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1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

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  • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

    did they nerf dolfin diving?!?! if they did im happy! i just went to a server today to try to learn it so i could use it agant the whores, but if its gone ill rejoice.


    • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

      By reading all the bugs, Im honestly wondering if DICE will actually fix any of them. How big was the last patch? and look at all the bugs still, next we will have 2 g patch down load to fix 3 problems and create 12 more. Plus with BF2142 comming out will bf2 abandon?.
      I truley think that like other BF's it will be left to the modders to fix problems.

      IF that dice guy could answer these question I would be happy with just that.


      • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

        Patch Type
        While a commander in an infantry only server I clicked the vehicle drop button, but nothing happened. I think this should be disabled like artillery if vehicles aren't supposed to be dropped.
        Reproduced Successfully?


        • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

          BUG: Graphics "streching" in Sharqi peninsula map. My friend tested this with ATI card and i Tested this with NVIDIA card. It appears always.

          My specs:
          CPU - amd athlon 64 3200+
          GPU - clud 3d 7800gs 256mb
          RAM - 2 gb
          Soundcard - integrated
          Patch Type - full
          Event - texture streching
          Source - sharqi peninsula map
          Reproduced Successfully? yes
          Evidence - pictures below

          My friend's specs:
          CPU - amd athlon 64 3500+
          GPU - ati x850xt
          RAM - 2 gb
          Soundcard - integrated
          Patch Type - incremental
          Event - texture streching
          Source - sharqi peninsula map
          Reproduced Successfully? yes
          Evidence- pictures below



          • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

            BUG: Graphics "streching" on all my maps. It only majorly appears when im in air on either a plane or a chopper, i get thosw effects on the hills.

            My specs:
            Inside My Sig
            Patch Type - full
            Event - texture streching
            Source - All Maps
            Reproduced Successfully? yes


            • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

              Can anyone tell me when they are going to Release the new patch?


              • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                I'm guessing the 1.4 beta 2 was the final beta version and most likely after a few fixes would be released, I guess we have to just wait till EA makes the next move.


                • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                  Please remove snipers from the SCAN, Whats the point of sniping/hiding if the commander can spot you anytime.


                  Please remove snipers from the SCAN, Whats the point of sniping/hiding if the commander can spot you anytime.


                  Please remove snipers from the SCAN, Whats the point of sniping/hiding if the commander can spot you anytime.


                  Make The commander only place artillary/vehicle drops when a squad leader asks for it.

                  These 2 changes are a MUST and will make the game way more enjoyable.


                  • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                    All i want from EA is a couple of things to fix. And it does not concern game play just ACTUAL bugs.

                    1. Fix the HIT indicators in all JETS. The only working HIT indicator is in the SU-34, the rest do not work.

                    2. Fix the Collision mesh of the F-35. Its a flying coffin as it is, simply (and let me illustrate) because of this.

                    Fix it so it could look like more this.

                    3. Fix the Hit detection in general. If they do this, then i believe the missles going through vehicles, TV's going through objects, will iron out.

                    4. (Optional) Hide the weapon when the player goes from Standing/Crouch to prone.

                    5. Replace the USS ESSEX missles from AIM9X(sp?) (Sidewinder) that you find on the F-35, F18, and F15 to the GROUND base missles aka Stingers. The reason they miss so much is becuase they are actually the same missles as the planes, not the ground/mobile AA.

                    6. Fix the invert mouse bug. Where i have my mouse inverted in all vehicles in game, yet when i use the TV missile its not.

                    If these get implemented, then i'll be happy with what EA is doing.

                    The 2 plane pics are courtesy of [DUCKS]Black_Duck_1 and his JET FAQ, which is great btw.


                    • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                      Originally posted by Leeham
                      Or maybe you're expecting a 100% problem free patch which is NOT going to happen in ANY game

                      Or maybe you forget it is BETA
                      And maybe you're forgetting that the non-beta patch (1.3) was the one that INTRODUCED the server crashes and crashes to the desktop. So what does THAT prove?


                      • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                        Here are the Bugs reported by members at

                        - When reviving someone, a duplicate of their kit lays on the ground after they're brought back to life.

