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Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

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  • #31
    Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

    Originally posted by Chris_Redfield

    Not tactics. Fact is, F35B is not a dogfighter. Its a missile magnet and against the MiG and J10, the pilot in F35B has to have exceptional skills. Which is why I fly that thing whenever I can.
    I play Oman everyday. Almost everyone knows the F-35 is a missile magnet, it has a wider turn radius, and for some weird reason its missiles miss more than they hit. I can't tell you how many times I have been behind a Su with some noob pilot only to watch my missiles just fly passed or bounce off. It's maddening. It's the worst plane in the game.

    I have almost no fear of them when I'm flying. However, I occasionally, while in a MiG or Su, will get raped by a guy in the F-35 no matter what I do. Usually, a tight turn or sharp loop is enough to keep the F-35 at bay, but some of these guys have figured out a way around that. I don't care if you have steady hands, when a MiG or Su banks hard, 9 times out of 10 the F-35 loses lock because it can't match the turn radius of those two, yet when I do that, as well as dropping flares, I occasionally still get taken down. What's the trick?


    • #32
      Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

      Originally posted by PlaneWhore
      Well while you've been piloting in these pro pilot private servers you know what I've been doing? Playing infantry on a 64 player public server. In fact I've flown a plane total of maybe a couple of hours in the past 4 months. Even then with being being so badly out of practice I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you won't touch me. Odd isn't it? Sounds like I have an ace up my sleeve or something.
      We'll see, can you wait? I'm really looking forward to it as I want to see how good I am against someone who is a good pilot. I keep knocking them down so I want to see if I am good.

      Originally posted by motorboatJones
      I play Oman everyday. Almost everyone knows the F-35 is a missile magnet, it has a wider turn radius, and for some weird reason its missiles miss more than they hit. I can't tell you how many times I have been behind a Su with some noob pilot only to watch my missiles just fly passed or bounce off. It's maddening. It's the worst plane in the game.

      I have almost no fear of them when I'm flying. However, I occasionally, while in a MiG or Su, will get raped by a guy in the F-35 no matter what I do. Usually, a tight turn or sharp loop is enough to keep the F-35 at bay, but some of these guys have figured out a way around that. I don't care if you have steady hands, when a MiG or Su banks hard, 9 times out of 10 the F-35 loses lock because it can't match the turn radius of those two, yet when I do that, as well as dropping flares, I occasionally still get taken down. What's the trick?

      Reverse engines throttle up hit the burners to regain speed lost. Mostly in the F-35 it's being an opportunist.


      • #33
        Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

        I would like to see this movie...and Planwhore you should fight against Colony too...he is allways bragging that he owns everybody with an f-35.


        • #34
          Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

          Dude, where are you located? I'm in Amsterdam where will we meet to play??


          • #35
            Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

            Originally posted by motorboatJones
            I play Oman everyday. Almost everyone knows the F-35 is a missile magnet, it has a wider turn radius, and for some weird reason its missiles miss more than they hit. I can't tell you how many times I have been behind a Su with some noob pilot only to watch my missiles just fly passed or bounce off. It's maddening. It's the worst plane in the game.

            I have almost no fear of them when I'm flying. However, I occasionally, while in a MiG or Su, will get raped by a guy in the F-35 no matter what I do. Usually, a tight turn or sharp loop is enough to keep the F-35 at bay, but some of these guys have figured out a way around that. I don't care if you have steady hands, when a MiG or Su banks hard, 9 times out of 10 the F-35 loses lock because it can't match the turn radius of those two, yet when I do that, as well as dropping flares, I occasionally still get taken down. What's the trick?
            EDIT: Mouse/KB/JS? What do you use?

            I divide a turn (loop) into 3 parts. The start, the middile and the end. F35B will lose the MiG from its sight in the first part of the turn, the Su will be lost by the end of the second part. To prolongue the time which you have a visual on the OpFor, you have to slow down. My best advice is, fly F35B with throttle set at 90%-95% so your cruise speed is somewhere around ~800. This way, you will keep distance in a turn, and as such, youll have a longer lock-window. PLUS, youll decelerate faster if you need to.

            There are 3 possible ways to chase a MiG/Su into a turn. One, the easiest way, turn as soon as you see them turn, at full throttle. This is the easiest way to lose the MiG from your sights because youll significantly overshoot by the end of the 1st stage of a turn.

            Second method is the same, you turn as soon as you see them turn, but you slow down a littlebit. Youll lose the target just the same.

            Third method is path aligning, which I use a lot. I dont follow a plane by visual, I use its contrails as "highway" on which I align myself. I will get a missile lock at the start of the first phaze of the turn and somewhere at the second/third phaze. Note that Im talking about a turn here, not a straight, vertical loop. But this method works with loops aswell, just less effectively because chasing without using external views or pre-spotting is extremely hard.

            Forth method, which Sir Blades has demonstrated on video works great, and is somewhat the easiest and packs a good result. Its great against pilots who use vertical loop as their primary evasion method. Basically, youre behind the target and you create some distance. Engage into a missile lock and watch them pull up. Now, you have to shoot off missiles so that you have a constant lock on them, and they stay at the bottom part of your missile lock circle. Ive used this method before, but never systematically, as in, I never used it purposely. Sir Blades in his vide demonstrated its effectiveness against J10s.

