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i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

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  • i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

    some lucky people dont need this, but for those of us out there who have to suffer through horribly long verifying client data times, and are forced to play on servers with 35 rounds per map so to avoid the map loads, the VCD stage is MURDER! but there is a solution! i have a topoftheline computer, defragged HD with o&o defrag pro, and 2gb of ram, and had 2-5 minute load times. but now, its less than 10 seconds. How? ill show you. Not only does this fix the VCD stage, but your overall computing will be snappier as well.

    First, do the basics, defrag with a good defrag program (i prefer o&o on complete:/Name setting), have a decent machine and connection. now comes the fun part.

    go to "My Computer" on the start menu, right click to properties. On the Hardware Tab, go to Device Manager and on the list, expand the "IDE ATA/ATAPI controller" section. right click primary IDE channel, click properties, then go to advanced settings. Under transfer mode it should say DMA if available and under device type select auto detect. If the current transer mode says PIO, then this is the source of all your problems. (repeat these steps with the secondary IDE channel in the IDE ATA/ATAPI controller section)

    We want the Current Transfer Mode to read DMA, since DMA is the newer standard and is tons faster. the reason why the load times and VCD stage were so long was because PIO has such a large CPU overhead that it was your CPU, NOT YOUR HARD DRIVE that was the bottleneck!!!! enough history, lets chage this badboy.

    first, backup your registry for safety, although i guarentee this process is safe and totally not modding your computer or voiding anything.

    now, run REGEDIT (start button>Run>type REGEDIT). now go through this tree

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

    it should have folders in the side menu showing 0000, 0001, 0002, etc. Open up 0001 and in it delete both MasterIdChecksum or SlaveIdDataChecksum, do this in the 0002 folder as well. now reboot. you are DONE!!! check your primary and secondary controllers again to make sure they are DMA, then start up Bf2, load up any server, and see the results. i literally am wetting my pants at the fact that i have less than 10 sec VCD times for any server, any map, linux or windows, no matter how many players. now you can play so much easier now and play on servers with map rotations! (given that BF2 doesnt CTD :P) I hope this helps and give me feedback on your results!

  • #2
    Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

    is there any chance this wont work and might screw up the computer?
    also in the box that you say shouldnt say PIO, it says ultra dma, but on the secondary it does say PIO.
    if i delete these things can i get them back?


    • #3
      Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

      Funny, my VCD takes about 2 minutes. And I'm already set on "DMA if available"

      Thats great it works for you, prob most other people to, but I guess I'm stuck on long load times...


      • #4
        Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

        Originally posted by MemphisVon
        Funny, my VCD takes about 2 minutes. And I'm already set on "DMA if available"

        Thats great it works for you, prob most other people to, but I guess I'm stuck on long load times...
        It will only show a significant difference if you have 2 gb ram if you dont then that is the problem for you


        • #5
          Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

          @god is my homie

          it will not screw up your computer as after the restart windows simply makes a new value for the ones you deleted. if you wish, just backup your registry before you delete.


          • #6
            Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

            i feel crazy and mighht try this.

            Cause deleting random "stuff" in your reg is not good.


            • #7
              Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

              I think it's the game myself because when I first played bf2 it took like 3 seconds to vcd with 2gb of g.skill gaming ram on a freshly built rig. Now 3 months later on the same pc it takes 2 mins to verify, loading times are ok they only take 10 secs to load a map first time takes about 1min and a couple of seconds. So 2gb may help some.


              • #8
                Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

                Actually in most computers DMA mode will already be set on auto detect with the fastest mode of Ultra DMA implmented, so this fix is rather redundant.

                However Windows XP has a nasty habit of kicking in PIO over Ultra DMA as a safety measure if errors have been incurred with the HDD.

                The registry parts that he is stating to delete are just Window's knowledge base of your IDE channel and your HDD. Deleting them basically means that next time Windows restarts it will redetect and select the best DMA mode.

                I have Ultra DMA mode 5 and my VCD still takes a fair amount of time... though not as much as 2 minutes. This is with 1.5 Gigs of RAM.


                • #9
                  Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

                  I have 1gb ram
                  VCD takes 15-20 seconds
                  I have Ultra DMA mode 5 on Primary IDE channel and Ultra DMA 2 on secondary IDE channel


                  • #10
                    Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

                    Running mode 6 on both DMA channels and RAID is seperate.

                    VCD 25 sec on Vanilla and 45 sec on Special Forces Euro 15-20, AF 20-30 sec.

                    I am seriously considering iRAM as a upgrade to eliminate these excessive load times.


                    • #11
                      Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

                      Mine is already on DMA and auto, so i guess i am going as fast as i can. I am not complaining since i am ussually the first one on the server.


                      • #12
                        Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

                        After playing this game for a year with a 3-4 minute waiting time to load when on-line,the problem is now fixed.

                        Thank you very much.I feel like a bonehead for not figuring this out myself.


                        • #13
                          Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

                          I posted this a long time ago...something extremely important you didn't mention though.


                          Did you ever find what was causing your HD to REVERT to PIO mode from the proper DMA mode? Disk errors.

                          Goto Device Manager, Event Viewer, System...I bet you have tons of Red error icons talking about a disk drive that doesn't exist by number in your O/S. For example Drive D instead of C?
                          D is most people optical drive, not their HD.

                          What I found through my research into this very occurence is: Windows by default downgrades your HD speed to PIO mode after encountering a specific number of disk errors.

                          When I first stumbled onto this, simply chaning it back to the proper speed kept it working speedily again. A few months later it wouldn't last more than a hours before reverting.

                          What I eventually did was tell Windows that I no longer have a SATA150 HD, but instead asked it to perform as an ATA133, aka DMA mode6. I haven't had a single problem since.

                          I did this by removing the driver I installed initally, and used the default WindowsXP IDE driver. It doesn't have the option for SATA, but it hasn't affected my speed beyond causing Windows to take "one bar" extra to load

                          Remember I said that Windows automatically does this after a specific amount of errors? Those errors can and most likely are caused by BF2 and it's propensity for crashing!

                          Have ANY of you EVER encountered this prior to BF2? I haven't.


                          • #14
                            Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

                            true that abtomat74. definitly if i get consistant reverts back to PIO ill give your tip a try. i only noticed the long load times with bf2, not with any other programs (although i did notice my general computing being pretty slow, like bf2 patches taking 8+ hours to decompress, now it takes 10 minutes)


                            • #15
                              Re: i have the FIX for long load and verifying client data times!

                              After looking through my Reg, in that particular file, I dont have an 0001, or 0002,,,,it starts at 0003 to 6. Any suggestions?

