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what happend to my rank?

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  • Re: what happend to my rank?

    ok ok i was just kind of scared but whatever..heres what i did a day before my stat got wiped. my isp rr is having problem with connectivity and im lagging real bad on that day, couldnt kill some1 cos they kill me before i kill them. tried flying thought i was heading to the carrier seconds later i crashed on the sea bed. was really frustrated just wanted to base rape carrier and get some points so i could get promoted to silver oak rank(dunno what rank). i was in the point where i lose my mind, so i hop on the vehicle and drove the car on the beach and start repairing it..i thought i could get some points there.(i promise this is the 1st time ive done this)..i only got 6 points out it. and im doing it right in front of everybody lol, and i didnt suspect that theyll report me or after the round i log off cos im tired and need some sleep...and then the day after that i played bf2 then checked my bfhq and saw something weird that my stats arnt showing up. i was like ok this must be the stat bug so i didnt bather..i played couple of round and then checked my bfhq again and its still ****ed up so i went here in forum and started this thread sorry if i acted innocent first cos for me what i did is not really a big deal..ok LET THE FLAMING BEGGIN!!!


    • Re: what happend to my rank?

      =( Really....6 points is not worth a complete whipe, just goes to show how important stats are to EA. But you knew it was wrong to do what you where doing. And you didnt do it secluded, so your at fault dude. bummer!!! I just cant believe some ****ing loser would actually sit there taking a fraps video of you doing that. ****ing little whining tattle tale loser babies.


      • Re: what happend to my rank?

        HAHAHA dude you admitted it there, stat padding no wonder it got reset. Driving the car to the water to fix it to get some points is padding. Bad luck buddy, it happened to a guy down here in Australia he had his stats reset for repairing to get points. Its padding at the end of the day.


        • Re: wtf happend to my rank?

          Originally posted by Sir. Blades

          I have no sympathy. Baseraping is absolute ****, so HAHA. I know you didnt get reset for that though.

          Indianscout, thats not his name. It is -=Pn0Y=-.

          Didnt that anubis whatever his name is get reset for teamswitching? To get the War college Ribbon

          I know another guy called PLA Icecombat or something like that who played exclusively PLA and never USMC got reset.
          The nickname rings a bell. I was on a server and all he did was base rape us all with the J10 and told me to stfu very nice we meet once more. Well just show that BFROE works. Someone might have reported you to E&A for cheating or along those lines. So I suggest that you need to start again. If you have not been cheating and was an accidental got your stats wiped off I feel for you but if not then don't come back and say why have my stats been wiped. Sorry, I have little time for such questions


          • Re: what happend to my rank?

            well its not like i did that all day..i only did that for one round and got tired of it cos im getting very little points.


            • Re: what happend to my rank?


              This is why Ea needs a better reset system. Reset the 6 points they got lol.


              • Re: what happend to my rank?

                KAMUSTA -=Pnoy=- [^TO statement above] I agree that they should have a better reset system. Instaead of wiping accounts they shold just wipe the points that were earned.


                • Re: what happend to my rank?

                  wiping for 6 points is just mean, if it was something like 100 on more than 1 occasion then duh they need to be reset, but 6 pts, thats a little overboard


                  • Re: wtf happend to my rank?

                    Originally posted by easycompany25
                    mele4nyc got his stats wiped 4 heli whoring on insomnia sharqi
                    You do realize that that probably wasn't the reason he was reset. search mele4nyc on google and you will find results with his talking about hacking in games etc.

                    Originally posted by pinoy
                    ok ok i was just kind of scared but whatever..heres what i did a day before my stat got wiped. my isp rr is having problem with connectivity and im lagging real bad on that day, couldnt kill some1 cos they kill me before i kill them. tried flying thought i was heading to the carrier seconds later i crashed on the sea bed. was really frustrated just wanted to base rape carrier and get some points so i could get promoted to silver oak rank(dunno what rank). i was in the point where i lose my mind, so i hop on the vehicle and drove the car on the beach and start repairing it..i thought i could get some points there.(i promise this is the 1st time ive done this)..i only got 6 points out it. and im doing it right in front of everybody lol, and i didnt suspect that theyll report me or after the round i log off cos im tired and need some sleep...and then the day after that i played bf2 then checked my bfhq and saw something weird that my stats arnt showing up. i was like ok this must be the stat bug so i didnt bather..i played couple of round and then checked my bfhq again and its still ****ed up so i went here in forum and started this thread sorry if i acted innocent first cos for me what i did is not really a big deal..ok LET THE FLAMING BEGGIN!!!
                    HAHAHAAHAH, you acted like you didn't deserve the reset, but you did! ROFL@YOU. You title this thread "wtf happend to my rank?" but uyou knew why this happened the entire time.


