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Valve and Epic Games Sign Major Steamworks Deal

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  • Valve and Epic Games Sign Major Steamworks Deal

    Valve and Epic Games might have just kicked off a match made in violent games heaven. According to GameSpy "revealed a partnership with Epic Games that will make the Steamworks suite of publishing and development tools free to all licensees of Epic's Unreal Engine 3." this includes a rather impressive list of publishers using Unreal Engine 3 licenses such as Activision, EA, 2K Games, THQ, Ubisoft, and Square Enix.

    Here is what Epic's Mark Rein had to say about this new deal.

    "With Valve offering these services free of charge, the idea of providing the Steamworks SDK to all Unreal Engine licensees was a no-brainer."

    Valve's Gabe Newell also chimed in with a few positive comments of his own.

    "Epic's technology is one of the most widely used engines in the industry and has powered many of the best games created in the past 10 years, on multiple platforms. It's an honor to have Steamworks included in the technology offered to all Unreal Engine 3 licensees. It's hard to think of a larger, better targeted group of developers who could derive more benefit from the Steamworks services."

    To be clear, this means that future Unreal Engine 3 titles appearing on Steam will have a higher chance of incorporating Steamworks features (achievements, Steam Cloud, etc.) into the game. There is no guarantee that all future UE3 titles will make use of this new integration, but the chances that they will just went up dramatically.

    We will undoubtedly have more details about this partnership as time goes on. Stay tuned!

  • #2
    Re: Valve and Epic Games Sign Major Steamworks Deal

    I think I just pissed me pants. This is going to be like the most EPIC (no pun intended) news I've heard so far. Would love to see some HL2: EP3 or HL3 news to go next after this XD. This would be AMAZING!

