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Duke Nukem Forever (PC) Review

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  • Duke Nukem Forever (PC) Review

    TGN and CSN's review for Duke Nukem Forever is finally upon us!

    For being in development for over a decade and handed around to at least three major development studios before ultimately being released, what did the gaming world honestly expect to find when Duke Nukem Forever was in their hands? Did they expect a game polished and refined like none other before it? Did they expect mind blowing gameplay that was somehow both the classic Duke Nukem 3D gameplay the world loved and a cutting edge game that featured never before seen mechanics?

    Come on, let's be realistic here. The hype, for everyone that was pulled into it, led them to colossal let down. There are those who remember Duke fondly and recall back to an age where they enjoyed the ever living crap out of Duke 3D. Many reviews out there focused solely on the console experience which, as I seem to be finding out, probably shouldn't have been released in its current state. The console version is apparently a buggy, slow loading mess and it's obvious that the home of Duke Nukem Forever is on the PC first and foremost.

    I struggled with starting this review as I wasn't sure where I would place myself. I'll admit up front here that I never really enjoyed Duke Nukem 3D. Feel free to call me every name in the book but it's true. Sure, there were fun times had in high school programming classes during down time. A small group of us would "duke" (ha ha) it out in a LAN deathmatch. I attempted to enjoy the single player experiences ages back but I just didn't particularly care for it. I even lucked out and received a copy of the Xbox Live Arcade version of Duke 3D from George Broussard himself, but even then I just couldn't get into it.

    Perhaps that is why I went into Duke Nukem Forever with almost no expectations. Oh sure, I know Duke's persona, his affinity towards the female form, and his mighty boot, but not so much the games and gameplay. But I didn't go in thinking it would be a fantastic throw back to games of yesteryear. I didn't go in with rose tinted glasses that fogged my vision of what the game truly is and I didn't really know what sort of a ride I was in for. I've seen the trailers throughout the years but those don't honestly tell us much, especially with how long ago some of those came out. No, the only notion I had going into this game is that "this is a piece of history. The game nobody ever thought would be released is here, in my hands, waiting to be played." And play it I did.(...)

    Want to read more? You better! Head on over to read our full review of Duke Nukem Forever, lovingly written based off of the PC version of the game!