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EA responds to stats issue

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  • Re: EA responds to stats issue

    Originally posted by Sentience
    No problem. Do also use this thread to suggest any trends or details you've seen, or noticed shortly before the outage kicked in, that might help point to a solution here. At this stage, information that leads to a fix could come from anywhere.

    Here's my feedback: Keep it down.

    Never has BF2 had so much teamwork.:yay:


    • Re: EA responds to stats issue

      How many times do you have to say that?


      • Re: EA responds to stats issue

        Originally posted by Sentience View Post
        To be clear here, you're deifnitely not "only the consumers". You're gamers, like me, and like many of the guys busy working on this. As such, beyond the usual business reasons, we totally appreciate the frustration of missing a key part of the game and want to have this problem fixed as soon as we can.

        The GameSpy/IGN guys are looking hard at this every way they can to try and spot what's causing such a major issue, the moment I hear anything further I'll update you guys as well as the various other Battlefield communities out there.
        Thanks a lot. My point was that the whole affair has been fanned by the silence and failure to recognise the error in the first instance.

        Was more of a vent than anything. I've played the same amount of time I would have had the stats been up and functional so it doesn't bother me too much. It doesn't stop me having fun with the rest of my BF2 squad and for that I'm grateful.

        I hold the chaps at Dice in the highest esteem for the record and I appreciate your replies in this thread as does everyone else. Thanks again.


        • Re: EA responds to stats issue

          Originally posted by 9ff View Post
          IS this a fakin joke ?
          or did i missunderstand this ???

          This is from a EA emploee or something:

          As the one person EA has assigned to the stats problem, all I can ask is that you be patient. I'm still working on trying to figure out what is in fact going on. I am also assigned to multiple projects. I get only an hour or so a day for this specific issue.

          Please refer to your EULA; we are not required to have this problem fixed for you. If it does in fact eventually get fixed, it should be taken as a blessing.

          EDIT: oh sorry ... this is some nub messing around i belive...
          check it here :
          It's a joke, some idiot decided to create a new account with the EA avatar to stir some anger and attract attention - that guy can go to hell.


          • Re: EA responds to stats issue

            I'm a bit surprised that the stats issue hasn't been fixed yet. And I don't see how the stats system can just break by itself. Well, it is possible, but it's been running fine for a long time.


            • Re: EA responds to stats issue

              [QUOTE=dremanu;1484834]In my opinion, it' s highly unlikely that it is an harware problem.QUOTE]

              It was an IP address issue not a Hardware issue and thats the most likely cause of this if everyone is reporting thier servers are running, IP's are not being allowed through. A zillion servers out there which one is bolcking who or what is the hard part of all this.


              • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                Honestly a few days without stats is not going to kill you.


                • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                  Afew days my ***. This is the same song and dance from EA. Make us pay for games they wont support, and then released another to cure the problems.
                  2142 is more hacked than BF2. Sad part about all this is, this is a PURE Sign, that EA/Dice will stop using stats eventually. They are not turning a profit at all, by all the bandwidth they use to support stats system.
                  One EA Support person said it best when BF2142 came out,
                  "Well, now that 2142 is out, we dont have to worry about BF2 so much anymore."
                  Like telling a blind man,theres no train, but he's standing on the tracks of a oncoming one...


                  • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                    Originally posted by dremanu View Post
                    In my opinion, it' s highly unlikely that it is an harware problem.QUOTE]

                    It was an IP address issue not a Hardware issue and thats the most likely cause of this if everyone is reporting thier servers are running, IP's are not being allowed through. A zillion servers out there which one is bolcking who or what is the hard part of all this.
                    I checked, and it shows the last server I played on, which was about two days ago.

                    If this site is drawing it's information from the EA stats server, then I would think this problem is also not an IP issue, since it seems that the d/b server is registering the places you're playing the game in. Therefore, I would continue to say that the problem most likely has to do with the software that is supposed to extract the stats information from the ranked servers, and transfer it to the main d/b.

                    I can only think that the problem exists because someone messed with the
                    code that tells the d/b what kind of information to extract, and where to extract it from, and where to place it.


                    • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                      Originally posted by camperstrike View Post
                      Here's my feedback: Keep it down.

