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Community Update - 3/15/06

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  • #16
    Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

    I'm glad they are watching the community feedback, atleast.


    • #17
      Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

      Originally posted by C.Sartoris
      Since when does anyone support beta software?
      Since when did people start using IE again? :laugh:


      • #18
        Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

        Dear EA Marketing Genius,

        Euro Forces throws a wrench in the whole map rotation because not everyone has it. This is a HUGE EA marketing and public relations mistake. They should have made it FREE for EVERYONE as compensation for the lack of support and lack of patch management skills. Believe me shareholders are well aware.

        If you look at Server Browser in BF2 - you will see many servers EMPTY. Admins either have to run all EF maps OR standard BF2 maps. A mixture does not work. Maybe EA could fix the majority of outstanding bugs and original map bugs BEFORE releasing yet another set of maps that essentially creates the need for a 3rd server and breaks the BF2 community apart even further.

        I have reverted back to all original maps for now.

        I'd love to add the new maps, but if there are 40/40 on the server playing Gulf of Oman and then next map changes to Operation Smoke Screen (EF Map) - you end up loosing half if not 3/4 of the players and then the server essentially stops.

        EA/Dice disgusts and sickens me by the lack of forethought, insight and consideration for the entire gaming community of players and admins who continue to support their lackluster efforts.



        • #19
          Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

          Originally posted by the.warden
          Dear EA Marketing Genius,

          I'd love to add the new maps, but if there are 40/40 on the server playing Gulf of Oman and then next map changes to Operation Smoke Screen (EF Map) - you end up loosing half if not 3/4 of the players and then the server essentially stops.

          You are right about this.

          I bought EF and I can't play the game bec. of the memory error I get when it starts loading a map. This is the first time I won't be able to play BF2. I'm not mad, I love BF games and will still buy every expansion.

          I hope DICE would just start making BF3 instead. They could just license the crytek2 engine and focus their attention on contents.


          • #20
            Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

            So whihc community are they exactly listening too? EF is a total pile of crap and not because it should be free. Its the same content as BF2, nothing new apart from skins. Pathetic...


            • #21
              Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

              Originally posted by Ogrt48
              No help as always EA. Get with the times and support IE7.
              They do not support BETA products, and I don't blame them! This not only affects EA Downloader, but any program which was written for IE6 using ActiveX controls will not work on ActiveX for Ie7 because they are different coding methods.



              • #22
                Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                No help as always EA. Get with the times and support IE7.
                Reading comments like the just re-enforces most peoples comments that most of the problems are PEBKAC (Problem exists between keyboard and chair)

                Most of the problems that people are having, have nothing to do with EA but are caused by their own setup or lack of reading instructions, then they go and complain to the BBB LMAO.


                • #23
                  Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                  IE SUCKS!!! i cant beleave ppl still use that S*** :laugh:


                  • #24
                    Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                    Originally posted by Madmech
                    Reading comments like the just re-enforces most peoples comments that most of the problems are PEBKAC (Problem exists between keyboard and chair)

                    Most of the problems that people are having, have nothing to do with EA but are caused by their own setup or lack of reading instructions, then they go and complain to the BBB LMAO.
                    Another good one...I like this one:

                    "You are experiencing what is known as an I D 10 T error"


                    • #25
                      Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                      Originally posted by machstem
                      They do not support BETA products, and I don't blame them! This not only affects EA Downloader, but any program which was written for IE6 using ActiveX controls will not work on ActiveX for Ie7 because they are different coding methods.

                      You have no clue what you're talking about. All Microsoft products are betas, BF2 is basically a beta too anyways.


                      • #26
                        Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                        Truth is the content doesn't interest me at all, I would have rather seen a Delta Force type expansion with little bird helicopters and somalia/mogadishu type backdrops or maybe some Sir Lanka/Indonesia backdrops. Great Wall? might as well have made a map around the Eiffel Tower.


                        • #27
                          Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                          Originally posted by Dangerdog
                          Truth is the content doesn't interest me at all, I would have rather seen a Delta Force type expansion with little bird helicopters and somalia/mogadishu type backdrops or maybe some Sir Lanka/Indonesia backdrops. Great Wall? might as well have made a map around the Eiffel Tower.
                          I like it!

                          Battlefield 2 Black Hawk Down would be great, would fit with some talk I've been hearing about using other games types from Conquest. Objectives based games, with objective based victory conditions.


                          • #28
                            Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                            Originally posted by starwarsfan11
                            Can you change your name?
                            I'd hate to get off topic, but I'd also like to know.
                            ...Is it possible to change your name in BF2 yet? I havent been able to play BF2 since December, so I dont know whats going on in the BF2 Community lately...( Im using my schools computer )

                            My game name is Josh1


                            • #29
                              Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                              Originally posted by freeekshow
                              Red Orchestra,good Game Go Get,it Do,it Do,it
                              Red Orchestra BLOWS compared to BF2. Don't mislead anyone into thinking it's on the same level.


                              • #30
                                Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                                Originally posted by Devolutionist
                                Red Orchestra BLOWS compared to BF2. Don't mislead anyone into thinking it's on the same level.
                                Yep, RO does not even come close to being on the same level as BF2.

