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Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

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  • #76
    Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

    Originally posted by Frosty289
    So I read the 1st, and second page, as everything turned into BS. But I completely and totally agree with the 1st and 2nd post; very well said and put.
    This post is also a pretty good read.


    • #77
      Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

      Originally posted by Garabaldi
      This post is also a pretty good read.
      You started this thread, seeming to ask a question, IE, the poll. But all you did was be pretentious as fvck, and try to shove your view down peoples throats. I do not play your mod, so I must be a bad stat addicted player right? Because I do not feel like wasting my time downloading something that probably will not appeal to me, its all about the stats.

      Admins, please lock this, and put it in the vault. My thread would get locked if I came out all pretentious, and shoved my view that stats are the only thing keeping half the players on, because the replies would be terrible, and insulting, just like this thread.


      • #78
        Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

        Originally posted by brianthebold
        You started this thread, seeming to ask a question, IE, the poll. But all you did was be pretentious as fvck, and try to shove your view down peoples throats. I do not play your mod, so I must be a bad stat addicted player right? Because I do not feel like wasting my time downloading something that probably will not appeal to me, its all about the stats.

        Admins, please lock this, and put it in the vault. My thread would get locked if I came out all pretentious, and shoved my view that stats are the only thing keeping half the players on, because the replies would be terrible, and insulting, just like this thread.
        Now you're just being silly.

        You people seem to be more concerned with the fact that I have a blue Project Reality Mod Team underneath my name than any of the poignant posts which I raised. I don't even think I've mentioned PR once throughout this entire thread.

        This is a discussion forum. Judging from the amount of posts within this thread, I beleive this thread has had, thus far, a good discussion, and has the potential for an even better discussion if people would stop acting like children.

        I'm not shoving my opinion down anybody's throat either. I'm simply stating it.


        • #79
          Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

          No it has not been a good discussion, just you and others like you trying to start crap. We all know the scoring system is not going away, there is nothing to do about it. So why even talk about it, all it is is you complaining.

          I am done with this thread, we have different opinions, and I do not like how you put yours out there. Holier than thou is never a good attitude to have Garabaldi.


          • #80
            Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

            I think it gives you something to work forward to but it does more harm then good.


            • #81
              Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

              Ok maybe we all can agree that bf2 is a lot prettier on the eyes and is a nice game but maybe gameplay and the word FUN has taken a bit hit for stats and the problems that come with the system.

              Personally ive always been into the mods rather than vanilla bf2 and im not happy they have made it harder for them and put a kind of devide in the community??.

              I dont like stats that can be hacked,exploited but what can we do?

              but its very interesting that people .inc ME think that mods like DC and POE bfv are still on par with bf2

              bf2 POE in australia isnt doing so well and i dont no why i like it alot:cry:


              • #82
                Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                No it has not been a good discussion, just you and others like you trying to start crap.

                Thus far, I think many people have raised poignant points, with the exception of a few, of crouse.

                We all know the scoring system is not going away
                That doesn't mean we can't discuss it. One can never prove or disprove the existence of a high being (God), but that doesn't mean staunch atheists and theists will not discuss it.

                So why even talk about it, all it is is you complaining.
                I am complaining because I think the stat tracking system has had a negative affect on the game, and community. Apparently, you don't share that opinion, which I can respect.

                Holier than thou is never a good attitude to have Garabaldi.
                Not sure when I seemed to appear "holier than thou", but it certainly wasn't intentional if that was the case.

                This thread has much potential for a good discussion, but some people need to stop the childish name calling of others whom may not think the exact same way as they do.


                • #83
                  Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                  Basically, get off your high horse. You are no better than anyone else who's opinion differs than yours. Your method of BOLDING out your OPINION is childish, as am I for calling it that. And that is why I am done with this lame thread.


                  • #84
                    Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                    You are no better than anyone else who's opinion differs than yours.
                    I don't dispute that, and never claimed that to be true.

                    Your method of BOLDING out your OPINION is childish
                    The bolding was intended only to emphasize certain points. I hardly see that as childish.

                    PM me if you feel the need to contine to be disparaging.


                    • #85
                      Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                      Garabaldi, dont even try. Mature discussion on the Total forums is completely impossible.


                      • #86
                        Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                        Originally posted by raidyr
                        Garabaldi, dont even try. Mature discussion on the Total forums is completely impossible.

                        Thus far, I think the majority of people whom have decided to respond have been mature and articulate (with a few exceptions, of course).

                        I think we should at least try .


                        • #87
                          Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                          Originally posted by Dairuka
                          It took me a month before I realized that BF2 wasn't Battlefield: Karkand.

                          Once I realized that, I forever swore to avoid the stage like the plague it is.
                          But yet you have a bit over 93 hours on it? Your second most played map to Jalalabad. Hm?

                          Anyways you made some really good points in your post. But I do enjoy playing Karkand because I love the urban style of fighting in I/O, if BF2 made some other great street fighting maps I would probally play them also not just Karand.


                          • #88
                            Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                            Garabaldi, dont even try. Mature discussion on the Total forums is completely impossible.
                            And I thought that was going to be negative at first! I don't really want to dive into this discussion but much enjoy reading people getting obnoxiously pissed off at the civilized people. Anyways, I don't like stats. My view has been expressed, I now ask for my wine.


                            • #89
                              Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                              Originally posted by Frosty289
                              And I thought that was going to be negative at first! I don't really want to dive into this discussion but much enjoy reading people getting obnoxiously pissed off at the civilized people. Anyways, I don't like stats. My view has been expressed, I now ask for my wine.
                              it can be quite entertaining


                              • #90
                                Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                                Ok, I said I was done, but you people are being idiotic. Just because you do not like stats does not mean that people that do are whining, when all we have done is express our viewpoints. You say your way of doing it is civilized Frosty and yaidyr? Just by saying "we feel this way, so it is right, no matter that it is just an opinion"

                                You say I am whining? all I did was say my viewpoint on the matter, and instantly got insulted by people that think my viewpoint is wrong.

                                Then, I said "Nobody is right or wrong on this matter, it is a matter of opinion" I got lambasted for being a whiner again. Wow, I am the uncivilized one.

                                *edit* misspellings.