                      Never has BF2 had so much teamwork.:yay:
                      OK Idiot, how do suppose everyone earns rank and recieves unlocks.....? I see you have all the guns and unlocks you need, what, keep it down so others don't excel. Oh yeah, you may actually have to have some competition. Not everyone started playing 2 years ago, maybe some of the n00bies will get good and thump on you a little.

                      Think about what you say before you repeat it 14 times online.

                      LETS GET IT WORKIN AGAIN EH?

                      Originally posted by =SDS=GoD View Post
                      Afew days my ***. This is the same song and dance from EA. Make us pay for games they wont support, and then released another to cure the problems.
                      2142 is more hacked than BF2. Sad part about all this is, this is a PURE Sign, that EA/Dice will stop using stats eventually. They are not turning a profit at all, by all the bandwidth they use to support stats system.
                      One EA Support person said it best when BF2142 came out,
                      "Well, now that 2142 is out, we dont have to worry about BF2 so much anymore."
                      Like telling a blind man,theres no train, but he's standing on the tracks of a oncoming one...
                      Yeah this is also a bunch of bull$#@! 2142 is gay. Lets Make Battlefield STARTREK EDITION---gay.


                      • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                        Originally posted by Commin2uLive View Post
                        OK Idiot, how do suppose everyone earns rank and recieves unlocks.....? I see you have all the guns and unlocks you need, what, keep it down so others don't excel. Oh yeah, you may actually have to have some competition. Not everyone started playing 2 years ago, maybe some of the n00bies will get good and thump on you a little.

                        Think about what you say before you repeat it 14 times online.

                        LETS GET IT WORKIN AGAIN EH?

                        Yeah this is also a bunch of bull$#@! 2142 is gay. Lets Make Battlefield STARTREK EDITION---gay.
                        Wow, do you people keep track of my posts? Can I get a numerical count of how many times I've posted? What's my ratio of "stats suck" posts to "stats rock" posts? Have I earned my post padding badge or do I need to put in 5 more hours? What's the easiest way to put my "Debate Win/Loss" ratio up? Do you think EA could have made the forums a bit less likely to crash? How do I unlock moderator status? I don't like the next VBulletin, it's so easy to unlock extra smileys and they nerfed quick reply so that all the noobs who were slow at typing could be satisfied. I personally think that number of posts only reflects how long you've been on a forum, not how well you write.

                        Oh, and why do my stats not get counted when I post in "Off-Topic"? Is it because the TBF2 server is heavy at weekends? How do I unlock the hidden forums?


                        • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                          If youve never worked in maintence then you dont have a clue about how some problems can be seemingly so easy to spot but still go undetected. (20 years Electrical and electronic maintence is what I do) I haven't done the computer software maintence side but have worked closely with some software guys while trying to solve problems and it can take a joint effort and some time. As long as we keep getting the updates, like we have been, we should just look at this as the practice round and try to sharpen our skills, if possible.

                          I do have some info to pass along to the people working on the problem, I do know that some of the of the internet service providers have changed hands this month, for me it was Bellsouth changing to become part of AT&T which required a modem restart and update. Also Microsoft has issued several security updates, for thier software, this month. This info is probably useless but since no one really knows what the problem is I didnt want to be the one who had the missing info and didnt report it. Good Luck on getting the fix and thanks for the updates. . . . . . . . . . .Red

                          *I did go and check at and it does show, correctly, the last server I played on yesterday. Go figure. . . . .Red


                          • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                            Seems like they could of solved any hack or what ever the problem is by now, but then again i donno.

                            Maybe its like gas prices, they get u used to payin 3 buks a gallon after a while u think its normal, no stats for a while maybe there hopin it will fizz out, i donno, it does take away from the game i think without the stats.

                            Im amazed ubi soft or some other gaming company isn't copying the live stats, or maybe they are if so i dont know of it, i only heard of it in bf2

                            anyway it suks without the pooints but the game is still cool


                            • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                              updated answer notified by email:


                              • Re: EA responds to stats issue

                                Originally posted by camperstrike View Post
                                Here's my feedback: Keep it down.

                                Never has BF2 had so much teamwork.:yay:
                                lucky you, our clan server doesnt get much people in since last friday its the weekend and its empty usually it would be filled by this time

