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14-Year Old Kills Father After Being Banned from Playing Games

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  • 14-Year Old Kills Father After Being Banned from Playing Games

    According to, a 14-year old Russian boy brutally murdered his father after his parents revoked the child's gaming privileges. The boy, a resident of Tuapse, hit his sleeping father in the head two times with a sledgehammer, killing him on the spot.

    "At around 1am (local time) on April 12, the suspect dealt his sleeping father at least two blows on the head with a sledgehammer," the region's investigative committee said.

    The boy's parents had taken away his gaming rights after he spent a week playing nothing but video games. The real kicker is what happened after the boy murdered his father.

    After the killing, the boy's frightened mother gave him the keyboard back and the boy played computer games for several more hours until he fell asleep, the spokeswoman said.

    At that point, the mother, who was not injured, contacted relatives who in turn called police.

    Under Russian law, the 14 year old is old enough to be charged as an adult.

  • #2
    Re: 14-Year Old Kills Father After Being Banned from Playing Games


    The problem is letting it get to that point. A whole week doing nothing but playing video games? There's the problem.


    • #3
      Re: 14-Year Old Kills Father After Being Banned from Playing Games

      The PROBLEM is parents think they can just be assholes and the kid won't do anything. Lesson to all shit parents, Don't fuck with your kid.


      • #4
        Re: 14-Year Old Kills Father After Being Banned from Playing Games

        Originally posted by ShadowX8001 View Post
        The PROBLEM is parents think they can just be assholes and the kid won't do anything. Lesson to all shit parents, Don't fuck with your kid.
        Uh, want to try that again? You're saying it's ok to let the kid do whatever? That's flat out WRONG.


        • #5
          Re: 14-Year Old Kills Father After Being Banned from Playing Games

          U arguing with angsty teenager dawg!


          • #6
            Re: 14-Year Old Kills Father After Being Banned from Playing Games

            You really have to wonder how someone becomes that twisted... but apparently the parents weren't giving the kid good guidance and firm boundaries all along, but instead being reactionary. Their kid, in return, was also reactionary. Tragic situation, this individual will never be a happy, well-adjusted person in this life.

