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Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

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  • #76
    Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

    this might as well have gone into


    • #77
      Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

      now ur talkin total bf2 start a joke section post this first


      • #78
        Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

        this is by far the funniest topic i have ever read thats related to BF2.:laugh: :laugh:


        • #79
          Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

          i wanted to know how you got to fly the planes that the vehicles parachuted out of........i looked for the airports for ages!


          • #80
            Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

            At least this guy had the balls to fess up that he didn't know EVERY feature about the game. Ill give him props for that. He even called himself an idiot. He is mature enough to realize that. Remember, we were all "noobs" once.


            • #81
              Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

              Originally posted by BurningMonkeyFur
              I've seen in the controls section, the Up and Down keys in a boat are open and close, but I have no idea what they do. Anyone else know?
              In BF1942, the US used Higgins boats to assault the beach on Omaha Beach. When you approached the beach in BF42, you pressed the down arrow key to "open" or lower the front ramp for troop dispersal. This could be a holdover from that.

              I think they had to scrap that in favor of the more modern RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat).


              • #82
                Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                Originally posted by USI_Krusher
                In BF1942, the US used Higgins boats to assault the beach on Omaha Beach. When you approached the beach in BF42, you pressed the down arrow key to "open" or lower the front ramp for troop dispersal. This could be a holdover from that.

                I think they had to scrap that in favor of the more modern RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat).
                Ah, yes, fond memories of the amphibious assault crafts. Nothing was more irritating than a noob driving the boat to Omaha Beach and not knowing how to lower the door.


                • #83
                  Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                  Yeah a Hovercraft was included originally in the game right the.. uh what was it LCAC or something... That monster has a door right open and close..?

                  ~ Komet


                  • #84
                    Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                    This thread has 9 lives, it keeps coming back.

                    lol. I'm in 2 sigs now......crazy


                    • #85
                      Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                      Well, it was funny, but let's let this thread rest now

                      It made WAY too many people feel WAY more intelligent than they actually are.

