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Does the handling of BF2 affect your future purchase of 2142?

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  • #46
    Re: Does the handling of BF2 affect your future purchase of 2142?

    Originally posted by Max_Cavalera
    BE LIKE THAT, YOU ARE trippin'
    OMFG BF2 may as well be beta !:laugh:


    • #47
      Re: Does the handling of BF2 affect your future purchase of 2142?

      I voted Neutral because it isn't really going to affect my decision to buy BF2142 but it sure has made me look for other options. Unfortunately none of them are exactly what I want so I'm going to stick with the BF series and give 2142 a try.

      BF2 used to be one of my favourite games ever when it was pretty stable but since then it's become basically unplayable for me with server crashes, CTDs a lag. I'm still hoping that this is because of DICE Canada and that DICE Sweden will be able to make another great game. Hopefully they will get to patch it themselves this time or even better it won't need patching (yeah I know I'm dreaming).

      If BF2142 gets screwed over like BF2 then I'll be pretty sceptical about buying DICE, and to a lesser extent EA products, in the future.


      • #48
        Re: Does the handling of BF2 affect your future purchase of 2142?

        Lol, just watch; as soon as they get to touch the open Beta, they'll all go running out to buy the game.


        • #49
          Re: Does the handling of BF2 affect your future purchase of 2142?

          Originally posted by Forest

          Here's my situation:

          I played the demo for bf2, I had fun.
          I bought bf2, I had fun.

          Logic dictates that my purchasing habits rely on the resulting factor: Fun. If bf2142 in the demo provides this 'fun' and I see it as a worthy investment, I will buy bf2142. Unlike the general TotalBF2 populace I don't base my judgements on ill-informed rants on companies and games that they in reality know nothing about.

          Sorry if that's too much reason for one post.
          Since we’re in the sharing mood, allow me to share mine.

          Played the demo, like it.
          Bought the game, okay few bugs, but still playable. Still like it
          Faulty patches, poor support, bug list is getting longer with no end in sight. Started to get annoyed.
          Constant crashing, hit boxes not registering, red/blue bug. Fed up, started to play mods.

          Though we have similar logic and purchasing habits (play demo+fun= SOLD), sometimes it might backfires. as you can see above, my experience playing bf2 have been on the downslide since it was released.

          People base their judgments on experience, and use common sense to stay away or continue to deal with those companies. From the list above, common sense tells me to stay away from buying future bf series.

          Here is a reminder for the people waiting to play the demo. Play bf2 with out the patches, then install the patches and play it. It’s like night and day, and the changes are for the worse not better imo.

          I’m becoming more pro 2142 these days, why you might ask? I’m hoping all the kiddies (no offense Forest) will convert and leave bf2 forever. Take care and good riddance.

