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Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

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  • #76
    Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

    the only problem with WW1 is that it would have to be incredibly spacific battles to be fun. battles that took place in forests and small towns that were out of the ordinary for WW1. Although, it would be interesting to see how 64 players duked it out over a huge killing zone between 2 trenches, which is how most of WW1 was characterized.


    • #77
      Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

      Originally posted by GMEM1991
      WW2 is my favourite war! of course I'll play it, but I dont think BF3 will be WW2 .. and BTW BF2142 is BF3 (or was it BF4) and the next BF is BF Bad Company for PS3 and Xbox360 !!!11!!!
      It would be funny if the next BF will be in the Medieval age!! with archers and knights
      Medievel age, lol...all equipped with arrows and swords, cars=horses...LOL!


      • #78
        Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

        *coghs* bf 1942 *coughs*


        • #79
          Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

          I would vote for a Korean war game or A better Vietnam, but ask yourself how many WW2 games are out there

          IM SICK OF 'EM
          completely sick of them
          no no no.


          • #80
            Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

            Hello, welcome to earth. :hi:

            Let me tell you about the best PC game ever made... :


            • #81
              Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

              if they make a world war 2 bf game again it BETTER have to maps based on the japanses invasion of alaska, i mean how could to first invasion of american soil since 1812 be so overlooked?

              Originally posted by JTF2_darkloop
              I would vote for a Korean war game or A better Vietnam, but ask yourself how many WW2 games are out there

              IM SICK OF 'EM
              completely sick of them
              no no no.
              i just want to see the alaskan front in a WW2 game then im good, but i know what you mean about vietnam, bfv was good n all but its a 4/5 not 5/5 llike other bf games.

              it didnt get done justice at all and really needs another chance.


              • #82
                Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                Originally posted by DarkPepe
                I wonder... the strongest rumour is: BF3 will bf a MMOFPS... but this poll is to know if you will play a WWII based Battlefield 3 (like 42) but with a new engine, graphics and more gamplay options.

                Post your opinions.
                No, I hate WWII based games. There are already way too many of them available on the market. Enough of the WWII genre already.


                • #83
                  Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                  Originally posted by ent|ty
                  No, I hate WWII based games. There are already way too many of them available on the market. Enough of the WWII genre already.
                  I agree. WWII is dead and gone.

                  Modern Combat is where it's at...but I don't expect to see another from Dice/EA.

                  We all know how 2142 ended up.

                  I really wonder exactly what they're going to do with the BF series. An MMOFPS would be great, but who knows what kind of gameplay we'll see. I'd like to see something futuristic(not 2142, that's fantasy IMO), but something like 'Advanced Warfighter' style weapons(the ACR is kick@$$). More emphasis on actual military combat, less point-whore-cone-of-fire-style-arcade-FPS, more squad-based-teamplay-vehicles-actually-matter. The infantry in BF is lackluster.


                  • #84
                    Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                    hell yea, 1942 was the best days of my gaming life

                    true story


                    • #85
                      Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                      Either WWII or Modern again, future sucks.


                      • #86
                        Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                        a world war one game would get really boring really fast. the naval aspect would be the shiz but infantry would suck. imagine trench warfare. youre all in these crappy holes in the ground with artillery falling everywhere and machine guns blazing over your head - so basically youd move and die. youre entire team would have to make one huge coordinated assault on the enemy trench and 1. we all know how hard it is to get even 2 people to agree to do something and 2. you still stand a good chance of being wiped out by machine gun fire/artillery fire/mustard gas/influenza (for those who dont know there was an influenza epidemic in 1918) and then what? while your waiting to respawn the other team rushes over to your trench and either caps it or spawn camps you the rest of the game. the planes would be slow as hell and lightly armed at best. but omgz ZEPPELINS!!!!!!! what would be more fun than flying a 500 foot ball of highly explosive gas that has a top speed of 30mph (maybe) that dies with one hit? as funny as it would be to scream HINDENBERG!!!!!! across the map everytime it happened it wouldnt make for very good game play. id like to see something reminescent(sp) of desert combat from bf1942 or if EA wants to make my die and go to heaven a remake of BF'NAM.


                        • #87
                          Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                          We never here anything about the Chinese in WW2 games....they were equally engaged in war with Japan and a game about it would bring something new to the table....

                          Also, WW1 naval action is VERY was the pinnicle of Naval combat and there nothing like it.

                          Believe me-


                          • #88
                            Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                            Originally posted by jimtool655321
                            WWII is more played out in games than Star Wars.
                            How about Star Wars characters fighting in WW2 battlefields?
                            Or WW2 armies fighting in Star Wars scenes.

                            Yeah, too far


                            • #89
                              Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                              Originally posted by ronnie c.
                              a world war one game would get really boring really fast. the naval aspect would be the shiz but infantry would suck. imagine trench warfare. youre all in these crappy holes in the ground with artillery falling everywhere and machine guns blazing over your head - so basically youd move and die.
                              The Western Front wasn't the only one and some of the others were not so static. Even on the relatively static fronts there could be movement at the level of a BF-series map. Also, have you tried the BF1918 mod for BF1942? It's pretty good. WWI-era tanks, armored cars, and towed arty in addition to the infantry combat.


                              • #90
                                Re: Will You play a WWII based Battlefied Game (BF2, 4, 5, etc)?

                                WW2 is over used Modernwar is much more fun.

