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Battlefield 3 "Revealed" Thanks to Its Lighting Work

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  • Battlefield 3 "Revealed" Thanks to Its Lighting Work

    Oscar Carlen, one of DICE's many employees accidentally let slip regarding Battlefield 3 and possibly giving us an idea as to how far the project has come along.

    According to Carlen's LinkedIn account, he is currently active on Battlefield 3 development
    Oscar Carlen's Summary:

    Just finished lighting Mirror's Edge.

    Portfolio 2000-2009:
    - Battlefield 1942
    - Battlefield 1942 : Road to Rome
    - Battlefield Vietnam
    - Battlefield 2
    - Battlefield Bad Company
    - Mirrors Edge

    Now lighting:
    - Battlefield 3
    - Mirror's Edge 2
    His resume was also updated later after the slip up with:
    Professional work:
    2009 - present : Lighting at EA DICE (Move along, nothing to see here...)
    Thanks to ThatEvilGuy for bringing this news to our attention.

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield 3 "Revealed" Thanks to Its Lighting Work

    Given the fact Battlefield Bad Company 2 is currently in development, along with Mirror's Edge 2 which was recently announced, I think it's just him confusing BF:BC2 with BF3.

    Because, if they are already working on BF3, then I'd have a bone or two to pick with EA/Dice about their development cycles.

