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Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

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  • Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

    As promised in their last update, the team behind the <a href="" target="_blank">Project Reality</a> mod have released their latest mini-mod, v0.25. Here's what they had to say about its release:<blockquote>Here it is, the 4th and final build of PRMM .25; due to a few setbacks we are having to release the patch as a full clean install of the mod (290MB). However we feel that it addresses all of the major issues that were brought about concerning compatibility issues with the 1.2 patch. It also includes several relatively minor tweaks to weapons, new visuals, infantry load out adjustments, and 3 new maps (Oasis, Steel Thunder, and Strike at Karakand 2) all of which come with AAS support. As always we want to thank our community and all the newcomers in recent weeks for their continued support and patience while we worked on getting this fix to you.<p><b><i><a href="" target="_blank">Download Here!</a></b></i><p><b>Note: 'Full clean install' means that you should remove all previous versions of PRMM before installing this new version.</b></blockquote>Great to see a new release from these guys. Be sure to swing by their <a href="" target="_blank">site</a> to support them!

  • #2
    Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

    Sounds good, dling now


    • #3
      Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

      w00t! Project Reality is (imo) a perfect example of what Dice should have aimed for when creating the vanilla version of BF2. They keep making all these adjustments to BF2 in an attempt to keep things fair and simple, but all they end up doing is making things worse. If they simply made things REALISTIC, they would end up with a totally fair game. Because as we all know.. REALITY IS FAIR!

      In BF2 vanilla, it takes 3, 4, 5, sometimes 6 shots to kill an enemy. Now I'm aware that most units are equipped with body armor, but I mean c'mon... if you shoot a guy in the face with a handgun, it shouldn't take 2-3 shots to kill him. He should be dead after one shot, every time!

      Now, there is the very big n00b problem. n00bs with nade launchers running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Dice has attempted to diminish the amount of nade-launching n00bs in the game by making various adjustments here and there. Some of the adjustment have done good, some of them haven't. But, if they would simply make things realistic (just like the Reality mod) It wouldn't take 10 rounds to kill a nading n00b. It would only take a good shot or two to take a n00b out. As a result, it would only take few times before that n00b finally realized that running out without cover isn't such a good idea.

      Anyone agree with me? Or am I just a ranting reality freak? :P


      • #4
        Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

        I think Hexa is just trying to say something along the lines of High Leathality is more fun than LOW lethality.

        I came from the SOCOM game which was a nice mix of real meets CS-like ultra arcade gameplay thats all about the infantry and PR seems to be bringing more of that highly leathal no matter what gun it's still fun time back to me via BF2.


        • #5
          Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

          nice dl right now been waiting for this.


          • #6
            Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

            Hehe, yay, hope to see the servers filling up again soon.


            • #7
              Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

              Originally posted by Hexadecimal
              Anyone agree with me? Or am I just a ranting reality freak? :P
              Yes. The noob tube is now rediculace as in PR when you need to use it on say a bunch of 3 guys all huddle nicly together, or on a car that has a 50.Cal on it, the noob tube now bounces off them. I mean before with PRMM no 1 used the noob tube as bulliets where just as good. The only time when u wanted to use a noob tube was at thous times. Or on somthing simmular. The noob tube is only 1 exsample. There is hundereds of others like bunny hopping ect. All has allmost gone from PRMM and now is a very much squad and teamwork based game.

              I just hope the PR devs find a way to get rid of this bounceing noob tube so you can use it when you need to. Its rediculse them just bouncing off cars.....


              • #8
                Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                i wish i could get my BF2 to work..


                • #9
                  Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                  WOOOT !!
                  Just wanted to say thanks for sharing it via BitTorrent cause for some reason the filecloud download failed me every time.


                  • #10
                    Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                    um it just crashes to desktop when i klik on it? bf2 works fine tho. anyone this problem? ? ?


                    • #11
                      Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                      Any direct downloads available? My connection is being a bit of a **** today I need to resume. Can't be bothered installed a BT client.


                      • #12
                        Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                        Use filecloud. If you want my username and password to download it just ask. Because you need a login to download it..


                        • #13
                          Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                          Nice work guys, cant wait to try some new maps.


                          • #14
                            Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                            thanks for the torrent!

                            wish totalbf2 would just use bittorrent instead of filecloud


                            • #15
                              Re: Project Reality Mini-Mod v0.25 Released

                              It's a good mod except that spawn raping is 100x worse. Other than that its a good mod. Great fun.

