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Base Rape

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  • #61
    Re: Base Rape

    We just had a vote on this in my clan and decide to forbid attacking the uncap in any way except for specops and snipers.

    Mainly it was because there are so many of us online most times that we tend to completely dominate, if we take it into their main it just drives the players away.

    So we did it for the people's sake. From our POV it was great if they were all running around in our uncap, less of them defending, lol.


    • #62
      Re: Base Rape

      Good for you.

      I'll still base rape if I feel it appropriate.


      • #63
        Re: Base Rape

        Originally posted by Panzerfaust Monk
        I have a third issue, though it's relatively minor. Carriers are tremendously bigger than what you see in BF2 and would EASILY be able to fend off a few J-10s. But, you know, there are "balance" issues.
        In wake the carrier is USS Essex LHD-2 an amphibious assault ship of the USMC Length: 840 feet (256 meters)
        Flight Deck Width: 140 feet (42.6 meters)
        Displacement: approx. 40,500 tons full load
        Armament: two Mk-29 NATO Sea Sparrow launchers, two 20mm Phalanx CIWS, eight Mk-33 .50 cal. machine guns, two Rolling Airframe Missile Systems

        Compare that to the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) Displacement:100,000 tons +


        • #64
          Re: Base Rape

          Is the Reagan a Nimitz class?


          • #65
            Re: Base Rape

            "USS RONALD REAGAN is the 9th NIMITZ - class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and the first ship in the Navy to bear the name. November 11, 2000, was a key milestone in the construction of the RONALD REAGAN when the 650-ton island house was placed atop the ship's flightdeck at Newport News Shipbuilding."


            • #66
              Re: Base Rape

              Ahh, right.

              Another floating city.


              • #67
                Re: Base Rape

                Ok, MOST aircraft carriers are bigger than that. Still, the real Essex looks about 1.5 to 2 times bigger than in the game. Also, the in-game one needs those .50 cal.s, God knows they'd at least help SOME against those J-10s.


                • #68
                  Re: Base Rape

                  Looks pretty accurate to me


                  • #69
                    Re: Base Rape

                    Well, I dunno, it still looks bigger in real life to me. Not by a ton, but still bigger.


                    • #70
                      Re: Base Rape

                      Originally posted by Metasynaptic
                      Ahh, right.

                      Another floating city.
                      I thought it was a state


                      • #71
                        Re: Base Rape

                        Originally posted by aTp
                        I thought it was a state

                        Nimitz class carriers have a crew of about 5000.


                        • #72
                          Re: Base Rape

                          Originally posted by Metasynaptic
                          Ahh, right.

                          Another floating city.

                          more like floating village comapred to this:


                          • #73
                            Re: Base Rape

                            that's why i don't really do base raping on wake because i know how it feels to be the other side of the bs.. usmc i mean

                            you can rape the hell out of the airfield and that's fine because spawn points are far apart.. but on carrier, that's messed up because you can't do jack!!

                            2 j-10 going at essex killing 5 people every 2 sec and z-10 circling above the arty island..

                            what are you gonna do if you were usmc?


                            • #74
                              Re: Base Rape

                              Originally posted by Panzerfaust Monk
                              Ok, my honest views on base raping.

                              Yes, base raping is perfectly legal, and yes, it is relatively avoidable (though not always). Base raping is overall a perfectly legitimate strategy to quell foe and keep him well pinned down. Despite all this, base raping is simply unsportsman-like. Now, I know what some of you might say, "This is war!", or maybe, "Just defend yourself or cap. a flag!".

                              To the first one, no, it isn't. It's a game, and games are supposed to be fun. Base raping, almost by definition, is not fun. Getting seriously owned every five or so seconds isn't exactly enjoyable. Hell, its not even fun for the attackers. What fun is pounding a helpless enemy into the ground while hardly even facing them? Unless all you care about is stats, then this isn't exactly considered "fun."

                              To the second point, you cannot always do this. If you've ever hopped into an AA turret against a jet, you know that, unless you're up against a bad pilot, you're getting your ass blown to hell, even on the carrier's AA. Even ground troops are hard as hell to fend off if they get a foothold in your base. Also, as for capping a flag, that's not always as easy as it sounds. For example, on Wake, with an experienced pilot in the air, you cannot drive a boat all the way to the island without getting blown up, much less anything on the carrier.

                              So I conclude that, although legal, base raping should be frowned upon.
                              +5 for honesty and honor

                              It's so funny to see the team doing the base raping sit quietly enjoying their swelling stats and maybe dropping the occasional 12-year-old's smack talk. What's funnier is when the round is over and the teams switch... only to find those idiots have switched sides to keep raping! And what's funnier than that? When team auto-balance is on so they can't switch sides, and then they disconnect because they know they will eventually be base raped!!

                              What has happened to our players today? What happened to sportsmanlike conduct, honor, and fun? Did they become a buzzword, a word used in Japanese Samurai movies, and a relative word depending on which side of the gun you're on, respectively? Since when did pointless stats or a pathetic end-of-round belly rub matter more than a solid and consistent visitor base to your server? On that note...

                              What is with clans that pay for their own server, then stack the hell out of one team and rape the crap out of the public players? Can you honestly say you "owned those noobs" when you won by 200+ points? Was it even a challenge to begin with? I find this disgustingly rampant. A team of 10 assholes buys a server, opens it to the public, maybe even ranks it, and then sets all the settings and "rules" so that it totally caters to their play style and stat progression. They kick anyone they deem too good, ban anyone they can't prove is cheating, and even host a non-BF2 VOIP so visitors can't work with them.

                              YOU ARE THE PATHETIC CLANS.


                              • #75
                                Re: Base Rape

                                Originally posted by Sir. -=AJ06=-
                                I'm talking about Dalian, or Wake, or Dragon, rape to the max
                                J10's on carrier=Ok. Artillery on carrier (while other flags exist)=not Ok.

                                Remember that the U.S gets 2 bases at the start of the game. I actually got kicked off Dragon Valley last night for raking up some serious kills because the idiots refused to spawn on the other flags.

                                The J10's are designed to shoot down aircraft. Grounded or airborne - doesn't matter. If you got a problem with it, grab the ESSEX gun and start firing. That baby can bring down a J10 no problem - especially when they're strafing.

