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Dead Space 2 Not Planned for PC

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  • Dead Space 2 Not Planned for PC

    Based upon their third quarter financial reports, there was a startling omission of Dead Space 2 listed for the PC. While the game did appear to be still on track for a fourth quarter release in EA's 2011 fiscal year, inquiring minds wanted to know where the PC version ran off to.

    According to Blue's News, that omission was not merely a typographical error.

    First teaser image for Dead Space 2
    "As of right now a PC sku is not in the plan."

    Requests for explanations as to why there is no longer a PC game planned, at least in the near future, have gone unanswered.

  • #2
    Re: Dead Space 2 Not Planned for PC

    You know what?

    If game buisness thinks, they can stop making games for us, or at least not even make shitty ports, they dont deserve my money.
    Also exclusive titles are the same shit, why make a game just for one console, when you can sell it for all, would bring a lot more then Sony/Microsoft's "Make a game for me" 1-time payment.


    • #3
      Re: Dead Space 2 Not Planned for PC

      wow, I WAS going to buy dead space 2. so dumb. I loved the first one on the PC, It was so much better looking on the PC and had no frame rate issues like the console versions, it won't even be fun now.

