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New Open World Zombie Survival Title in Development for Xbox Live Arcade

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  • New Open World Zombie Survival Title in Development for Xbox Live Arcade

    Microsoft Game Studios and Undead Labs are teaming up to bring the world an open world zombie survival game for the Xbox Live Arcade. The game is currently code-named "Class3" and lets you live out the Zombie Apocalypse as best as you can.

    Concept art

    The end is here. Human civilization has been annihilated. The few, scattered survivors must band together, rebuilding civilization in a third- person action game packed with sweet guns, fast cars, hand-to-hand combat, and copious amounts of zombie gore. Players choose where to make their stand, designing and fortifying their settlements, performing daring raids for valuable stores of food and ammunition, and rescuing other playable survivors. The open world develops in real-time, shaped by player actions, with content determined by their choices and the ever-increasing zombie threat.

    We'll hopefully have some more details soon. I mean, c'mon, who doesn't love a good zombie title?