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N3II: Ninety-Nine Nights Coming to the Xbox 360

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  • N3II: Ninety-Nine Nights Coming to the Xbox 360

    Konami is proud to announce the upcoming Xbox 360 release of N3II: Ninety-Nine Nights, the sequel to Ninety-Nine Nights. The game is slated to pick up after the events in the first title.

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    Set on a ravaged world, N3II: Ninety-Nine Nights invites the player to take on all comers in a series of spectacular battles. Players can enjoy the story from five different perspectives - including humans, elves and goblins - and are pitted against wave after wave of adversaries in the ultimate 'last man standing' free-for-all. Each of the species is given a specific back story which unfolds as the game progresses, while the various races also bring unique skills and abilities to the battle field.

    At its heart, N3II: Ninety-Nine Nights is a vast combat title, with hundreds of enemy creatures on screen simultaneously. As the camera picks over the action, the player can use a wealth of easily-effected combo attacks to carve a path through the enemy, and also use whatever weapons and items come to hand. At the end of each skirmish, players will then face a 'Titanic Boss Battle' against the champion of their current adversary, with players forced to move quickly and locate the well hidden weak spots of these seemingly unstoppable behemoths.

    The game is also promised to include two-player co-op online mode. The co-op mode will feature online ranking boards. Hit the jump to check out some additional screenshots and a lovely game posters!<!--more-->
