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Why so many losers?

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  • #76
    Re: Why so many losers?

    lol i dont mean to laugh but that was excellent. indeed i cant find a point in there that doesnt make sense to me, and i guess the answer if there was even a question is that the majority of players are probably below the age of ... id say 16. i admit i have no way to back this up except for what goes on almost each and everytime i play. im generally Karkand thrasher and ill be one of the players that IS the lone wolf(not always of course sometimes i say screw'em an bugger off to where things can be done(depends on the situations)) taking the areas where there are(alot of the time ive played) no TM's helping gaurding or anywhere near me. where once they get onto it the enemy can flank us with a devastating attack, thats after they get through me and usually the waves of infantry if steep enough will roll right over me. that really annoys me and this is just one small point on this map. oh an this is my favourite, when ur sniper an u hold out ur claymore mine to a teammate nearby tryn to let him know what ur doin an alot of the time they are watching you place it, an not 2 seconds later they run over it.... u idiot! Anyway i couldnt agree more. give us more realism so the age range will be atleast a little higher an will hopefully attracted more brains balls ffs! Anyone who says they dont care about winning is lieing, to miserable to care at the time or is just walking around saying *wow*


    • #77
      Re: Why so many losers?

      sometimes i've had too much to drink to care if i (or my team) wins.


      • #78
        Re: Why so many losers?

        Originally posted by SGT_STD
        I write in giant caps to put across a pointless point that gets a point across to people that you do not need a point in order to make a point as long as you as you use caps as this makes it seem like you have a relative point.
        Go peel green potatoes and die your hamster pink. It makes more sense.
        Wow... Your grasp of the english language is staggering. Mostly because your weak attempt to poke humor at me made less sense than my post supposedly did.

        If you have a problem understanding nuance and style in the written word, I suggest you pick up and read a book once in a while. Perhaps then you will actually be able to benefit from some of the things others write and be able to enjoy the world on a new level.

        Originally posted by Shmed
        ... indeed i cant find a point in there that doesnt make sense to me, ...
        Good comment and we are drawn full circle back into reading comprehension. Your statement as it is written implies that not only did you see a point in what I wrote, but also that the points I made were clear and made sense to you.

        I love this. Please keep replying, as with each post I feel like I am doing my part to raise the level of writing skill around here by pointing out errors. I only wish I had a red pen.


        • #79
          Re: Why so many losers?

          Wow parish, you missed the point.


          • #80
            Re: Why so many losers?

            Originally posted by parish
            Wow... Your grasp of the english language is staggering. Mostly because your weak attempt to poke humor at me made less sense than my post supposedly did.

            If you have a problem understanding nuance and style in the written word, I suggest you pick up and read a book once in a while. Perhaps then you will actually be able to benefit from some of the things others write and be able to enjoy the world on a new level.

            Good comment and we are drawn full circle back into reading comprehension. Your statement as it is written implies that not only did you see a point in what I wrote, but also that the points I made were clear and made sense to you.

            I love this. Please keep replying, as with each post I feel like I am doing my part to raise the level of writing skill around here by pointing out errors. I only wish I had a red pen.
            mi speling is jist fign thank you. i am a by-produkt of hi levell US edumacation and prowd of it.
            Do I get my lolly now or have you already tickled your scrotum with it to accentuate that delirious high you got from your vernacular soap box?
            And don't forget to use your red pen and practice writing "English" with a capital "E".
            As you were with the lolly, son!


            • #81
              Re: Why so many losers?

              yea good point, i like points but i don't want to get owned, maybe a loss by like 70 is good for me. but winnin makes it so much better


              • #82
                Re: Why so many losers?

                552:29:20 of play time?1?!?!?!? Holy crap And you claim to have two daughters and a 'smoking hot wife'. Altho I am sure you were just trying to sound e-cool Ill say it anyways stop neglecting your family and get of the computer.


                • #83
                  Re: Why so many losers?

                  Originally posted by parish
                  So let me get this right... I'm an a$$hole because I like to win? My teammates enjoy the support of someone who actually helps them accomplish a goal and that's bad?

                  Is there something wrong with being a winner? I guess maybe if I were looking out through the slit in the burger re-heat trays at McDonalds, I might be jaded like you. Alas, I have a good income, 2 beautiful daughters and a smoking hot wife. I guess having nice things and being successful is a bad thing to someone in your station of life.

                  Also note, winning in BF2 has nothing to do with getting laid. That happens anytime I want it and is the benefit of all the other things I do in the real world. I don't spend time "punching the clown" in the bedroom with the lights off to the soft glow of internet porn as you do.

