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Skidrow Claims to Have Cracked Ubisoft's DRM

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  • Skidrow Claims to Have Cracked Ubisoft's DRM

    The Ubisoft DRM seems to be a bit of a hot button item lately amongst piracy groups. One group claims to emulate the DRM servers that the game periodically checks with. Another group, Skidrow, claim that they don't need any emulation of any servers and that their method does indeed permit the games to work.

    We know that there is a server emulator out in the open, which makes the game playable, but when you look at our cracked content, you will know that it can’t be compared to that. Our work does not construct any program deviation or any kind of host file paradox solutions. Install game and copy the cracked content, it’s that simple.

    Thank you Ubisoft, this was quite a challenge for us, but nothing stops the leading force from doing what we do. Next time focus on the game and not on the DRM. It was probably horrible for all legit users. We just make their lives easier.

    We will not link to anything piracy related here. However if true, it just goes to show that even the most troublesome DRM can be worked around by those determined enough. It just begs the question if DRM is effective in the slightest or if we should just do away with it entirely.

  • #2
    Re: Skidrow Claims to Have Cracked Ubisoft's DRM

    DRM in any form, even going back to the days when we had to look for word 14 from paragraph 2 on page 37 of the game's manual, has never done anything except inconvenience actual customers. The same goes for DRM on any other media, be it copy protection on DVDs, CDs, floppies, even the lame Macrovision protection on VHS tapes. It is all defeatable, including the VHS tapes via a $20 "video enhancer" box that you plugged inline with the video signal. None of it ever stopped the people it is supposed to stop. All any of it ever did was make customers' lives harder, for absolutely no gain by anyone. It should never have been used in any form. It should not be used in any form. It is a waste of money to develop and execute. It costs you money in lost sales, current and future. Smarten up.


    • #3
      Re: Skidrow Claims to Have Cracked Ubisoft's DRM

      I find it ridiculous how anybody accepts this DRM thing in a game they payed for.
      So, there were a few network troubles and you're out of Internet for a day or two. Wanted to play that game? TOO BAD. I already disliked the fact that you had to go into offline mode with steam (it should be able to run in offline mode without need for you to explicitly ask for it) but this is on another level.
      Seeing as I haven't purchased any ubisoft game or even played one in the last 2 or 3 years, I wasn't aware of this issue. Now I know that if I ever feel like playing anything theirs, I'll be sure to get a cracked version or simply not even try the game at all.

