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Day of Defeat: Source - Baguet Map Pack Released

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  • Day of Defeat: Source - Baguet Map Pack Released

    The Baguet Map Pack for Day of Defeat: Source was released a few days ago, but it is not too late to spread the love around for these maps.

    “Be part of a US attack force striving to destroy the Axis V1 base in the Dutch town of Almere. Hundreds of English civilians are at the mercy of these vengeance weapons and it is up to you to put them out of commission”.

    “Shortly after D-Day, you find yourself on the outskirts of the village of Causeways which is held by veteran German Units. Can you fight your way through the village and secure victory?”

    “As part of Operation Husky, you are moving inland on the Island of Sicily. Ahead of you is a German Command centre located in a commandeered country house. The Axis troops are firmly entrenched. Can you overcome all odds and win the day?”

    “In the Wildenthal area near the Ardennes Forest, the German Army has set up a Flak 18 gun battery and Freya radar station which are wreaking havoc on Allied aircraft. Your objective it to destroy the radar and AA guns…”

    These are the scenarios to be played out in dod_almere, dod_causeways, dod_colonia and dod_wildenthal; four fantastic new maps that combine great looking graphics and new custom models in immersive gameplay.

    A special thanks to community contributor, Woutsie, for bringing this pack to our attention!

  • #2
    Re: Day of Defeat: Source - Baguet Map Pack Released

    Ooooh @_@ thanks Woutsie

    woot can't wait to try these out at my lan in a week

