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Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

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  • #61
    Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

    Originally posted by Bradley View Post
    ^^ ZOMG LOL ROFL!!!! Haha it's So ffunny how people complain about everything even though we love the thing we complain about!!!!!

    Yeah tha's with me, I just have 10k till I get my last two unlocks.

    Then I will play for fun, or I just go on unranked servers and have fun.

    Oh and with xfire I got a bunch of new friends, so BF2 is WAY more fun then just getting points, because you're playing with a friend!!!!!
    I got stopped short of my last 2 unlocks due to that blasted rank glitch.
    My progress bars been sitting at ful for like..3 months. kind of annoying, but, due to that, I sort of have no choice but to play for fun lol. It's all good I still enjoy it. plus the last 2 unlocks I could take or leave anyway.


    • #62
      Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

      Originally posted by AlphaCueUp View Post
      its teh points!!!!!

      and teh awards/badges/ribbons and othervirtual trinkets that almost look pretty...

      its almost like crack...

      i play for fun....i really do think its a fun game with so much more to offer than any other FPS game

      HAHA, OMG so funny but so ture.

      Trinkets!! what kind of word is that?? HHAAHA


      • #63
        Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

        I play it because, at the moment, there is nothing else to play. When Crysis, Frontlines and Quake Wars are out, it`s goodbye to BF2.


        • #64
          Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

          I play this game since it's fun. In my opinion, we are not complaining because this is a bad game and the only game for the genre. On the contrary, we are complaining because since this game is great, just about any flaws cannot be tolerated. We love the game, yet we're not ranting because we hate it, but so that we can somehow improve it.

          There's a huge potential for this game yet we are disappointed that EA/DICE has not tried to achieve such mark.

          Let's be honest, none of us hates this game for itself right?


          • #65
            Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

            No we don't hate the game, we just hate the bugs in the game, and the seemingly apathetic game developer who refuses to fix the bugs that the community is most concerned about.


            • #66
              Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

              I just recently purchased this game (the complete battlefield ed.). It is ok but.... since I got into it so late I'm so behind everyone else that their in game experience pwns me.

              It really isn't all that tactical and there is very little team work that goes on. The people that rule are always just run and gun rambos. Quake 2 and Half-life still are the best class base fps ever made and they were free mods!!

              What really bothers me is that this game has been out for a while and EA still doesn't "fix" what the community wants. I don't think I'll buy another EA online fps game again.


              • #67
                Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                BF2 is pretty much deathmatch now.


                • #68
                  Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                  Originally posted by ent|ty
                  BF2 is pretty much deathmatch now.

                  lol pretty much......i was gonna make a map that had only two uncaps, and tons of spawn points....ticket loss through kills that would be team deathmatch alright......they should have released something like this as an added gamemode.....doesnt seem to difficult if i can do it :P


                  • #69
                    Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                    Originally posted by (TM)KillJoy View Post
                    "A Soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon"
                    - Napolean Boneparte -
                    BEST BF2 quote EVER!


                    • #70
                      Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                      Originally posted by Latexbullet View Post
                      Every BF2 forum is full of the same complaints: bad hitboxes, too many hackers and cheaters, bunny-hopping bull-****, inaccurate cones of fire, poor teamwork and players who'll kill you for a pilot's seat, lag, and, of course, snipers.

                      What's so good about this game that we complain about its myriad faults but keep coming back?
                      simply because, and some may not like to admit it,
                      WE LOVE IT!:yay:


                      • #71
                        Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                        I don't think it's because we love it, there just isn't much of an alternate choice of this type of game. As soon as another game comes out, you'll see a mass Exodus from BF2 to the other game.

                        I can tell you right now, if there was other games out with similar play BF2, but improved, I'd have already left BF2 already.


                        • #72
                          Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                          What do cigarettes and Bf2 have in common? THEY ARE ADDICTING!!!

                          (no I don't smoke and don't want to)


                          • #73
                            Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                            Well I for one still enjoy playing this game


                            • #74
                              Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                              Originally posted by ent|ty View Post
                              I don't think it's because we love it, there just isn't much of an alternate choice of this type of game. As soon as another game comes out, you'll see a mass Exodus from BF2 to the other game.

                              I can tell you right now, if there was other games out with similar play BF2, but improved, I'd have already left BF2 already.
                              Good luck of finding a game that plays like BF2 only better. The alternative is Armed Assault, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're sticking to BF2.


                              • #75
                                Re: Why the hell do we keep playing BF2?

                                That's what I said. I'm only playing BF2 because I don't really have an alternate choice.

