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Batman: Arkham Asylum Demo This Week

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  • Batman: Arkham Asylum Demo This Week

    A demo for the highly anticipated title, Batman: Arkham Asylum, will arrive later this week, says Eidos. On Friday, August 7, gamers can step into the battle hardened boots of Batman to dish out a serious dose of ass kicking within the asylum.

    Eidos states that the demo will be made available for the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on this date. The demo will include a look at the Joker's entry into the asylum, the "Invisible Predator" stealth sequences, "FreeFlow" combat, and more.

    In case you needed to kill a short bit of time between now and Friday, a new preview trailer was released just a few short days ago for Batman.

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    The full game is set to be released on August 25.