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New Left 4 Dead 1 DLC Information from GTTV

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  • New Left 4 Dead 1 DLC Information from GTTV

    The latest episode of GameTrailers TV just aired on SpikeTV for those of us on the East Coast. A teaser for the Portal 2 co-op mode was given and other bits of information that were already known. However, some of the biggest news came at the end from Chet Faliszek with regards to Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2.

    - "The Sacrifice" is the name of the upcoming DLC for Left 4 Dead
    - The story cannon is that Bill is the one who dies prior to L4D2's "The Passing" however, the players will get to choose who lives and who dies in the DLC
    - A 150-page comic will be released prior to the release of The Sacrifice
    - The comic will be released digitally in four parts
    - The comic will adhere to the "The Passing's" story with Bill dying at the end of the comic
    - Cross-over DLC will find L4D1 and L4D2 characters going against the new Special Infected with the new weapons from L4D2, this includes the L4D1 survivors using the L4D2 weapons and going against the L4D2 Specials in "The Sacrifice"
    - No Mercy is one such campaign that will include the cross-over gameplay
    - No release date was given

    We'll toss up the GTTV episode once it's live on the GameTrailers website.

  • #2
    Re: New Left 4 Dead 1 DLC Information from GTTV

    I'm super excited now :O!

