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Vehicle Drop

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  • #16
    Re: Vehicle Drop

    ..another reason to have vehicle drops ONLY available if a squad leader requests it.


    • #17
      Re: Vehicle Drop

      Originally posted by Talus
      ..another reason to have vehicle drops ONLY available if a squad leader requests it.


      • #18
        Re: Vehicle Drop

        Sometimes I just WISH there was an easy way to get through to the dev team and just ask them 'have you ever thought of this?' and get a reply.


        • #19
          Re: Vehicle Drop

          Originally posted by Talus
          Good idea, but implemented poorly.

          I like the idea of ONLY being able to drop a vehicle at the request of a squad leader.
          very good idea


          • #20
            Re: Vehicle Drop

            I'm glad I'm not playing bf2 nowadays. If somebody airdropped a vehicle onto my helicopter I'd probably end up throwing my mouse against the wall.

            how does crap like this make it out of test?


            • #21
              Re: Vehicle Drop

              I've seen so many people say that. "If a vehicle hits me in a chopper..."
              Do you have any clue how hard that would be to do?? Nearly impossible. They don't drop that fast!

              I think V_Dropping is great. I was commanding last night and helped out many of my guys by giving them something to drive. Guy sneaks past the front and is hoofing it to a far off CP... "VEHICLE AT YOUR LOCATION".... more then once I got a "THANKS! I OWE YOU ONE!!"


              • #22
                Re: Vehicle Drop

                They airdrop the vehicles onto choppers on the helipad..not while they are in flight across the battlefield.


                • #23
                  Re: Vehicle Drop

                  Originally posted by DosX
                  Is it a good idea?
                  At first before it came out i thought oh gawd this is gunna suck, but after seeing it in action it's not i voted so so


                  • #24
                    Re: Vehicle Drop

                    I like it when you are stranded far away and a vehicle comes. The carrier cartillery is pretty funny too.

                    Originally posted by Talus
                    Sometimes I just WISH there was an easy way to get through to the dev team and just ask them 'have you ever thought of this?' and get a reply.
                    That would be against EA's religion, where expressing opinions that everyone else has to the devs, and try to make the game better, is prohibited

                    EA has never let this happen and never will.


                    • #25
                      Re: Vehicle Drop

                      Originally posted by 7eregrine
                      I've seen so many people say that. "If a vehicle hits me in a chopper..."
                      Do you have any clue how hard that would be to do?? Nearly impossible. They don't drop that fast!
                      That hasn't stopped commanders from trying. Right now I see them dropping vehicles on anything. I all ready mentioned commanders dropping vehicles beside me when I was trying not to attract attention . There is also the WTF looks from tank drivers when they realize something just landed on them. The least we can do to stop jeeps raining every where is limit it to when a squad leader requests one, and to increase the time between drops.


                      • #26
                        Re: Vehicle Drop

                        Ever get the feeling some guy is sitting over at Dice/EA smoking a spliff going...oh oh I have an idea...let's add vehicle drop...yeah yeah cool...then they rush outta their office...scream at some poor work overtime...then push the patch...without thinking?

                        Here's and idea...instead of dropping cars from the sky...why not have the SL spawn point....a paradrop. This way if someone wants to cycle...they can...but they might get shot outta the sky!

               about you fix the damn game.


                        • #27
                          Re: Vehicle Drop

                          ..not a bad idea!!!

                          ..but would lead to some crazy rooftop exploits


                          • #28
                            Re: Vehicle Drop

                            vehicle dropping has been more good than bad for me... but the idea of only squad leaders being able to call them in, or only dropping on their spawn pt would be good; i have had a lil' fun w/ the vehicle drop while CO by killing spawn raping snipers on buildings (mostly on Warlord by insurgent hideout). i was lucky enough one time to get a whole squad of snipers that were owning the same guys that kept on spawning in @ the same spot


                            • #29
                              Re: Vehicle Drop

                              I like the Idea,
                              but i would rather have an Armory like in
                              Joint Operations


                              • #30
                                Re: Vehicle Drop

                                Originally posted by DosX
                                Oh how true that is. If it's safe to do so - I'll toss a grenade into any boat I vacate, just to speed it's recycle rate.

                                Maybe thats what they should have done instead of vehicle drops. Make vehicles that have been moved decay at a MUCH faster rate.
                                i do the same, if i spot an abandon transport, i will try and blow it up if i can. also, if i dumped one in favor of an attack helo or armor, i will destroy it so it can rightfully respawn.

                                and on the topic if vehicle drop is good or first i thought it was a stupid idea, but after playing, i think its not so bad. its rather handy to request a vehicle.

