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Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

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  • #61
    Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

    Originally posted by low_iq
    I concur.

    You know ALT+F4 unlocks all guns right?
    gee, the insults really hurted my feewings.

    Grow up.


    • #62
      Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

      Sorry to laugh at you fella but I'm LMAO. I'd love to have seen it if you'd called him a cheat on the server, the console chat would have been priceless.

      Anyway, don't feel bad, I'm sure we've all done a similar thing in the past. Well, maybe. Well, maybe some people have. Well, at least 2 :-)


      • #63
        Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

        Originally posted by die2fly
        lol :lol:

        ashame, ashame.
        I also heard that if your Spec-Ops and you hold still, you won't show up on a scan. - Total BS, tried it many times with my buds.

        Trying it many times is very dumb!



        • #64
          Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

          I'll give him credit, at least he openly admitted he didn't know about it. That takes testicular fortitude.

          How many of us never knew about a feature, and later discovered it. Would you care to post it in these forums?


          • #65
            Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

            Originally posted by Cigar_Man
            I think the laugh is on you.

            The LAV-25 is an APC and not a tank.

            The Abrams tank is a M1A2 model.

            They are two different types of vehicle....even different classes.


            Great come back....LOL. This will make it as someones new sig....LOL
            ...when you post read carefully.

            By the way I didn´t know the sprint ladder thing.

            And I never read the manual, so I just learnt the "x" key after playing for more than 50 hours (never used tanks until then).


            • #66
              Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

              Originally posted by USI_Krusher
              I'll give him credit, at least he openly admitted he didn't know about it. That takes testicular fortitude.

              How many of us never knew about a feature, and later discovered it. Would you care to post it in these forums?
              Thanks mate.


              • #67
                Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                Originally posted by Consultant01
                BAAHAHAHAHA... I didnt know about the ladder thing either! HAAHAHAHAHAHA...

                Im really laughing here, this is great.... Im almost First Sgt. and I dont know the features of the game.

                Next you're going to tell me that the scope on the sniper-rifles isnt just for decoration and I can use it to aim..... pfft. </sarcasm>

                this is the funniset thread i've seen recently... LMAO!


                • #68
                  Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                  Hahaha, this thead made my day

                  I felt similar when i didn't know that you could call for supplies, arty, etc, when you are squad leader, until i was a late gunnery sergeant.

                  And i just recently learned that you could slide down ladders quickly with sprint. However, i never climbed down ladders anyways, when you have a parachute!

                  I pimped out my sig with that quote. Definetly one of the best ever made here.


                  • #69
                    Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                    Got to be one of the best lololololol

                    Consultant01, think of the engineer you could have been :laugh:

                    edit; geez this is nearly an advertisment to read the game manual, not in this case, one of the worst game manuals I have ever had the pleasure to read.


                    • #70
                      Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                      i mus say, i had a bad day today, but after reading this thread, i think it made my day. Cheers Mate! hope to c u on the server i play on. would make u my fav victim instantly


                      • #71
                        Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                        Originally posted by USI_Krusher
                        How many of us never knew about a feature, and later discovered it. Would you care to post it in these forums?
                        I've seen in the controls section, the Up and Down keys in a boat are open and close, but I have no idea what they do. Anyone else know?


                        • #72
                          Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                          Originally posted by BurningMonkeyFur
                          I've seen in the controls section, the Up and Down keys in a boat are open and close, but I have no idea what they do. Anyone else know?
                          They serve no purpose in BF2. Those are used to open hatches, like in BF1942, but obviously, there are no water vehicles iwth hatches.

                          Thanks for the chuckle Consultant01. I actually thought at the end of your OP it was going to say "/sarcasm" .

                          I've actually played with your quite a bit on Warlord, on a few occasions.


                          • #73
                            Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                            :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that one made me laugh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


                            • #74
                              Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                              well don't feel to bad
                              I wondered for a long time how you could role so cool over the ground until I found out it's just a animation


                              • #75
                                Re: Smoke/Vehicle cheat?

                                :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: This topic gets funnier :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

