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Vehicle Drop

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  • #31
    Re: Vehicle Drop

    The idea itself is good but the way its implemented is ..well unlucky. I was witness of a major Crash caused by one Buggy dropping in the middle of the Flightdeck.A JSF came back to repair tried to avoid the Obstacle on the runway crashed into 2 blackhawks that were about to pick up 7!!! other players. The Explosion of the Buggy resulted in a blow up for the Cobra as well because she was damaged badly by Artileryfire before...witch killed me and my gunner :shoot: :ar15: :cussing:


    2 Blackhawk
    1 Cobra
    4 Pilots
    1 Gunner
    7 Infantry Soldiers

    Well that was the only time i saw a Vote against a Comm. with 12/0 in the first attemp


    • #32
      Re: Vehicle Drop

      I don't see it abused, but I don't play Wake a whole lot. I've only requested a few drops, but I got them when requested .


      • #33
        Re: Vehicle Drop

        Originally posted by Alm()nd J()y
        I don't see it abused, but I don't play Wake a whole lot. I've only requested a few drops, but I got them when requested .
        Sure when you get the Drops on Request they might be quite usefull, but anybody show me a sense in dropping a Buggy on a Carrier Flightdeck


        • #34
          Re: Vehicle Drop

          It has its advantages. The idea is good, it lets people who, for example, get shot down on Zatar Wetlands get back to their base to fly again. But it goes sour when they start using them as large bombs.


          • #35
            Re: Vehicle Drop

            Horrible idea. For ground pounders the only classes that are relevant on city maps now are AT and Medic. EA finally found a way to ruin the play on their most popular map. On a pub, if the usmc has half a brain and want to play tactically they will never lose. On Kark they can cap all the back flags in the first minute and a half. Mec never recovers. On a server last night MEC lost 30 straight. Utter BS. Nice job.


            • #36
              Re: Vehicle Drop

              Originally posted by Talus
              Good idea, but implemented poorly.

              I like the idea of ONLY being able to drop a vehicle at the request of a squad leader.
              I agree


              • #37
                Re: Vehicle Drop

                Well, now it's easier to kill chopper/jet/armor whores


                • #38
                  Re: Vehicle Drop

                  I think the vehicle drop is a good idea but the problem with it is that some commanders drop vehicles on snipers to kill them but other that i love the idea.


                  • #39
                    Re: Vehicle Drop

                    Well i say: Give us Plane Whores a freakin c-130, with dropable Load, and we take care of the rest


                    • #40
                      Re: Vehicle Drop

                      Originally posted by Talus
                      Good idea, but implemented poorly.

                      I like the idea of ONLY being able to drop a vehicle at the request of a squad leader.
                      Yeah, you're thinking what I am.

                      The poll asks if it was a good idea, and you have to say yes it was a good idea.

                      How it turns out in-game is a totally different matter. I think DICE knew that the only true way to test it would be to release it, and see what happens.


                      • #41
                        Re: Vehicle Drop

                        great way to take out enemy snipers :P


                        • #42
                          Re: Vehicle Drop

                          it's good for a laugh, but little to no strategic value.

                          Enemies see an empty vehicle on thier map, that should not be where it is, then see it disappear, well, they now know where you are.

                          And taking out the arty with them, how gay is that?


                          • #43
                            Re: Vehicle Drop

                            Originally posted by SuperTyphoon
                            I like it when you are stranded far away and a vehicle comes. The carrier cartillery is pretty funny too.

                            That would be against EA's religion, where expressing opinions that everyone else has to the devs, and try to make the game better, is prohibited

                            EA has never let this happen and never will.
                            Yes I was playing as commander on Legion@War server the other day. When ever I saw (on the radar sweep) one or more persons way off the side of the map away from any vehicles I dropped one so that they could get back in the action. I figured they were there as a result of bailing out of an aircraft. 90% of the time they would run over and get in the vehicle.

                            I think this option is great and needs expanded to boats also.

                            Of couse later when not commaning, I was flying and lined up for a perfect bomb run and suddenly here is a FAV in front of me. I still took out the two targets with the bomb but the FAV took me out. :laugh:

