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Stats reset for Knife/Pistol servers?

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  • #31
    Re: Stats reset for Knife/Pistol servers?

    the reason EA lets them keep the servers is because they are getting money for it, thats why BF2 is so F**KED up because EA only cares about the profit gained from agame and not the quality of it. I do think its a load of BS about stats been wiped, if people want to play the game for ages on one round WHO CARES i dont, EA should get on with what they are supposed to do and let the people who BUY the games PLAY them without their big fat corporate asses getting in the way.


    • #32
      Re: Stats reset for Knife/Pistol servers?

      Originally posted by Timewarp
      I tell you people what, I Understand this whole BF2ROE stuff and aggree with it as far as it's a guideline to try and add some more rules to the multiplayer communmity however.

      I think that anyone who gets their stats reset because of playing on a server that is not in the eyes of some of you ok, is STUPID. I mean come on people did BF2 say anything about this so called BF2ROE on the package or in the .dat files or in the so called user manuel?

      NO so why should someones stats get reset when people are not notified in advance.

      Tell you what I havn't gotten my stats reset however many of us have unknowingly entered a server only to find out it was a knife or pistol server and because we waited so long to load we stayed and played a bit. Tell you what if I ever do get my stats reset because of my unwanted knife or pistol episode ........this one would make it to court because thats just plain stupid. If ea wants to stop the crazyness then get rid of the servers all together. Ban the servers, fine the server owners but do not mess with you hard working everyday player who invested good money and normally had no idea of what they were getting themselves into when joining one of those servers.
      :laugh: :hmm: :cry: :|:

      Ummmm yea right! Go to court over stupid stats in a video you need to get a life!


      • #33
        Re: Stats reset for Knife/Pistol servers?

        Originally posted by IndianScout
        players who initiate a vote kick on those who choose not to use knife pistol only to take control of a server can be dealt with, I see that alot..

        and alot of them have been reset
        I think you know theres not much you can do if what i suggested happened, players will do what they want. Im sure youve got something better to do than worry about a bunch of players who choose only to use their knife/pistol, well i hope you do!


        • #34
          Re: Stats reset for Knife/Pistol servers?

          Sure we have other things we can do but we choose to be part of BFROE and donate our time. This arguement will be debated over and over again with no real resolution to anything as we all have our own opinions on the subject. The one thing to be sure about is that the gaming world is moving towards a ranking system for most of their games and it just something we will have to get used to dealing with.


          • #35
            Re: Stats reset for Knife/Pistol servers?

            When you purchased BF2 and made your account, you selected "YES" to the terms of agreement. If you had selected "no", then you would not have been able to create a legitimate account and therefore would not be eligable for stat tracking (points/ranks/unlocks/ribbons/medals).

            Just because you did not have a 4ft x 8ft laminated copy of the Rules of Engagement hand delivered to your home does not mean you are not bound by them. You agreed to abide by the ROE when you selected yes to create your account.

            EA/DICE is under no obligation to provide you with the ROE if you checked "yes" in the terms of agreement. By checking "yes" you told EA/DICE that you have read and understand EVERYTHING mentioned in the terms and that you AGREE to abide by said terms. The ROE were mentioned and referenced and it was up to you to find them and read them BEFORE you agreed to the terms. If you did not, then it is not EA/DICE's fault. I would strongly suggest you not sign any other agreements/documents or contracts without reading everything first. You could wind up in a giant heaping mess in real life.

            Bottom line is that if you have a valid account, you agreed to play by the rules. Even if that means you have to go and find said rules on your own.


            • #36
              Re: Stats reset for Knife/Pistol servers?

              Originally posted by ~WPN~Major Ursa
              When you purchased BF2 and made your account, you selected "YES" to the terms of agreement. If you had selected "no", then you would not have been able to create a legitimate account and therefore would not be eligable for stat tracking (points/ranks/unlocks/ribbons/medals).

              Just because you did not have a 4ft x 8ft laminated copy of the Rules of Engagement hand delivered to your home does not mean you are not bound by them. You agreed to abide by the ROE when you selected yes to create your account.

              EA/DICE is under no obligation to provide you with the ROE if you checked "yes" in the terms of agreement. By checking "yes" you told EA/DICE that you have read and understand EVERYTHING mentioned in the terms and that you AGREE to abide by said terms. The ROE were mentioned and referenced and it was up to you to find them and read them BEFORE you agreed to the terms. If you did not, then it is not EA/DICE's fault. I would strongly suggest you not sign any other agreements/documents or contracts without reading everything first. You could wind up in a giant heaping mess in real life.

              Bottom line is that if you have a valid account, you agreed to play by the rules. Even if that means you have to go and find said rules on your own.
              Correct sir