                  Some people think theres more to life than just getting some job an a wife an living your boarin life...i happen to be one of them


                  • #84
                    Re: Why so many losers?

                    You shouldn't worry about winning or loosing, you should only worry about having fun, its game and games are meant to be fun.

                    Oh and not everyone is as leet as you, and I am sure most are playing for fun.

                    Originally posted by parish
                    Wow... Your grasp of the english language is staggering. Mostly because your weak attempt to poke humor at me made less sense than my post supposedly did.
                    English is not the only language in the world, and we do have people post on this forum from different countries.


                    • #85
                      Re: Why so many losers?

                      Originally posted by same
                      552:29:20 of play time?1?!?!?!? Holy crap And you claim to have two daughters and a 'smoking hot wife'. Altho I am sure you were just trying to sound e-cool Ill say it anyways stop neglecting your family and get of the computer.
                      I usually play games after the girls have gone to bed so I don't neglect anyone, but thanks for the concern. I have also been playing since the game came out, so that amount of play time really is not much on a daily basis. As an example <}US{> Need_2_Kill has 1120:14:53 total play time.

                      Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
                      You shouldn't worry about winning or loosing, you should only worry about having fun...
                      Winning is fun for me. I do think you should some sort of coach though, because that cliché is perfect for kids.

                      Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
                      Oh and not everyone is as leet as you, and I am sure most are playing for fun.
                      I never said I was "leet" but I appreciate the compliment.

                      Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
                      English is not the only language in the world, and we do have people post on this forum from different countries.
                      I don't recall saying it was the main language and I only correct those who would attack me. If you're going to insult someone in English, then expect a response. Since I try (note I said try) not to be outright mean to people around here usually I resort to tearing down the insult instead of the person.


                      • #86
                        Re: Why so many losers?

                        I have to admit I'm also mainly play for myself, try to get as many points as possible etc, like probably 99% of the players outthere.. But doing that means also that I have to make sure my team is doing well, so I try to capture flags a lot etc (my stats prove it), make sure I don't leave teammates behind when driving off in a vehicle etc.. If your team is doing bad, you cannot do good aswell most of the time.. The game bassicly forces you do do teamplay a lot of times if you want to do good yourself, which is good offcourse..


                        • #87
                          Re: Why so many losers?

                          It is indeed a legitimate question you pose there, Parish.

                          I'm sure there are many suggestions to an answer, but for me it's caused by two things only.

                          1. The inept design of the point-system where battlefield behavior that does not directly or indirectl contribute to the team-objectives, is rewarded excessively. This allows players with a selfish gung-ho attitude to adopt a playing style that has absolutely no bearing on the overall objective for their team, while still being satisfied by the ability to show meaningless numbers in their signature.

                          2. Accumulated stats only exacerbate the dynamics of a poorly deigned point-system. All the worst and most selfish in-game playing styles are forcibly motivated by these accumulated stats. TK'ing for the most powerful vehicles, clique-ish behavior, less experimentation with alternative approaches and obsession with K/D ratios all contribute to a sub-par quality of gameplay - all for the purpose of getting what is perceived by the misled and misguided players to be "good" and "cool" stats.

                          Cheers :-)


                          • #88
                            Re: Why so many losers?

                            I agree, it can be frustrating playing on a server where you're the only one, or one of few, who is trying to win. Especially if the opposing team is working well together. In those situations i find it's best to relax a bit and not try so hard (which is hard to do when you first set out to win). You know you're going to lose so just hinder the enemy as much as you can.


                            • #89
                              Re: Why so many losers?

                              I agree with the thread starter. I'm honestly contemplating quitting (or taking a break from) ranked servers to play unranked or a mod of some kind. I'm tired of people more worried about their score than having a fun game and using teamwork.

                              Originally posted by nemesis908
                              I agree, it can be frustrating playing on a server where you're the only one, or one of few, who is trying to win. Especially if the opposing team is working well together. In those situations i find it's best to relax a bit and not try so hard (which is hard to do when you first set out to win). You know you're going to lose so just hinder the enemy as much as you can.
                              This is actually quite fun to me. Go spec ops and wage a guerilla war against the enemy


                              • #90
                                Re: Why so many losers?

                                Originally posted by Graphic
                                This is actually quite fun to me. Go spec ops and wage a guerilla war against the enemy
                                That's what i mean, if you just stop, relax and realise your situation there are other ways to have fun and not win.