                        - there is a bug if you go out of the map when a voice say " warning , you are leaving the combat area" . if you die out of the map area and you press " TAB" then " left mouse button" you will hear a voice say " warning , you are leaving the combat area " the hole time , it`s never stop.

                        - One is often disconnected with the message: This server only allows players with unmodified content to join. Please revert your version of Battlefield 2 to the current official version to join.

                        - After 2-3 times trying different servers, the game crashes to desktop.
                        The singelplayer just shows a startpicture, no respons from the keyboard.

                        - I've got tons of sound errors, the enemy can stand right behind of me and fire off a whole mag, and i would'nt notice, please fix this, i beg you!

                        - SOUND PROBLEMS with: "Steel Sound 5H USB pro gamer headsett". Earlier I had a cheaper headset and nothing was wrong then.

                        - A bug . -> When i die and respawn in a base and go to a car and start drive it and try to take a base i can se a guy so spawn and just disappear and i see that every time i spawn and take a car... you can se the guy in 1 second.

                        -This is a minor bug, but nevertheless:When I sit in the gunnerposition of a tank, when I get up after ducking, there are to strange circles blinking twice on the screen.

                        - For some reason I get kicked out of the game because of modified content every now and then, but when I rejoin the same server/map it works fine?? It only seems to happen in infantry mode...

                        - Please fix the problem with not only the knife not hitting when you obviously hit your enemy, but also when you shoot an enemy e.g. in the chest, white-powder-smoke appears but he doesn't take damage. Even at close range, when he stands still. The bug also applies to tanks shooting especially moving vehicles, even though you hit, they keep driving with no damage taken. Planes are impossible to hit unless it comes straight at you (you hit it, it doesn't take damage).
                        Especially noticed when sending TVG-missiles, the missile goes straight through your enemy's helicopter if your hit them in the front. You need to hit them under the tail (in open air), to kill it.

                        - Hitboxes in BF2 are overall terrible, and I beg you to fix them. (Don't know if it's the actual hitboxes or the coding that creates this bug).

                        - When you drive in vehicle close to another player that driving. Suddenly you get on the other side of that vehicle. And if you are behind a vehicle and drive close up to it. You suddenly get in front of it...

                        - When aiming with the US default Spec-Ops weapon and jumping the red-dot aim disappears.

                        Here are the gameplay feedback reported by

                        -Going from prone to standing by pressing the crouch key while proning shuld NOT be a way to stand up faster.

                        -There shuld be a big delay in accuracy when going, Jump,prone,shoot.

                        -There shuld be a increased accuracy when going crouch.

                        -There shuld be a 2point increase for squadmembers who revive the Squadleader.

                        -The commander shuld be able to give waypoints to any player ! not just the squad. just like in any rts game.

                        -Squadmembers shuld be able to ask the commander directly for arty,cars,supplyes ect... chain of command takes to mutch time in a fast paced game as bf2.

                        -Planes,choppers,tanks shuld get half the points that infantery get. or infantery shuld get double,this to make the point given more even.

                        -There shuld be a 2 jump limit,followed by a short pause,this to avoid the bunnyhopping.

                        -Laying prone for a while shuld increase accuracy,this to increase the "defense is easier"

                        -Apc shuld have capasity increased to 8 men,and armor signifintly increased.At the same time as the gun on the apc shuld be taken out and replaced with machinegun(make it a troop mover). a new and lighter tank shuld altso be implemented,so u get more of the tiger,m10 vs light tank fighting we saw in bf42.

                        -Enemy spotting shuld only come up on squadmembers radar,sto give more incentive to be in squads.

                        -Best squad,shuld be given a point bonus at end of round.

                        - It's not a gameplay-feedback but still a part of the total experience:
                        Have the tab-ing feature in menu logical. Example: "Join server" (or similar), click to type in servername/ip, press tab to move to username (works), type in username, press tab to move cursor to password-field. It will now move out of this "dialog-box".. If it was HTML I would say: fix the tabindexing.
                        Its been like this since the demo.