            So why a MiG, especially a Su can keep you in missile lock and decimate you? Reason is, distance. They are far away and they just adjust their nose with your movements. Problem is, youre way too fast, so they stay behind. Youre toast. Im not saying that you have to fly at 700 KPH. Im just saying that try to maneuver so that they are as close to you as possible. This will achieve 2 goals. One, they are going to try to get EVEN CLOSER themselves, because they will try to use cannons. Two, youll fly through their screens a lot, leaving no time for missile lock, not that you have to use F35Bs main strenght here, which is its agility, its superior roll speed. This works especially well against the Su (using superior roll speed, so you make multiple maneuvers)

            Note that this isnt dogfighting bible. This is just something Ive picked up and am trying to use. F35B is still a heartbreaking missile magnet, and its turn radius is way too big.


            • #36
              Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

              Your method of getting right behind them and firing all 6 missles and guns is faulty and inefficient and WILL NOT work on a good pilot.

              However I have a (imo) MUCH better method. Lead the missles with the nose of the F35 and they WILL hit, even in a REALLY tight turn. Takes practice, but I have taken out experienced J10 pilots a LOT. Its a fast engagement style, with no stalking or hiding. For your method (which EVERYONE knows about btw) you have to follow for like 3 minutes before they might go straight. My method engages for like 3 or 4 seconds, and by the end of that, they are usually dead.

              Even the vid Redfield is talking about isnt even that good. ALL those J10 kils were over 1 round, and there would have been more but we capped Airfield. Those pilots sucked, but you can see me leading the missles and it packs quite a punch. Even if you can land ONE missle on them, just go back to rearm and come back and kick their *** to hell. Your missles will hit if launched properly. I find that if the first one doesnt hit, break lock and run after spamming 6.

              Actually, Redfield, you have to keep WAY under the lock on circle, You should be almost perpendicular to them, but still turning with them. It doesnt hurt to fire some cannons as well, if the cannons hit, then the missles will as well in that turn


              • #37
                Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                This looks good too see. PlaneWhore even though its highly likely that you will win because of the imbalance, you have an arrogance I've never seen before, in all your posts, pretty much suggest that you think higher then the sky of yourself, not flaming you just tone it down a little. That goes for everyone though, I mean a little pride did no harm, but when its like ''I dominate the skys, im the most feared, I make people disconnect, I get 150+ kill streaks, I am THE ONE'' that is too damn far.

                Anyway make a video of this one.


                • #38
                  Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                  I'm going to remember the lead shooting missles. Does it still have to be in lock or will the target get aquired by the missle?

                  Originally posted by Eternal-Souljah
                  This looks good too see. PlaneWhore even though its highly likely that you will win because of the imbalance, you have an arrogance I've never seen before, in all your posts, pretty much suggest that you think higher then the sky of yourself, not flaming you just tone it down a little. That goes for everyone though, I mean a little pride did no harm, but when its like ''I dominate the skys, im the most feared, I make people disconnect, I get 150+ kill streaks, I am THE ONE'' that is too damn far.

                  Anyway make a video of this one.

                  Even if he does win, i'm giving it a go as well why not? Plus I'll get to see footage of myself and will learn from it.


                  • #39
                    Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                    Amsterdam to US? hmmm :|
                    keep us informed anyhow


                    • #40
                      Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                      It has to be in lock enough to spam 6 missles. First you have to keep them at the bottom of the circle then with each missle pull up harder and harder. It works best from far away and if the opponent is doing aileron rolls, vertical loop, a full afterburner turn (yeah thats right), or even barrel rolls. Unfortunetely, if the method fails, its not possible to reengage the target in the same run on them. You will have to run away, rearm and come back.

                      There is one MAJOR plus to this method. If you do it correctly, ANY missle that lands does a RIDICULOUS amount of damage to the J10. Almost double. One missle will take them into the red. From there, its more missles, or cannons. Easy kill.

                      I wrote a really long PM to a newbie pilot on how to evade J10s, and get lock on them andd fire the missles correctly. Ill hand it over to you SmokeJumper (not saying you are a newbie, just that i explained it there a lot better than here).


                      • #41
                        Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                        Thanks, I think I set myself up for a kicking. Too late now, can't back out or it'll be worse and I'll have to hide my e face for a few days.


                        • #42
                          Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                          WOW, The erogance level is way to high in here. This thread should be closed because the server might crash LOL....


                          • #43
                            Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                            Sir you have a link to that video you made? I'd like to see what you're talking about. I'm learning to fly jets and need all the help I can get.


                            • #44
                              Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                              Originally posted by CDN-SMOKEJUMPER
                              Even if he does win, i'm giving it a go as well why not? Plus I'll get to see footage of myself and will learn from it.
                              You are right...personaly I don´t like the way planewhore posts, maybe he is the best pilot there is, and some of his opinions are very valid. But as Eternal-souljah has posted he should tone down.
                              He and Colony are a little annoying in self praising.

                              I sure would like to see the movie, and I am sure you will lose, after all the f35 is no match for the J-10, and I doubt you are up to the level of Planewhore. But you will learn.

                              P.S. - Hope you can shot him at least once (sorry Planewhore couldn´t help it).


                              • #45
                                Re: Why I own J-10's, in an F-35.

                                lmfao I must see this movie aah I must it would be so f'n great if Colony and Planewhore had a dogfight..

