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TF2 Blog - Making of Viaduct

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  • TF2 Blog - Making of Viaduct

    Valve updated the Team Fortress 2 blog tonight with a look at how KOTH_Viaduct came to be. Yes, they released a time lapse video of the creation of a map. Awesome!

    <div id="videoContainer" style="margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt;"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=";timestamp=2" id="movie" name="movie" bgcolor="#000000" quality="[object Object]" height="270" width="452"><a style="left: 449px ! important; top: 803px ! important;" title="Click here to block this object with Adblock Plus" class="wqcrohdxuiofnpcyrdlu uukiapgexwkwaksderki" href=";timestamp=2"></a><a class="wqcrohdxuiofnpcyrdlu" href=";timestamp=2"></a></div>

    A second video, wallpapers, and a map pack can all be found after the jump!<!--more-->

    <div id="videoContainer2"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=";timestamp=2" id="movie" name="movie" bgcolor="#000000" quality="[object Object]" height="270" width="452"><a style="left: 449px ! important; top: 1137px ! important;" title="Click here to block this object with Adblock Plus" class="wqcrohdxuiofnpcyrdlu uukiapgexwkwaksderki" href=";timestamp=2"></a><a class="wqcrohdxuiofnpcyrdlu" href=";timestamp=2"></a></div>
    We playtest daily. Almost every version you can see in the timelapse video was at one point tested with a mix of experienced and new players. That way, decisions are driven by the observations and feedback generated by the test. As an example, at one point several sessions in, it felt as though the player wasn't being given enough of a "cool-down" period after being in the action at the control point. The pacing was actually too intense. In addition, teams that captured the zone felt they had no space in which to keep control, due to the continuous stream of enemies pouring into the space. This devalued some classes significantly, like the Engineer. We were able to address both of these issues through the creation of an area in front of the respawn rooms. This allowed us to push the spawn points further away from the control point.

    Not content with releasing these time lapse videos alone, the TF2 team also pumped out wallpapers featuring the Heavy and Medic on the Viaduct map.

    1600x1200 (L), 2560x1024 (R)

    Finally, a KOTH community map pack was also released and Valve has opted to give it a little love. Read more about Viaduct's creation over at the TF2 blog!

  • #2
    Re: TF2 Blog - Making of Viaduct

    That's amazing. Wonder how they did that while the camera was moving.


    • #3
      Re: TF2 Blog - Making of Viaduct

      Originally posted by nemes1s3000 View Post
      That's amazing. Wonder how they did that while the camera was moving.
      Take a bigger screenshot and just zoom out/in on it?...

