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Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

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  • #31
    Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

    Originally posted by Keith Maniac
    Didn't like this one at all. There seems to be the whole FUN missing from this mod. Does the flag capturing allways take so long? Doesn't that give the defenders too much advance in some maps?
    Its meant to encourage teamwork to take control of maps, and not the "one man army" kinda thing


    • #32
      Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

      Fun mod ! but the gun sound at a distance thing is all messed up and hasnt changed this time. If a gun is a 300 feet away it sounds like its right beside you
      Really messes with your senses. Hope they fix that soon. Also the flags do take too long to turn over, its like your a one man army anyway, the way the flag goes down. I also think there is way too much recoil in the guns


      • #33
        Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

        Originally posted by Defeatest
        Fun mod ! but the gun sound at a distance thing is all messed up and hasnt changed this time. If a gun is a 300 feet away it sounds like its right beside you
        Really messes with your senses. Hope they fix that soon. Also the flags do take too long to turn over, its like your a one man army anyway, the way the flag goes down. I also think there is way too much recoil in the guns
        ummm no it dont.... in bf2 the gun sounds are very quiet. Not like they would be in real life. So if you started shoting a gun on top of a hill you would hear it for along way away in real life. In bf2 u dont, in this mod, you do. The loud gun sounds give away your perstion so that adds abit more to the game where you have to think, "is it worth fireing at that guy as it could give my postion away" instead of "DIE, DIE, DIE!!!! dam i missised him, oh well no 1 knows im here im all safe" like normal bf2.


        • #34
          Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

          Originally posted by Hexadecimal
          w00t! Project Reality is (imo) a perfect example of what Dice should have aimed for when creating the vanilla version of BF2. They keep making all these adjustments to BF2 in an attempt to keep things fair and simple, but all they end up doing is making things worse. If they simply made things REALISTIC, they would end up with a totally fair game. Because as we all know.. REALITY IS FAIR!

          In BF2 vanilla, it takes 3, 4, 5, sometimes 6 shots to kill an enemy. Now I'm aware that most units are equipped with body armor, but I mean c'mon... if you shoot a guy in the face with a handgun, it shouldn't take 2-3 shots to kill him. He should be dead after one shot, every time!

          Now, there is the very big n00b problem. n00bs with nade launchers running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Dice has attempted to diminish the amount of nade-launching n00bs in the game by making various adjustments here and there. Some of the adjustment have done good, some of them haven't. But, if they would simply make things realistic (just like the Reality mod) It wouldn't take 10 rounds to kill a nading n00b. It would only take a good shot or two to take a n00b out. As a result, it would only take few times before that n00b finally realized that running out without cover isn't such a good idea.

          Anyone agree with me? Or am I just a ranting reality freak? :P

          thats the thing.
          Reality isnt fair.
          Thats why the US beats the **** out of iraqis and the Taliban
          But other then that your right.
          Haven't tryed PRMM since it came out but i guess im gonna try it out.


          • #35
            Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

            I just gotta say that the M249 is mental!
            It's so damn good.
            But theres lack of Euro servers, I played on a Swedish server last night, but this morning it was gone


            • #36
              Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

              Originally posted by Keith Maniac
              Didn't like this one at all. There seems to be the whole FUN missing from this mod. Does the flag capturing allways take so long? Doesn't that give the defenders too much advance in some maps?
              It is going to be edited so it maybe does not take as long, but mostly so the capture area is larger so you don't have to be in such a small area in the open. It was somewhat expirimental.
              Originally posted by Defeatest
              Fun mod ! but the gun sound at a distance thing is all messed up and hasnt changed this time. If a gun is a 300 feet away it sounds like its right beside you
              Really messes with your senses. Hope they fix that soon. Also the flags do take too long to turn over, its like your a one man army anyway, the way the flag goes down. I also think there is way too much recoil in the guns
              What Rhino said for the most part. I can easliy tell the difference between a gun firing diestant and a gun firing from close by in PRMM. I am not sure how bad it really is for you, or if your just not used to the realism.

              As for the recoil, I disagree. Tis realistic. The only problem is that in real life you ahve the ablility to do such things as rest your gun on a window ledge, or against the corver of a wall, etc for support to reduce recoil. However this is not possible in the BF2 engine.


              • #37
                Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                I love this mod except for two simple things. First the balancing is somewhat off. I havent yet seen a team take control anything past the first flag on any city maps. Second is the wounded timer is way to long and upsetting mainly if you die out in BFE and of course there is no medic around. Also what if you in a helo or jet you cannot be revived if you get shot down. They need to decrease the wounded timer, take it out completely or let a person have a choice if they want to wait to be revived or not.Other than those two this mod is awesome..


                • #38
                  Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                  Originally posted by Ripstein
                  um it just crashes to desktop when i klik on it? bf2 works fine tho. anyone this problem? ? ?
                  Yup..same here,the vanilla maps load up but the 3 new ones crash to desktop just before the 'join' button appears..any ideas guys.

                  btw ive only got a 'strike at karkand' and not a 'strike at karkand 2' map listed



                  • #39
                    Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                    downloading right now Looks like a great mod from pics i have seen

