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Base Rape

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  • #31
    Re: Base Rape

    I used to put laser trip mines on spawn points in Half Life deathmatch.

    Call me scum, if you want, I don't care.

    battlefield 2 has so many oppertunities to avoid being spawn raped, I take it as an oppertunity to do so when presented with the chance.

    as I said, help your self, help your team. take flags, man the CIWS, don't sit at the taxi rank waiting for that bus that never comes.


    • #32
      Re: Base Rape

      Here is the problem with base raping.

      First. THe other team should have NO other flags. In this case, Base Raping is very bad. If they have other flags, then in all reality they should be spawning at flags out in the "field".
      Now, here is the problem with base raping, in a nut shell:

      1.) My team is doing the base raping.
      Ok.........thats all fine and dandy, but man, you base rapers are ruining my fun. Why? You are eliminating anyone and everyone trying to get to the flag im trying to defend. I mean, I play the game too. I paid for the game. I expect attackers.......and i expect to shoot them. (or be shot at). So why 3 or 4 of my TEAMMATES are wiping them up at thier having a crappy time watching the wind blow the flag around. Sucks.

      2.) My team is being base raped.
      Hey....its not my fault. OH its my team, and i have a hand in it.....but its not my fault my team hasnt gotten a flag yet. (and more then usual, its only this way, because the enemy team have a faster PC and all got in game, 30 seconds before my team) ANyways, why do i have to spawn and be shot at or bombed at, within .2 seconds? Why do you not want to fight me........why im fighting you? Seems to be more sporting and lets not forget, more fun.
      Again, i want to have fun. SPawning, dying, rinse, repeat, is not fun.
      I cant tell you how many great potential games were killed off, by base rapers. Thats just sad.
      ON another server where i was admin at durring Desert Combat, we eliminated base raping (uncaps) on the server. Guess what happened? Server got FILLED....and stayed FILLED with folks. Another thing happened. Pretty much EVERY game was intense, fun filled, and close. In short eliminating base raping, made everyone have a much better time. I stand by this, so i stand up high and proud and say.........uncap main base raping sucks. ANd is very lame.

      Originally posted by Metasynaptic
      I used to put laser trip mines on spawn points in Half Life deathmatch.

      Call me scum, if you want, I don't care.

      battlefield 2 has so many oppertunities to avoid being spawn raped, I take it as an oppertunity to do so when presented with the chance.

      as I said, help your self, help your team. take flags, man the CIWS, don't sit at the taxi rank waiting for that bus that never comes.

      we are talking main base rape here, not spawn killing. Yes the two are both lame as heck...........but again, main uncap base raping is the topic.


      • #33
        Re: Base Rape

        Base rape doesn't really bother me... just spawn on a SL or go anti-tank or whatever...


        • #34
          Re: Base Rape

          The thing is, I get more points when I don't base rape.

          Take Wake Island. I have quite a fast PC, and usually spawn first, or close to it. I can get to the J-10, but I usually don't bother. Why? I take the Tank from the South base, and drive it to the airfield, where I can usually find an engineer in the tank there.

          At some point, the US takes eother the north base or the south base, and with tank partner in tow, we rip up anyone that seeks to leave these bases.

          If I was in the J-10, sure, I'd get a good kill count, but I tend to do better this way.


          • #35
            Re: Base Rape

            I don't have problem with it either. As many folks have stated here already, it usually is my team's fault, that there are no other flags to spawn at. After all it's war-game with the point of killing the enemy.
            If EA/Dice had intended to make baseraping "illegal" the would have put uncapable flags outside the the combat-area for the other team.

            I get kicked and banned a lot for gunning down vehicles, jets and AA on the MEC mainbase on Oman a lot which is totally idiotic. I don't bomb the helipads etc for infantry-kills or such. All I do is kill the vehicle once I someone gets in it. I even get accused of spawnraping when the jet/helo has lifted off. That just shows how perverted all this whining about getting owned is IMHO.


            • #36
              Re: Base Rape

              Originally posted by metallicaguitrst
              LOL... or stop waiting for the same vehicle over... and over.... and over....and over.... and over.... and over... and over......................and over again, only to come to the same ending every time.
              He he, yeah good point!
              I had a game on Wake yesterday, where we managed to take the Airfield rather early. Just as we'd capped the flag, I jumped into a FAV to scout the base for survivors. Wouldn't you know - 3 enemies were still camping on the helipad, and 2 on the airstrip! 5 quick roadkills, bunch of morons


              • #37
                Re: Base Rape

                Originally posted by Kalafan
                Is "Base Raping" mentioned anywhere in the Geneva/Hague Conventions?

                Base Raping is going to keep happening, regardless of how many "fairness doctrine" paragraphs are posted on the Internet. The key is being able to minimize the amount of times the enemy can do it to you during a game.

                If the enemy's using mostly armor to Base Rape, and my team has a nearby base or two that is/are not being raped at the moment, I'll usually spawn at one of them and take a C4-laced jeep to the rapers. Have some friends come along in their own, too. Enemy artillery lighting up the advancing team's UNCAP for most of the game? Hope you've got a couple of squads with some armor support that are willing to guard a bunch of destroyed enemy firebases until the rest of the team can gain a solid foothold over at least 1/3 of the map.