                    • Re: what happend to my rank?

                      Bwahahahaha. Reset for 6 points. THATS KARMA *****!!!!!


                      • Re: what happend to my rank?

                        *cough* HAHAHAHAH OMG HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. LOOOOOOSERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHFA:JHAFJAFHAJFH. LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH............................... ....................... ROFL LAMO LAMAO HAHAHAHAH *cough* well sry to hear about that.................


                        • Re: what happend to my rank?

                          Originally posted by [STO] Killer Dragon
                          *cough* HAHAHAHAH OMG HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. LOOOOOOSERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHFA:JHAFJAFHAJFH. LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH............................... ....................... ROFL LAMO LAMAO HAHAHAHAH *cough* well sry to hear about that.................


                          • Re: what happend to my rank?

                            This scares me because i've been known to base rape. Some hate it, but i've never switched a team just to advoid losing. Perhaps joining the same team over and over to get the J-10 they thought you were trying to advoid losing.

                            I think its an exploit anyway to fly the freaking J-10. The plane cannot be shot down if you know what your doing in it. I'd hate to fly against a good pilot such as metallicaguitrst. Hes good with the F-35B and not being shot down. So he'd be awful to fly against in that J-10. The problem is a noob can dominate with the J-10, its one thing to kill a noob in that thing, but to try to take it down the F-35 when a skilled pilot is in it, thats crap. I simply advoid those maps anyway. I stick to SF, and AF servers.

                            Just creepy to think, what if this guy was rapeing an EA guy. In reality though if he was wiped for base rape, then thats kind of lame. It would put fear into me, because I am one of the few people who believe base rapeing is just a part of the game. If your team sucks bad enough to be there in the first place, and be without hardly any bases, then good enough for them. I do obide by rules of the server. Wake Island however is another story your on a carrier, with no way to get off, and if a J-10 is rapeing you just have no access to the Island. Thus I'll make exception to that with Wake, and the maps with carriers in them.

                            Originally posted by pinoy
                            ok ok i was just kind of scared but whatever..heres what i did a day before my stat got wiped. my isp rr is having problem with connectivity and im lagging real bad on that day, couldnt kill some1 cos they kill me before i kill them. tried flying thought i was heading to the carrier seconds later i crashed on the sea bed. was really frustrated just wanted to base rape carrier and get some points so i could get promoted to silver oak rank(dunno what rank). i was in the point where i lose my mind, so i hop on the vehicle and drove the car on the beach and start repairing it..i thought i could get some points there.(i promise this is the 1st time ive done this)..i only got 6 points out it. and im doing it right in front of everybody lol, and i didnt suspect that theyll report me or after the round i log off cos im tired and need some sleep...and then the day after that i played bf2 then checked my bfhq and saw something weird that my stats arnt showing up. i was like ok this must be the stat bug so i didnt bather..i played couple of round and then checked my bfhq again and its still ****ed up so i went here in forum and started this thread sorry if i acted innocent first cos for me what i did is not really a big deal..ok LET THE FLAMING BEGGIN!!!
                            So for repairing a vehicle you got your stats reset? Hmm... So how I think it was more then that.

                            Originally posted by easycompany25
                            mele4nyc got his stats wiped 4 heli whoring on insomnia sharqi
                            wow thanks for scaring me more...

                            Indianscout - would switching to be on a team with a clan mate at the beginning of the round be classfied as against the rules?


                            • Re: what happend to my rank?

                              no really this is the only thing that i did wrong..becasue aday after i did that my stats got reset.


                              • Re: what happend to my rank?

                                if u got ur stats reset, EA should send u a letter saying why

