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The Engineer Update is Released!

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  • The Engineer Update is Released!

    The Engineer update Team Fortress 2 has been released!

    - Fixed client crash related flashlight usage.
    - Fixed several issues related to alt-tabbing (invisible players, etc).

    Team Fortress 2:
    - Added The Frontier Justice.
    - Added The Wrangler.
    - Added The Gunslinger.
    - Added The Southern Hospitality.
    - Added 35 Engineer achievements.
    - Engineers can now pickup & move their buildings.
    - Added Engineer main menu music.
    - Added 4 new maps:
    -- Thunder Mountain, a 3 stage Payload map.
    -- Hightower, a Payload Race map.
    -- Upward, a Payload map.
    -- ColdFront, a community built Capture Point map.
    - Item tuning:
    -- The Sandvich now uses a cooldown timer, instead of the health pack recharge mechanic.
    -- The Gunboats now reduce self-damage by 60% (was 75%)
    -- The Tribalman's Shiv bleed duration reduced to 6 second (was 8), and its damage penalty increased to 50% (was 35%).
    - Added better feedback sound for Pyros on when their flamethrower is doing damage.
    - Fixed blood effect on bleeding player.
    - Added a glow effect to Payload carts.
    - Added Romanian language support.

    Keep in mind that the servers will need to update first. You may want to take a little breather while everyone and their mothers attempt to get this new update.

  • #2
    Re: The Engineer Update is Released!

    What is the The Southern Hospitality?