                        - when you press " Q " you can say something to your team.. can you please add a a voise so you can say no problem.. becuase when you repeare some one ore something like that they say thanks , then you can say no problem or something..

                        - Adding a "Hold your fire" voice-command would be nice.

                        - Fix the dumb dust "clouds" when you shoot at someone, make them red. It would do the game a lot more funny and realistic.

                        - Please prioritize to improve the battlerecorder, we have really asked for this a long time now. I would like to see these features in it:
                        1: A key to turn on/off nametags (when turned on, you would see all nametags at all times when the soldiers are within a range of X meter.)
                        2.1: A minimap in the top-right corner you kan change between the following states with a key: maximized, minimized (cornered), hidden.
                        2.2: Be able to view all soldiers (both friendly and enemies) on the minimap, as well as enemy and friendly artillery and other assets.
                        2.3: Be able to view ticket score.
                        (Basicly keep the top-HUD as when playing the game, with a shortcut key to hide it, and be able to view all enemys on the minimap.)
                        3: Be able to view in firstperson.
                        4: Add a rewind feature if possible.

                        And I kindly ask you to resume the plans on making BFTV as you once promised us. This would really contribute alot to the clanscene.

                        - Fix the J-10, its overpowered.

                        - Fix it so the supportgunners have to "set-up" their MGs before fireing them. Deploying them so to speak.

                        I don't have the specs on all the computers used, sorry


                        • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                          I registered with this forum just to participate in the beta and provide some feedback.

                          Hardware (yeah I know I need to upgrade...Core 2 looks good)

                          EDIT: I have these issues in 1.3 too.

                          CPU: Althon XP 3200+
                          GPU: ATI Radeon X850 XT
                          RAM: 1 GB Corsair Twinx DDR400
                          Audio: Creative Audigy 2 ZS
                          Patch Type: Full Beta 2
                          Event: Crash to Desktop.
                          Source: Sharqi
                          Reproduced successfully? Not yet, but I'd bet odds it will soon.
                          Evidence: Hmmmm, dump file....I got lots

                          CPU: Althon XP 3200+
                          GPU: ATI Radeon X850 XT
                          RAM: 1 GB Corsair Twinx DDR400
                          Audio: Creative Audigy 2 ZS
                          Patch Type: Full Beta 2
                          Event: Blue Screen of [Screaming] Death.
                          Source: Songhua Stalemate (FYI, my least favorite map of the bunch)
                          Reproduced successfully? Not yet, but I'd bet odds it will soon.
                          Evidence: Gone I would guess

                          Notes and "me too's":

                          * All patches and drivers are current.
                          * Please support widescreen gaming! (won't happen I know)
                          * Any chance the flight test pitot tubes could be deleted from the F-35 model? (won't happen I know but it’s a silly mistake)
                          * Fix the performance disparity between the F-35/F-18 and the J-10/Mig-29/Su-34 in game (some hope?)


                          • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                   here to whine at u dice....FIX THE F'ING HIT BOXES...a little more info...u can hit sum1 from miles away and get a head shot with the l96...yet when i get up close and personal...about 10 15 m away from chinese assault and aim at his helmet....nothing...u just miss/bullet goes through his head

                            but i do say good work on the patch changes good all round. wouldnt mind snipers not apering on commander scan...cus its a pain in the A*** when u get a good hiding position and some noob commander tells evry1 ur there...kinda stpid if u ask me...

                            and i would like to see...i dunno wether its possible...u know how when u run ur gun goes u would like to see this happen when u go standing/prone or prone/crouching...and make it so u zoom out of scope mode when u do to...cus if u dived while looking down a scope u wud probly poke ur eye out :laugh:

                            i also noticed map loading is slightly quicker...maby thts just me but ;p.... its good either way


                            • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                              Originally posted by TheShocker
                              Please remove snipers from the SCAN, Whats the point of sniping/hiding if the commander can spot you anytime.


                              Make The commander only place artillery/vehicle drops when a squad leader asks for it.
                              100% agree.


                              • Re: 1.4 Feedback and Error Reporting

                                Originally posted by Skwurl
                                100% agree.
                                100% disagree.

