your realism point of view: now in BF2 I can understand all the english words, but half of the other languages. And yes, people talking another language then english will have an advantage in this east dropping. But realize that the east dropping is just a small part of extra possibilities. You would have to be within a few meters of the enemy to overhear the conversation.


        • #49
          Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

          I play CS (and other source games) with no VOIP, when I play consoles at someone's place, I ask them to turn off VOIP or keep the headset on themselves. I just can't stand any of it, BF2 I rarely use VOIP, it's always on, because rarely do people use it, I do use TS. If they do implement this "feature", I will be turning it off one way or another.


          • #50
            Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

            Originally posted by camperstrike
            Synesthesia eh?
            They could add a display area for the player(s) currently using VOIP nearest your position. It doesn't have to be guesswork.


            • #51
              Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

              Too bad the quality will suck complete balls. I`d turn it off.


              • #52
                Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

                Originally posted by L3adCannon
                Too bad the quality will suck complete balls. I`d turn it off.
                What quality? The sound quality? It is fine right now, as long as you use a good microphone (mine is from the supermarket and cost me 3,95 euro's and everybody can understand me) and as long as you place it well and speak up.


                • #53
                  Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

                  ^^^ not everyone has your awesome mic and mic skillz


                  • #54
                    Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

                    Originally posted by Sloi View Post
                    Color #1: Teammates
                    Color #2: Enemies

                    Good point, but do you want to look down on your screen every time some one talks to see if it's a friendly or enemy? I don't. :shakehead:


                    • #55
                      Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

                      imma mute playa


                      • #56
                        Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

                        Originally posted by cwv_Odedge
                        Good point, but do you want to look down on your screen every time some one talks to see if it's a friendly or enemy? I don't. :shakehead:

                        As I stated these situations in wich you talk at the same time are rare. And where else are you looking while playing? Or do you have a 50 inch screen?


                        • #57
                          Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

                          Originally posted by Frank76NL View Post
                          As I stated these situations in wich you talk at the same time are rare. And where else are you looking while playing? Or do you have a 50 inch screen?
                          These situations will not be rare because the whole point of the game is to destroy your enemy. If your in a jet or helicopter, you never are involved with combat that's close to the enemy. But most people are on the ground and fights usually happen at short distance. Therefore, you will be hearing the enemy more than you would like. When I am playing, I am looking forward and in the middle of my screen, not around the edges for information that is not really important.


                          • #58
                            Re: BF3: New VOIP feature?

                            You can see it in your periferals, just like in Counterstrike. This does not seem an isseu to me. That why I made the remark of the big screen. Most people play at such on distance that they can see the entire screen.
                            And if it to much information for you to handle just turn the option off.


                            • #59
                              Let your voices be heard!

                              More votes will produce a more reliable outcome! :salute:


                              • #60
                                I know this is kind of the utopia of BF2 servers, but .. isn't everyone supposed to play in squads? In that case I see no need for anyone to yell at everyone in the vicinity UNLESS:

                                1) It's squad leader to squad and vice versa.

                                2) It's commander to squad leader and vice versa

                                3) It's squad leader to squad leader (in the case that the commander assigns two squads the same order, for instance)

                                Other chat will be mostly unnecessary from a tactical point of view and will only serve as a taunting mechanism.

                                I agree it would be cool, but it's just not needed. And as much as I think I'd enjoy smacktalking to some arse that's been sniping my spawn for 10 minutes, I'd really hate to play a game where you're called noob/hacker/idiot/retard/mongoloid even more than we all already are ... and this time without the option to just not read the chat messages.

                                Maybe I'm a little prejudicial on this, but here in the Netherlands, German clanners have the reputation of being complete pricks to anyone on their server/not in their clan as well as not speaking any language besides German.
                                Being called a jerk is one thing, but being called a jerk in German over voice chat is just wrong

