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Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

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  • #31
    Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

    I don't mean to be a ****, but why does everyone give a f*uck about how others get their points, who nade spams, who claymores spams... I really don't understand why people keep making threads about Strike of Karkand is the easiest map to get points, too much nade spam and so forth. If you don't like it, just don't play it! Such an easy solution.

    On the other hand, I really enjoy Karkand (not because I nade/claymore spam). I also play infantry only because I'm sick of jets whores wiping out your entire map.

    Point is, stop worrying and making new threads about how others get their points and worry about yourself only.


    • #32
      Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

      I don't mean to be a ****, but why does everyone give a f*uck about how others get their points
      Because ultimately, it affects the entire community. Due to a large majroty of BF2 players lust for points, the map which facilitates points, makes it hard to find a server which has any other map in its rotation.

      Many people didn't buy BF2 for IO Karkand, and only IO Karkand, but they are forced to suffer though it, because only a small portion of the BF2 community ventures out of Karkand.

      If you don't like it, just don't play it! Such an easy solution.
      I haven't! Heck, I haven't even touched vBF2 for months now.

      I also play infantry only because I'm sick of jets whores wiping out your entire map.
      Learn to adapt and overcome. The severe inability for the majority of BF2 players to do exactly that has lead to thise incessant Karkand playing.

      Like I outlines in my original post, BF2 follows a rock,paper,scissor combt system, in which every weapon or vehicle has another weapon or vehicle which can counter it, and even these weapons and vehicles have others which can counter them.. it is circular, leading to everything having something which can counter it.

      People would rather simpy eliminate the thing which they deem as a threat, than actually make an attempt to adapt and overcome. If a jet is bothering you, it's likely because nobody has bothered to enter an AA emplacement or vehicle. If that AA vehicle is bothering you, it's likely because nobody has bothered to play the AT kit, a kit which is designed specifically for dealing with heavy and light armored threats.

      Point is, stop worrying and making new threads about how others get their points and worry about yourself only.
      I brought up this issue because it has a, I believe, negative affect on the game and community.

      Besides, what good is a discussion forum if we are not allowed to openly discuss .


      • #33
        Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

        I couldn't agree more with the OP.

        The stats system that was shipped with BF2 has made a lot of the player base completly stat, badge and rank orientated. Doing so took away the prospective possibility of having a teamwork orientated game on a day to day basis. Not only this they also screwed over the mod designers as I think Garbaldi mentioned.

        Great Thread.


        • #34
          Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

          See sig.................


          • #35
            Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

            Originally posted by Touch my balls
            See sig.................
            As if it has anything to do with it. Another example of someone who just skimmed through the topic title and thinks he can post something that changes the whole world with 2 words.

            Nobody cares about your stats, my stats or the next mans stats. There are occasional Volx fanbois here, but thats just a sad Darwin case. What the topics main concern is, is that people tend to play more selfishly when they know that what they do right now, gets recorded and sticks with them. This in turn alters the overall gameplay experience, and usually, almost always for the worse.

            If you are a "speshul" exception, yay for you, but generally, experience shows that people do play for themselves.


            • #36
              Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

              Originally posted by Monkmonkman
              Have you ever played bf2 or cs before?
              Why, yes I have. Have you ever watched a match of CS with the hitboxes turned on? They are insane. Sometimes, people that are not even moving's hitboxes are stretched 6 inches across the screen. It is ridiculous. I notice you did not include the hacking part. I would bet my house that CS has a higher percentage of hackers, and guess what? It is not ranked.

              Saying that stats ruined BF is stupid. I know many, many people that play as a team, and work together. Just because you cannot find any good people to play with apparently, does not mean that they are not out there.

              As I said before, I play unranked, and even singleplayer all the time. I have a great time with it, but I do enjoy having something keeping track of how I do, and see how I improve with time.

              This is a stupid thing to argue about, as it is all personal opinion, nobody can say "it is a fact that the scoring system has ruined the battlefield series" So it is a moot point.

