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Dead Rising 2 TGS 2009 Trailer

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  • Dead Rising 2 TGS 2009 Trailer

    Update: The video below is not the one shown at TGS 2009. I'm not sure why, but it appears as though the video we had up here is being removed from multiple sources. We have four other videos that will go up here shortly. Sorry for any inconvience this has caused.

    Original: There was a new trailer shown at Tokyo Game Show 2009 for Capcom's Dead Rising 2. The trailer shows off... well, it shows off something. I'm still confused as to what I just witnessed and you might be as well.

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    Dead Rising 2, coming to an Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC near you in 2010.

  • #2
    Re: Dead Rising 2 TGS 2009 Trailer

    Yeaaaaaaaaaaa.... I am also pretty confused....

    Guess we'll have to wait and see if it is going to be some sort of Zombie Game Show.

