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US Intervention Mod Update

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  • #46
    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

    It'll be like christmas moarning, you know one of those good ones you had in your younger days... I if you didm't have one of these replace christmas with Birthday or the first time you had sex. If all else fails Birth.

    You knew it was going to be amazing but you didn't know what it was going to be like.


    • #47
      Re: US Intervention Mod Update

      so what does this mean for your mod's future now that your two coders jumped ship?
      How will it affect your release date?


      • #48
        Re: US Intervention Mod Update

        We will updating everyone soon on that issue.


        • #49
          Re: US Intervention Mod Update

          OMG plz dont change the release date....I cant take it anymore i need to play USI.

          And when is ur new site gonna be up? Like weeks or days...


          • #50
            Re: US Intervention Mod Update

            Click on forums and scroll down to our section.


            • #51
              Re: US Intervention Mod Update

              Guedoe - you need to leave out the "www" in the URL or else it will divert to the main jarHedz site The site can be found at

              Please note that the site is still in the progress of being rebuilt and not all links work correctly or are up to date. If the forum link is not active yet, then you can find it thorugh and browsing to the USI section.



              • #52
                Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                Originally posted by +DNC+bongsquad
                so what does this mean for your mod's future now that your two coders jumped ship?
                How will it affect your release date?

                Doesn't mean much, wouldn't lose sleep over it. I'll say though it isn't as bad as I thought.


                • #53
                  Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                  Hey, VERY NICE BRDM-2 you guys have there! It looks like it has a detailed interior, can I ask how many polygons the whole vehicle has?


                  • #54
                    Re: US Intervention Mod Update

                    22,526 . No, just messing. I have no clue .

                    Our new site is up, however I believe we are getting a new site layout in the coming weeks. Maybe even a beta version with release - who knows. The new template will defiantly show much more of USI's features, vehicles, maps, etc. Stay tuned.

