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Is Black Mesa: Source Released?!

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  • Is Black Mesa: Source Released?!

    A rumor has just popped up courtesy of the official Black Mesa: Source forums. It appears as though, as a late Christmas present or New Years present to its fans, the Black Mesa: Source team has released the mod to select forum visitors!

    The OP of that thread reads, just in case it is taken down:

    After the leak set the project back, I thought I'd never play it. After the 2009 deadline was long gone, I thought I'd never play it. But now, here it is, and it's better than I ever could have guessed! I'm not going to leave my review here, because I want to get back to shooting Vortigaunts, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the devs for this brilliant experience!

    Everybody else leave your first few hours of play experiences here in this thread! See you in deathmatch!

    In fact, there's also an additional rumor that the mod will be released to the public on January 4th.

    Elaborate troll or the real deal?

  • #2
    Re: Is Black Mesa: Source Released?!

    I really hope the rumor is true! Would be a great way to kick off the new year.


    • #3
      Re: Is Black Mesa: Source Released?!

      I can confirm that this was in fact a hoax the screens posted were released ages ago, sorry to burst your bubble guys. The Dev team is yet to make its new years update and I dont know what will be in it only time will tell but that thread was a hoax.


      • #4
        Re: Is Black Mesa: Source Released?!

        It wont come out 4th january. its. The pics its just pre release screens and the person who posted them. Comission is just trolling us all!


        • #5
          Re: Is Black Mesa: Source Released?!

          Wow! I hope that's true because I've been waiting for this mod's release for years..


          • #6
            Re: Is Black Mesa: Source Released?!

            This is ridiculous. I heard about Black Mesa Source over 2 years ago and it was "set to release" in 2009.
            We're now in 2011 and they're still lollygagging. I mean, all it is is just another mod ran off the Source engine. I'm hardly excited about it anymore.


            • #7
              Re: Is Black Mesa: Source Released?!

              This needs to come out within the next few months or honestly I am going to rage.

