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[CES] First DLC Pack for Modern Warfare 2 Exclusive to 360

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  • [CES] First DLC Pack for Modern Warfare 2 Exclusive to 360

    It was just announced during Microsoft's CES 2010 Keynote that the first DLC pack for Modern Warfare 2 will be a timed exclusive to the Xbox 360. This news was also echoed by Major Nelson via his Twitter.
    This Spring, the first Modern Warfare 2 content packs will be available exclusively first on Xbox LIVE.

    While this was widely speculated as being the case long ago, it is now known to be a fact courtesy of Microsoft. The length of exclusivity is not yet known.

  • #2
    Re: [CES] First DLC Pack for Modern Warfare 2 Exclusive to 360

    Well to be honest this saddens me. Console games are gonna ruin PC gaming, and there is not much i personally can do about it - except not buy games, but that leads to another problem - if i do not buy games, why develop for PC in the first place.

    MW2 - did not buy, and do not plan to, mostly because of the lack of dedicated servers. Besides i always liked games that were based on player skill (CS, Americas Army, Mohaa, Red Orchestra and few others) instead of the levels, perks and what not. Looks like im getting too old for games, since everyone loves this these days. Im fine with levels and perks in single-player games, but in multi-player...

    Also payed DLC - i was always strongly against it, because it just spreads player base. All those games from above are successful because it has only one "version" of game and people play it. Once you start with DLC you are almost left with the choice - buy or stop playing as i see it. Because quite soon you are in the situation when half the players play one map and you dont have it.

    Ah well, lots of other games available so no loss here for me, but i still hope even PC gamers will get the chance to play the new DLC. You cooked it (by buying MW2 and supporting the idea), and its your choice if you are gonna eat it (for xx € ofcourse).

