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Why Karkand...

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  • Why Karkand...

    Why is Karkand the #1 map?
    Wasnt Bf2 made with intentions of a Vehicle heavy game?
    Then why do we flock to Karkand?

    I have my reasons.
    I like to pilot planes, heli's, and tanks...but..
    I can use any class I want on Karkand, unlike the other maps were some classes are only used for certain situations.
    On any map besides Karkand Ive found some classes "boring"..
    Sniper, waiting, so many Vehicles having a oppurtunity for tons of action is hard. thanks for big maps..I need accuracy if the situation turns into an infantry moment.
    Spec Ops..ok, I can blow up some I guess..or maybe set a trap for a tank..
    Medic..hard to find actually infantry to assist when everyone is in a vehicle.
    Assualt..pure infantry..pray for an actaul encounter or gain no points.

    That leaves in my opinion Engy for in round repairs, AT for ability to dispose of vehicles.
    I cant find a reason to pick any class besides these 2 for a vehicle heavy map. Yes I will choose Spec Ops if Im using Air support jsut the fact that if bailing becomes an option id rather have explosives/accurate gun more then anything.

    But I find myself looking at a map and knowing if I dont spawn at a map that offers a "power" vehicle chances are Ill be killed moments later in my trek to the "action"....and theres no fun in dieing
    But if I by chance score that "power" vehicle my use is more powerful if I choose Engy or AT...or Spec Ops for Flying assests.

    The remedy I would suggest to enhance all the maps...

    Extended spawn times on all "power" vehicles (plane,tank,APC,Heli). Increase of transport vehicles.

    This change increases the amount of fighting that comes down to infantry do to the fact that after a "power" vehicle is disposed of it cant be back in the fight 30 sec. later. This way if people want to camp a spawn they'll be hurting there team much more by limiting ground troop support and by allowing a team to really push a base instead of a constant battle of who has the biggest vehicle. How many of us know that after your killed you can just respawn at the base you aquired the vehicle and hop back in and never have to fire a single bullet all game...and thats ashame.

    Just as people say karkand whores abuse CQC and points, people who only use vehicles abuse the fact that CQC and infantry battles exist.
    I know when I jump in a "power" vehicle I know Im gonna dominate and rack up a few kills on fools that got stuck behind or are making that "infantry run" to the flag, I know as long as I find a magic box that lone AT guy is a joke and such. Now when Im infantry..its dipping, diving, resuppling, runnin around watching my ass for bullets nades vehecles etc..its exciting, it gives me a chance to use all my classes for diffrent types of combat between to teams of equal strength..

    Give me infantry..give me jumping, hiding, bags, sniping, booby traps, nades, fire fights. I like using the dominating vehicles..but for some reason having an advantage over 90% of the classes on the battlefield takes from the challenge. I love knowing to that if I spawn in an area and a "power" vehicle isnt available for me to ride in or drive that I wont have to face an opposing force in a no win situation for me.

  • #2
    Re: Why Karkand...

    I like Karkand because it's like a City and it's unique. It's one of those maps that remind you of movies. That's atleast what i think though. I love Karkand and Sharqi Peninsula.


    • #3
      Re: Why Karkand...

      Out of all maps, I believe Strike At Karkand is the best in its layout and design. Man, I absolutely love to fight my way from point A to point B. CQB. The only thing that ruins are the pointwhores, but that ist a big factor.


      • #4
        Re: Why Karkand...

        It gives you the true infantry fighting many people love to play a FPS for.


        • #5
          Re: Why Karkand...

          I atcually hate Shaqi.
          Its a Infantry/small amount of armor map that awards to special people from each team to shoot fish in a barrel with the attack heli.
          Even when AA is used as best it can a gunner on Sharqi can get well over 50 kills and under 10 deaths just by randomly spraying traffic areas.
          Some rounds at Shaqi can be fun, but some and most become a slaughter fest for a gunner.


          • #6
            Re: Why Karkand...

            I agree with SaUrOn that's a good point.


            • #7
              Re: Why Karkand...

              Originally posted by SaUrOn
              It gives you the true infantry fighting many people love to play a FPS for.
              i 2nd that


              • #8
                Re: Why Karkand...

                i 3rd that.


                • #9
                  Re: Why Karkand...

                  BF2 has a ton of vehicles. Thats cool. But there is a huge misconception out there, that allows people to yell here, and in game, i've seen, that BF2 is about vehicles. Thats really funny. Cuz i've never seen a tank go around by itself, an airplane buzzing around and dropping bombs by itself......etc. etc.
                  Its a first person shooter. People play FPS, because they want to shoot. And they want to shoot other people. Maps that flood people together, are gonna naturally be popular.
                  I dont know about you guys, but waiting around for more then 1 minute on ANY map to find something to shoot at it, is pretty lame.
                  City or urban maps, tend to scream...... ACTION. And, they deliver. Karky, Sharky, Masstury...all super fun maps, with 10 to 70 people. I mean its that simple. Vehicles or No vehicles.


                  • #10
                    Re: Why Karkand...

                    BF2 has a ton of vehicles. Thats cool. But there is a huge misconception out there, that allows people to yell here, and in game, i've seen, that BF2 is about vehicles. Thats really funny. Cuz i've never seen a tank go around by itself, an airplane buzzing around and dropping bombs by itself......etc. etc.
                    Its a first person shooter. People play FPS, because they want to shoot. And they want to shoot other people. Maps that flood people together, are gonna naturally be popular.
                    I dont know about you guys, but waiting around for more then 1 minute on ANY map to find something to shoot at it, is pretty lame.
                    City or urban maps, tend to scream...... ACTION. And, they deliver. Karky, Sharky, Masstury...all super fun maps, with 10 to 70 people. I mean its that simple. Vehicles or No vehicles.


                    • #11
                      Re: Why Karkand...

                      I love Karkand because you are right back in the action if you die - simpl as that!


                      • #12
                        Re: Why Karkand...

                        Originally posted by HowieMandel
                        BF2 has a ton of vehicles. Thats cool. But there is a huge misconception out there, that allows people to yell here, and in game, i've seen, that BF2 is about vehicles. Thats really funny. Cuz i've never seen a tank go around by itself, an airplane buzzing around and dropping bombs by itself......etc. etc.
                        Still the vehicles are what separates BF2 from other FPS games.

                        It's not like in HL² or Call of Duty, where you might perhaps encounter some vehicles or if you're lucky you might even use one in some special levels. Instead you can drive everything yourself, in the air, on the water and on wheels and tracks.


                        • #13
                          Re: Why Karkand...

                          the m-203 is my favourite on karkand.. always fun to shoot ppl from far away and see them go up in the air.. but the G3 is also nice to use as a sniper some time... layed on a roof with a sniper once.. and i always killed enemies more than this sniper :0


                          • #14
                            Re: Why Karkand...

                            My stats show my top 3 favorite maps are:


                            But I haven't really played Karkand for a while, got sick of some things like the claymores everywhere in the alleways etc, the C4 whores throwing and detonating, the constant Armor's raping, not whining but I just have gone off it.


                            • #15
                              Re: Why Karkand...

                              Karkand is brilliant. I really love infantry fighting but i usually get annoyed by the ammount of grenades in the first battle sequence between MEC vs USA for the hotel , unless you sneak from an alternate direction to the hotel , you are practically trying to dodge countless grenades and are then shot by those who do throw grenades.

                              Sharqi on the other hand is way too one sided. Every round MEC wins ffs. Its still super fun but my god its one sided.

                              I tend to play more on Wake Island and sometimes Gulf Of Oman. Wake is what im best at , i know all the hiding spots etc and am a pro at it.