              *EDIT* to quote the OP
              "BF2 would be the exact same game without stat tracking. The difference would likely be a more thriving mod community, and generally less exploiting and generally less ***-hattery.

              In the long run, I think the ranking system has done more harm then good." /quote

              What about CS? that game has hacks, and over half the players are complete jack***s. Have you ever played it? Nobody works as a team in CS, they all just sit there with there one uber weapon, and cry like little punks when they die.


              • #37
                Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                Why, yes I have. Have you ever watched a match of CS with the hitboxes turned on? They are insane. Sometimes, people that are not even moving's hitboxes are stretched 6 inches across the screen. It is ridiculous. I notice you did not include the hacking part. I would bet my house that CS has a higher percentage of hackers, and guess what? It is not ranked.
                BF2's core gameplay would remain the same without the inclusion of a stat tracking system. Removing this minscule feature would not affect BF2's hitboxes either. There is absolutely no correlation between the two.

                Saying that stats ruined BF is stupid. I know many, many people that play as a team, and work together. Just because you cannot find any good people to play with apparently, does not mean that they are not out there.
                I do not dispute that there are decent players out there. Unfortunately, these players make up the minority.


                • #38
                  Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                  I was not saying the hitboxes would change. I was refuting somebodies claim that CS has better detection and hitboxes than BF2.

                  As I said before, it is a personal opinion, I like to have stats, you apparently do not, neither of us are right. I do not play mods, because I enjoy the base game, and apparently you are all upset because you think stats make people not want to play your mod. While that may be true in some cases, in mine it is not. I am sure your mod is fun and all, but I really would rather play the game as it was made, not somebody elses view of reality.

                  *EDIT* Yes, I guess I am saying I like the "arcade shooter" aspect of the game. It makes it more fun for me, and apparently most people. Yes it is not realistic to get shot, and have someone throw you a med pack that instantly heals you, but you know what? NOBODY CARES IF IT IS NOT REALISTIC! IT is a game. I will not insult you for wanting to play a "more realistic" version of a game, and I expect you not to insult me for wanting the "arcadey" version.


                  • #39
                    Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                    CS has better hit detection, unless were talking about CSS. Im watching my brother play CS 1.6 frequently. Quality difference is apalling. Every time he watches me play BF2 hes laughing at the game, and the punity I show trying to kill people regardless of the smokepuffs.

                    There are contradicting videos on the net. Ive seen one where people shoot indeed behind targets to hit them. Then theres videos that show the hitbox mesh lag behind the targets, yet when people aim at the targets, they kill them nonetheless. In BF2, everyone knows how ****ed up things are. I still remember metallicas video on when he hunted that tank gunner LOL.


                    • #40
                      Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                      CS is just as bad, I have played about 30 hours of 1.6, and about 20 of CS:S. Trust me, I have aimed right at somebody that was not moving's head, the bullet hit the wall BEHIND the guys head, went right through. And no, I did not miss, he was sitting still, and I had 3 seconds to use the scope....


                      • #41
                        Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                        this is what i seen when i herd of the point system=

                        points bring hacks which means it brings explioters =which mean it brings tards=which means the beloved game u knew as 42 has become a bit of a circus:laugh:

                        not to mention those people who get 4000 points a day or rounds of 400-500 points every single time.exploiters and cheats i say

                        so if u want ranks you bloody well beta police it good for people loved 42


                        • #42
                          Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                          Originally posted by xRAMBOx
                          this is what i seen when i herd of the point system=

                          points bring hacks which means it brings explioters =which mean it brings tards=which means the beloved game u knew as 42 has become a bit of a circus:laugh:
                          YOU ARE DEAD WRONG! I do not see how people can think that the stats system is why people cheat. EVERY SINGLE online game has people that freaking hack. People do not hack so they have uber stats, they hack so that they can have there sick, stupid "fun" of being better than everyone else. People in other games that do not have stats hack all the damn time. Just because some idiots with superiority complexes feel the need to hack, does not mean the damn stats are the blame, it is the morons that do it.

                          You people are just like the people that say "Oh guns are evil, they should be outlawed" when it is the PERSON that does it. /Rant.


