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Battlefield 2142 Coming August 28th for Mac

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Ryan Williams View Post
    It does have the potential to run a bit worse as they're having to move it from DirectX to OpenGL, which isn't the most trivial of things in the world.

    As for how well it'll run... the latest iMacs will probably run it averagely. It won't be constantly pushing 100fps when maxed out like my equivalently priced PC, but it should offer a pretty smooth game (Except during artillery!). I wouldn't ever buy a Mac if gaming were my primary use for the machine, but if you'd be using the OS itself just as much as you'd play games on it then it'd be a fair experience.
    Nope, it isn't a port in that sense persay, its using Transgammings Cider, which allows for all windows api calls to be emulated for a mac, or something like that.

    Originally posted by seoulspirit View Post
    lol 2142 for mac......2142 would run better on a bowl of macaroni and cheese
    Mmmm Mac + Cheese.

    Though I do actually own a MacBook Pro, It has windows on it, and I will not be buying this version, I already have the pc version....


    • #47
      Originally posted by compuguy1088 View Post
      Nope, it isn't a port in that sense persay, its using Transgammings Cider, which allows for all windows api calls to be emulated for a mac, or something like that.
      Lol wut?

