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Base Rape

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  • #16
    Re: Base Rape

    I'm not really even a baseraper....I just dont see the big problem with it in general...and the only time I've really been kicked from a server for other than ping problems....was technically "aginst server rules" however the real reason I was kicked was because the "server rules" were aginst EA/DICE/whatever ROE. The server name said nothing about being a K'n'p only server, so I was using the G3, of course. After numerous and quick kills, the admin comes on and tells me to use k n p only...I proced to tell him that a server like that is aginst the rules....we go back and forth for a while, he threated to kick me...not that I cared...I made sure to knife him once...then a minute or two later I got kicked with the message "I RUN THIS SH*T"

    I was so ammused, I had to stop playing for a little while


    • #17
      Re: Base Rape

      Man, on maps like Wake, Kark, and other with only ONE base to star with, it's annoying when tou get baseraped! You can't progress because you're ONE and ONLY base is surrounded and getting raped by bomber jets and tanks and what not! Thing about it! Mecs/China has ALL of the flags and the USA has only ONE main base! **** all when it's surrounded and you can't get out.

      What should be done is PROTECT YOUR bases, don't let the USA guys get on your base, don't let them step on the ground, but by all means don't ****ing attack their main base and rape everything and anything on it!


      • #18
        Re: Base Rape

        Originally posted by Sir. -=AJ06=-
        How can you defend yourself stuck on a ship in the middle of an ocean, getting bombed and artied continuosly? :|:
        I'm all for base raping, if you're going to spawn and wait 5 min for a plane or chopper then you deserve to get raped. I do have an issue with how EA setup the carrier. One, you have a huge carrier but only use 1 side so almost everyone gets killed during an artillery strike. Two, carriers are usually moving making it harder to hit, especially with artillery. At least in BF1942 you could actually drive the ships.


        • #19
          Re: Base Rape

          Originally posted by trousermouse
          I'm all for base raping, if you're going to spawn and wait 5 min for a plane or chopper then you deserve to get raped. I do have an issue with how EA setup the carrier. One, you have a huge carrier but only use 1 side so almost everyone gets killed during an artillery strike. Two, carriers are usually moving making it harder to hit, especially with artillery. At least in BF1942 you could actually drive the ships.
          here here


          • #20
            Re: Base Rape

            I only base rape if the previous round the other team did so.


            • #21
              Re: Base Rape

              Originally posted by trousermouse
              I'm all for base raping, if you're going to spawn and wait 5 min for a plane or chopper then you deserve to get raped. I do have an issue with how EA setup the carrier. One, you have a huge carrier but only use 1 side so almost everyone gets killed during an artillery strike. Two, carriers are usually moving making it harder to hit, especially with artillery. At least in BF1942 you could actually drive the ships.
              strange I only remember one carrier each on BF1942 I don't remember each side having 2


              • #22
                Re: Base Rape

                Originally posted by Tetra(UK)
                strange I only remember one carrier each on BF1942 I don't remember each side having 2
                Two, is the second issue I have with how EA setup the carrier. Not the number of carriers in BF1942....


                • #23
                  Re: Base Rape

                  Originally posted by Sir. -=AJ06=-
                  How can you defend yourself stuck on a ship in the middle of an ocean, getting bombed and artied continuosly? :|:

                  then your team sucks and deserves to be owned.


                  • #24
                    Re: Base Rape

                    I have a third issue, though it's relatively minor. Carriers are tremendously bigger than what you see in BF2 and would EASILY be able to fend off a few J-10s. But, you know, there are "balance" issues.


                    • #25
                      Re: Base Rape

                      Originally posted by d3sc3n7j
                      Why does everyone have such a problem with "Base Rape"?!

                      Is not my "job" in the game, to kill the guys on the other side?! Do you think that when I really go to war, I can be within the compund and tell the guys trying to come in and kill us...HEY! That's base can be here!

                      People need to quit crying, and learn to defend themselves!!!
                      According to the poll that I had recently on the base raping subject, majority of the players (75%) didn't have a problem with base raping, especially if the base was the last spawn point that the enemy has. The remaining percentage were some whiners that couldn't grasp the fact that it's their own fault for losing all the flags and having their base raped. If my base is getting raped, I wouldn't blame nobody but myself for not being able to turn the things around.
                      People that are against base raping are usually those that initiate a kick vote if you kill them too many times even in any normal circumstances other than the base raping case.


