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Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

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  • #91
    Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

    Originally posted by brianthebold

    You say I am whining? all I did was say my viewpoint on the matter, and instantly got insulted by people that think my viewpoint is wrong.
    At least they had differing viewpoints, I got bashed for having the same views, just expressing it differently. Anyway, I'm gonna go kick meh dawg, n shuut mah sister/wife, then hav a c00rs and fillup the ol' pickup.


    • #92
      Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

      Sounds like a plan bud. Get rid of the coors though, have a jack daniels/coke cocktail.


      • #93
        Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

        Not really, I just feel this has gotten out of hand and people are actually getting mad. I like to keep a cool and dilluded situation


        • #94
          Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

          Originally posted by Touch my balls
          I am in CAL, but I do know what I am talking about, sorry.
          I am not in CAL, but I do know what I'm talking about

          Proud pub scrub owning CAL noobs for years


          • #95
            Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

            Originally posted by ent|ty
            I am not in CAL, but I do know what I'm talking about

            Proud pub scrub owning CAL noobs for years
            Glad you are confident in what you know, but ahh yea, I am actually playing on this account tonight, come own the CAL noob.