                Sure, a little fairness never hurt a game, but ultimately, "Tis' better to Base Rape than to be Base Raped." If one's logistics and territory aren't an issue, then unrestricted agression is the best strategy.
                Last time I looked EA or DICE had not signed the Geneva/Hague Conventions why because it's not a war it's a bloody game, a game which you are supposed to have fun with, and you can't have fun when you have some lame ass sitting in your uncap in a tank or bombing you as you spawn, why do they do this simple they are incapable of getting a good score for their little stats unless they kill people as they spawn as they are such good players


                • #38
                  Re: Base Rape

                  I get very frustrated on Wake when the J-10 pilots are really good and they dominate the game to the point where your team cant even get to the island and the carrier gets raked with arty constantly, and then raked by J-10's continually ......I'm not bad on AA but they are sooooooo hard to bring down.....and if the pilot is good enough they hit you from angles that you dont have a chance of hitting them back........I've had missle lock and sent up 4 at a time to see them outturn EVERY frickin time....gets VERY old...the J-10's are just WAY to invinceable........Whine Whine Whine......


                  • #39
                    Re: Base Rape

                    Can't wait to see how this is going to be after the squad-hopping issue is nerfed.

                    I mean, in retrospect, look @ what they did w/BH's:

                    1. BH's had ub3r guns and could cap 10' off the ground.
                    2. EA/DICE changes it so BH's can't cap, so now they're used more as gunships.
                    3. The same people that complained about bh capping complains about the guns and they get nerfed.
                    4. The BH is now rendered useless.

                    Hmmmm...... Guys don't like squad hopping, so nerfing it will promote more base-raping. Wonder what the fix for that will be? Maybe Q2 or UT99 style spawn protection lol


                    • #40
                      Re: Base Rape

                      Simple fix for base rapers, just spawn somewere else.


                      • #41
                        Re: Base Rape

                        Originally posted by HypnosisFX
                        Simple fix for base rapers, just spawn somewere else.
                        Not always an option. And not just because one team have lost all their flags through poor play. There are maps where one team starts with only one spawn, as has already been mentioned in this thread.


                        • #42
                          Re: Base Rape

                          i never base rape. even if im in a plane and we cap all the bases and there stuck on the carrier, ok so i will kill anything that gets off the carrier.
                          works better anyway because if everyones off raping em theres always one that gets thru but that doesnt happen much when i dont base rape when the rest of the team does.


                          • #43
                            Re: Base Rape

                            if your on the Essex in the middile of the ocean SPAWN IN THE BOAT BAY last time I checked it's uncappable and last time I checked the only things that can touch you there are a hovering chopper sitting dead meat for an AT or Support unit, or an APC/Landing Boat which are also dead meat for a prone AT or Support unit


                            • #44
                              Re: Base Rape

                              Originally posted by NatureBoy_Wooo
                              I say go to your enemy's base and kill all of them. If they are not capable of defending their own base,, they need practice. \

                              During the Vietnam War, America never lost a single battle. The reason the US "lost the war" is because of the stupid politicians that woud not let the American army go into Cambodia and Laos to kill the enemy.

                              Stupid hippie protestors didn't help either.

                              My point is... Go where the enemy is and kill him. Even if he likes to hang around his main base. A dead enemy is a good dead enemy.

                              Kinda hard to "defend your own base" when you are greeted with a carpet bomb when you come to. I guess I need to work on my anti-carpet bomb skills... noob.

                              And the US got slaughtered in the Vietnam War... kinda like we're getting slaughtered now in Iraq. Whenever you fight on the enemy's turf and you don't know the area, the enemy has an advantage.

                              Perhaps instead of letting your priest tell you how America was and is, you should pick up a history book other than the Bible and watch movies like Full Metal Jacket and Platoon.

                              Back on topic...

                              If you must rape a base, at least leave the jets at home. Placing your gun over the spawn point to pick off easy kills just means you lack the skill to chase targets. You prefer to have them fed to you like Jabba the Hut. Remarkably, the guys that have no problem raping bases disconnect from ther server once it starts happening to them. The nerve! And they don't even bother to stick around for the "how do YOU like it?!" jabs.


                              • #45
                                Re: Base Rape

                                I was plenty ****ed last night...I am trying to get my flight ribbon for the jet...but I'm not that good. I got on some server that said no uncap raping...fine by me. So I'm in the j10 (I can at least do ok in that jet) and I'm actually kickin some arse...NEVER attacking the ship, but getting mass-kills missiling their full blackhawks! It's like 10 minutes into the game and I have 12 or 15 kills already and I'm thinkin "WOO! I'm gunna get my badge soon!" thing I know...kicked by Admin with a generic message of "kicked for ecssesive teams kills or sucessful kick vote"...I did not have a single TK and no vote was ever called on me...guess I'm still ****ed.
                                Every other server i joined, I was the one getting owned in the jet and I couldn't get hardley any I think I'll never get that ribbon!
                                :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