                      • #26
                        Re: Base Rape

                        Originally posted by Panzerfaust Monk
                        I have a third issue, though it's relatively minor. Carriers are tremendously bigger than what you see in BF2 and would EASILY be able to fend off a few J-10s. But, you know, there are "balance" issues.
                        The issue is the CIWS. It should UTTERLY own any aircraft that comes near it. it needs more armour, by a long way.

                        I usually kill anyone that goes head to head with me when I sit in the CIWS, but you do NOT make a habit of sitting there, because you will be targetted, and the J-10 has the whole sky, and you can't scan the whole sky and get first shot.

                        Originally posted by govedob
                        According to the poll that I had recently on the base raping subject, majority of the players (75%) didn't have a problem with base raping, especially if the base was the last spawn point that the enemy has. The remaining percentage were some whiners that couldn't grasp the fact that it's their own fault for losing all the flags and having their base raped. If my base is getting raped, I wouldn't blame nobody but myself for not being able to turn the things around.
                        People that are against base raping are usually those that initiate a kick vote if you kill them too many times even in any normal circumstances other than the base raping case.

                        HEAR HEAR!

                        Cap flags, defend your spawn. How many times have you seen both CIWS being used at once?


                        • #27
                          Re: Base Rape

                          I don't base rape because I don't see it as sportsman like nor do I need such easy kills to win a round. I like to earn the points I get and not go for cheap kills, but that's just me.

                          Raping an UNCAP is just flat out childish and only serves to ruin the game for those on the other side. If you are in a clan match it's one thing, but on a pubby server it's overkill and pathetic. For those of you who give the you lost all your flags argument as some twisted logic to make it ok, there are maps out there that only give you ONE flag to begin with.

                          In the end, it's like I said. I don't do it because I don't need to. I will even tell my guys on vent to let the other team get a flag if they are being owned. It's nice to give them a chance and lets them enjoy the game. This is a game, it is supposed to be fun. I guess I am a dinosaur due to my outlook and wanting everyone to enjoy the game for what it is.


                          • #28
                            Re: Base Rape

                            I say go to your enemy's base and kill all of them. If they are not capable of defending their own base,, they need practice. \

                            During the Vietnam War, America never lost a single battle. The reason the US "lost the war" is because of the stupid politicians that woud not let the American army go into Cambodia and Laos to kill the enemy.

                            Stupid hippie protestors didn't help either.

                            My point is... Go where the enemy is and kill him. Even if he likes to hang around his main base. A dead enemy is a good dead enemy.


                            • #29
                              Re: Base Rape

                              Is "Base Raping" mentioned anywhere in the Geneva/Hague Conventions?

                              Base Raping is going to keep happening, regardless of how many "fairness doctrine" paragraphs are posted on the Internet. The key is being able to minimize the amount of times the enemy can do it to you during a game.

                              If the enemy's using mostly armor to Base Rape, and my team has a nearby base or two that is/are not being raped at the moment, I'll usually spawn at one of them and take a C4-laced jeep to the rapers. Have some friends come along in their own, too. Enemy artillery lighting up the advancing team's UNCAP for most of the game? Hope you've got a couple of squads with some armor support that are willing to guard a bunch of destroyed enemy firebases until the rest of the team can gain a solid foothold over at least 1/3 of the map.

                              Sure, a little fairness never hurt a game, but ultimately, "Tis' better to Base Rape than to be Base Raped." If one's logistics and territory aren't an issue, then unrestricted agression is the best strategy.


                              • #30
                                Re: Base Rape

                                Originally posted by Kalafan
                                Is "Base Raping" mentioned anywhere in the Geneva/Hague Conventions?

                                Base Raping is going to keep happening, regardless of how many "fairness doctrine" paragraphs are posted on the Internet. The key is being able to minimize the amount of times the enemy can do it to you during a game.

                                If the enemy's using mostly armor to Base Rape, and my team has a nearby base or two that is/are not being raped at the moment, I'll usually spawn at one of them and take a C4-laced jeep to the rapers. Have some friends come along in their own, too. Enemy artillery lighting up the advancing team's UNCAP for most of the game? Hope you've got a couple of squads with some armor support that are willing to guard a bunch of destroyed enemy firebases until the rest of the team can gain a solid foothold over at least 1/3 of the map.

                                Sure, a little fairness never hurt a game, but ultimately, "Tis' better to Base Rape than to be Base Raped." If one's logistics and territory aren't an issue, then unrestricted agression is the best strategy.
                                Well said. Last time I checked, you win by killing off the other team's tickets. Do it however possible. It is up to the enemy to stop you. Not some pussified rules that aren't even enforced by the games programming.