                          • #43
                            Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                            Originally posted by bd,
                            I don't mean to be a ****, but why does everyone give a f*uck about how others get their points, who nade spams, who claymores spams... I really don't understand why people keep making threads about Strike of Karkand is the easiest map to get points, too much nade spam and so forth. If you don't like it, just don't play it! Such an easy solution.
                            It's bigger then "caring" about how some one gets their points. Personally I don't care what your points are or how you get them. It's when segments of the community play exclusively for points. It alters the course of how the game could play out.

                            Imagine if your local YMCA gave gold stars for jump shots. Kids would never pass the ball, as soon as they got it they'd throw up a brick. It's the same concept. Point players have bought into the watching of leader boards and their own stats as the motivation to play. Thus the heavily played SAK map.

                            If SAK's key to winning was only the Hotel to Square battle , then so be it, frag away. I'm strictly an "out of the box" advocate, if you can do it, then it's OK (TKing , hacking and glitching being the exceptions). It's the additional individual incentive that changes the course of the game title (BF2) for the worse.

                            Has it "ruined" BF2? No, that's too drastic a word IMO. Has it deterred the ultimate potential of the title, I say yes.

                            Originally posted by bdm
                            Point is, stop worrying and making new threads about how others get their points and worry about yourself only.
                            Are you arguing my point or yours with that statement? Are you assuming I care about another players point accumulation because of my own? I couldn't tell you within 10,000 GPs what mine is, I have no idea. Because I don't follow them. I don't follow other players either. It's the cumulative effect of a segment playing this way that's the brunt of my objection with the stats system. Not how the points are accumulated.

                            Although this is an issue with point getters, which is ironic. Many who attempt to use their stats to compare themselves to others want a more accurate representation of points across the community as a whole. Your more likely to find another "point getter" complaining about a players actions in a Karkand server then some one like me who could care less about GPs or KDs.

                            I can go play big maps which I do. It's the effect on the entire game's potential that is my objection. It's not how many are earned and how fast, it's the process of doing so that is my beef.

                            I don't "only worry about myself". If I did I'd play offline games. I play online games to play with people. Worrying about them is one of the aspects of multi-player games. Multi-player isn't only the guy at the end your iron site, it's also your teammate. A lot of point getters (not all of them) have forgotten this, in a frenzy to get points.

                            I think the vast majority of players who play with their points very much in mind are good players. They range from the fairly selfish to good teammates that are just some what point conscious.

                            But it doesn't take a large segment of the population to alter game play for the worse. Imagine if 10% of the driving public had no qualms about what they did on the roads. Sure you'd make it work some days with on incidents, but that small percentage could completely alter your driving experience.


                            • #44
                              Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                              point system means less mods or a harder job for mod teams also so people who say not are in the 25% side of the poll atm

                              its just a smart nerd who said EA u will make more money this way


                              • #45
                                Re: Has the persistent scoring system ruined the Battlefield franchise?

                                Originally posted by brianthebold
                                Why, yes I have. Have you ever watched a match of CS with the hitboxes turned on? They are insane. Sometimes, people that are not even moving's hitboxes are stretched 6 inches across the screen. It is ridiculous.
                                no, thats were they show, but if you shoot at there player models, the hitboxes will snap back to the body. It just has to do with how the game was made.

                                Originally posted by brianthebold
                                I notice you did not include the hacking part. I would bet my house that CS has a higher percentage of hackers, and guess what? It is not ranked.
                                Thats why I didn't include it idot. 90% of people hack for fun, so that doesn't prove anything anyway.

                                Originally posted by brianthebold
                                Saying that stats ruined BF is stupid. I know many, many people that play as a team, and work together. Just because you cannot find any good people to play with apparently, does not mean that they are not out there.

                                As I said before, I play unranked, and even singleplayer all the time. I have a great time with it, but I do enjoy having something keeping track of how I do, and see how I improve with time.
                                Yea, but most people do it so they can say that they are better, rather then look how they have improved over time.

