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Rise of Kobol Mod Update

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  • #16
    Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

    If you had taken the time and looked at there site first before saying a smart remark you would have known that they are including both old and new stuff. Check the site and you will see the old content there as well as the new. Personally, I think the new show is much better; but thats my own opinion. And remember, keeping good PR is really hard when there are a lot of nit picks out there that say stuff and dont care, ew that model looks bad, ah- i hate that skin, do this, do that. If your not a 'fellow' modder or do any of the talents that modders do, you should have little say. Although saying something that actually helps the mod out is good; and welcomed. Why'll saying something thats not needed like say, "the new show sucks ***" isnt something that benifits anyone.


    • #17
      Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

      Looks nice i myself hate BSG i think its worst show out there. but the mod could be nice. Good job on it

      btw lex is jacko still with the mod? or did he disapear months ago without a word?


      • #18
        Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

        i personally
        just love the whole concept
        i dont watch the movies/tv or w/e it is
        but it looks totally killer
        yes, killer
        but i do hope its released...
        like i really loved the Operation Restore Hope concept
        because that whole conflict was just interesting
        but they stopped progress
        so i just hope u continue
        great work!
        if you need a beta tester, ill help


        • #19
          Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

          Originally posted by kid_3
          hey, looks great.. congrats on the amazing progress..

          one question tho...

          i see they still use bullets and missiles...

          will whatever the ships fire (lazers) be fast? i mean, from the video i see how the when you shoot you have to compensate for movement because bullets are not fast enough... will lazers be fast?

          once again.. congrats on the progress
          Ever watched the show? the use explosive shells and missles, just like that mod. if your more interested in ths mod visit the forums at


          • #20
            Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

            Amazing stuff, really one of the few mods I've been looking forward too. Till now, I've been dropping into a mod for freelancer to get my Viper fix (usually after watching some of the new series... it just gets into your blood after watching those heated battles). I can't wait for a battlestar vs. basestar battle with vipers and raiders inbetween. Hope you guys get the credit you deserve.



            • #21
              Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

              LexLuther, I know its an Alpha and all, but are the ships planned to be faster? If theres anything I notice in the series when watching the ship combat, its how fast they are for one, and how they can turn (which you already have covered) Its just the speed at the moment is very slow. Like I said I know its an Alpha.

              A question out of curiosity, is it possible, (seeing as its a mostly space map with not much going on) to turn the view distance up a good amount without drastically effecting the FPS? Because its really an immersion killer to have a normal, low, BF2 view distance in space.

              Thanks in advance. Definantly looking forward to this mod, and can't wait for it. Keep up the good work!


              • #22
                Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update



                • #23
                  Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

                  Wow... This mod is shaping up to be very very cool. As a big BS:G nut, I honestly cannot wait to see this on a large scale!

                  One thing I didn't get from that video though.. How is FTL implemented?



                  • #24
                    Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

                    Originally posted by solodude23
                    LexLuther, I know its an Alpha and all, but are the ships planned to be faster? If theres anything I notice in the series when watching the ship combat, its how fast they are for one, and how they can turn (which you already have covered) Its just the speed at the moment is very slow. Like I said I know its an Alpha.

                    A question out of curiosity, is it possible, (seeing as its a mostly space map with not much going on) to turn the view distance up a good amount without drastically effecting the FPS? Because its really an immersion killer to have a normal, low, BF2 view distance in space.

                    Thanks in advance. Definantly looking forward to this mod, and can't wait for it. Keep up the good work!
                    Thanks for the kind words and noticing it's Alpha. We have been playing with the speeds. It seems slow, but once in the heat of battle it really changes. FTL is going ot be the squads main way to travel. We will constantly be tweaking it to find a good balance. Veiw distance is up pretty high already and will be tested to it's max with 64 players. We are also looking into 128 player maps.

                    Originally posted by TitanFire
                    Wow... This mod is shaping up to be very very cool. As a big BS:G nut, I honestly cannot wait to see this on a large scale!

                    One thing I didn't get from that video though.. How is FTL implemented?

                    FTL is currently typed in the squad chat. You hit l and type jump^600. 600 would be 600m.


                    • #25
                      Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

                      Originally posted by LexLuther
                      FTL is currently typed in the squad chat. You hit l and type jump^600. 600 would be 600m.
                      Very cool. Does the whole squad take part in the FTL jump (triggered by leader?) or is it on a ship by ship basis?

                      Keep up the good work m8.



                      • #26
                        Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

                        Yeh, it looks OK, but the vehicles don't have proper inertia - they shouldn't be able to stop and turn on a dime, which they seem to be able to do. They should also go much faster.


                        • #27
                          Re: Rise of Kobol Mod Update

                          Originally posted by TitanFire
                          Very cool. Does the whole squad take part in the FTL jump (triggered by leader?) or is it on a ship by ship basis?

                          Keep up the good work m8.

                          Yes, the whole sqaud will jump as well as a Raptor having some FTL tricks up it's sleeve.

