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Community Update - 3/15/06

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  • Community Update - 3/15/06

    There is a new community update posted over at the <a href="" target="_blank">Official Battlefield 2</a> website. They welcome the positive feedback for Euro Force but are aware of some issues. Here's what they had to say:
    Early feedback for the Battlefield 2 Euro Force booster pack has been very positive. Our community digs the new Challenger 2, the Tiger HAP and the early favored map seems to be Operation Smoke Screen. We appreciate all the positive feedback you guys have been sending us and are also looking at the negative feedback as a way to resolve issues and as a way to provide better content in the future.

    Speaking of negative feedback, we are aware that a small number of people are experiencing issues with the EA downloader. With that, and because we value your loyalty, we are investigating every customer service ticket we get. Here are some of the issues at hand.

    ISSUE: Customers attempting to adjust their GameSpy ID names more than 3 times and then having to wait a week to change it again due to security concerns.
    RESOLVE: You can change your GameSpy nickname up to 3 times per week. Do this by opening the downloader. You will see a text link on the Euro Force image. Alternately, you can go to and My Account and edit the info there.

    NOTE: This is temporarily being change to 10 times to accommodate the issues at hand.

    Complete FAQ can be found here.
    ISSUE: Customers that can not use their EAD to connect to download or login.
    RESOLVE: The inability to connect to the EA downloader is usually a blockage of data from one machine to another. When troubleshooting online connections you should keep in mind that you are not only dealing with your computer, but also the computer you are connecting to. Also be aware that every other computer your signal passes through can affect this connection.

    Complete FAQ can be found here.

    ISSUE: ActiveX / IE 7. IE7 is not final, and is not a supported browser. Revert to IE6 and set security / privacy / activex settings to default. While it would certainly be better if we were not dependant on any third party software, we have to recognize that IE7 is not final.

    Complete FAQ can be found here.

    ISSUE: 7049:0 error – We are aware of this issue and are currently investigating it. Once we know how to resolve it we will update you.

    There are other various issue that we’re looking into and will update everyone in the community as we find solutions. For those of you playing Euro Force, keep up the good fight. For those who are having issues getting it to run, keep your chin up. We hope to have most of the issues solved quickly.

    Glad to see they have some solutions for those having trouble with the booster pack. Stay tuned for more news on Battlefield 2 as well as the newly released Euro Force.

  • #2
    Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

    I am not bought EF yet but I know my friends are having problems with exactly the same stuff. I am not sure if I will purchase it yet. I guess if all my gaming buddies are I will have to also.


    • #3
      Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

      Ehh....I like all the all the new vehicle renders.......but comon...! The Chally2/Leo2a6 have the same gun sound and optics which are the ones directly from th abrams/and type 98! The Eurocopter's flight physics suck.....i mean i don't enjoy flying it.......that's about all the negative I can think of, but the game is still fun and i'll continue to play it...i just want some new sounds!


      • #4
        Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

        ISSUE: Customers attempting to adjust their GameSpy ID names more than 3 times and then having to wait a week to change it again due to security concerns.

        RESOLVE: You can change your GameSpy nickname up to 3 times per week. Do this by opening the downloader. You will see a text link on the Euro Force image. Alternately, you can go to and My Account and edit the info there.

        NOTE: This is temporarily being change to 10 times to accommodate the issues at hand.

        Can you change your name?


        • #5
          Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

          pffff euro force. i was so keen to get it then i discovered RO... dont think i will get it now

          if EA really wants to make money they should hire FH2 team for an end of year release extravaganza lol...


          • #6
            Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

            2 Issues,

            The first, my original installation CD has a scratch that will no longer allow me to install the game, was working fine as a play disc until I formatted.

            Are there any issues with using a friends cd's to install and my cd key?

            After the format and cd issues I downloaded a iso of the installation cd and it installed! the but when installing the patch updates I could only get them to work by using the incrementals. Things were fine but EF wouldn't install, I downloaded it 4 times because I was receiving a CRC ERROR on every client and server file during installation every time.

            So I tried a full uninstall of bf2 and the downloader, tried to reinstall with the ISO I used the last time and now everytime I try I get a MD5Error. I can't even install bf2 anymore!

            HELP? would using a friends cd's solve them problem? its driving me nuts!


            • #7
              Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

              Using your friend's disk doesnt make a difference and should work as if it was yours. Remember to use your CD KEY.


              • #8
                Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                Yeah, I've always been using the same cd key. Unless the iso I downloaded is dodgy it should be the same as if I used my mates cd's. I need to get rid of this md5error to at least install the game again, I've already done 2 formats in the last week and really don't want to do another one!


                • #9
                  Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                  It's interesting where they find this positive feedback .All I saw is negative feedback...well and few posts like " well for that money what did you expected"...witch is not too positive.


                  • #10
                    Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                    No help as always EA. Get with the times and support IE7.


                    • #11
                      Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                      Red Orchestra,good Game Go Get,it Do,it Do,it


                      • #12
                        Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                        I would like to know if you are able to unlokc the new Euro Forces guns and if you can, will yo be able to use them on the vanilla servers?:|:


                        • #13
                          Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                          Originally posted by Ogrt48
                          No help as always EA. Get with the times and support IE7.
                          Since when does anyone support beta software?


                          • #14
                            Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                            Originally posted by Minh15
                            I would like to know if you are able to unlokc the new Euro Forces guns and if you can, will yo be able to use them on the vanilla servers?:|:



                            • #15
                              Re: Community Update - 3/15/06

                              on mine the maps are very laggy, but still playable, and there is very little infantry fighting going on, mainly tank battles but i guess ill get used to it, but i had no trouble with my EuroForce GAmeSpy ID thing

