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Valve Responds to "That's Racist!" Remarks Concerning Left 4 Dead 2

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  • Valve Responds to "That's Racist!" Remarks Concerning Left 4 Dead 2

    Thanks in part to a blog entry at the Houston Chronicle, Left 4 Dead 2 is having the ever popular "racist" comments being tossed its way. Yes, because Left 4 Dead 2 and other titles happen to have a few racially diverse characters and enemies present, they are now apparently going to fall under the label of "racist." The blog entry also tries to show that Left 4 Dead 2 is "insensitive" to those who had to deal with Hurricane Katrina.

    Valve's Chet Faliszek responds to those claims in a recent interview with Destructoid.
    "Utter insanity," says Faliszek, when sharing his opinion on the controversy. "There are mixed races of zombies, there are all different races of zombies that you shoot, and since we placed it in New Orleans, that makes it racist? I honestly re-read the paragraph about five times ... but when two of the characters in your game are African-American, it's a weird thing to be accused of. We're like, 'how does this work'?

    "... As far as Katrina goes, if you go down to New Orleans, Katrina's still going on. I mean, it's messed up, it is crazy that the city is still in the state it's in, and we treat that with the utmost respect. Our CEDA thing is not some subversive commentary on anything. This is a videogame, those are real people's lives, we are not trying to make a statement with that ... It's a place we love, it's dear to our hearts. We would not cheapen it. It's not a brick-for-brick representation of New Orleans; it's a fictional version, and I love that city."

    What are your thoughts on the matter? The writer of the original blog entry says that while a setting like Liberty City is acceptable, anything to do with the South is a taboo subject and also feels that having a good number of black Africans in Resident Evil 5 is also in poor taste.

  • #2
    Re: Valve Responds to "That's Racist!" Remarks Concerning Left 4 Dead 2

    People will always find something to complain about... I think people have too much time on their hands and just write garage on the internet and complain about the stupidest of things... And then the best part they try to sue other people for bashing their opinions...


    • #3
      Re: Valve Responds to "That's Racist!" Remarks Concerning Left 4 Dead 2

      This is just dumb. Racism is usually not racism unless it's intended. Yet, people now-a-days look for a racial subtext to everything. People are taking offense to things that are 'no offense intended' because they're looking for everything that could be possibly consider racist, instead of just taking offense to things that are meant as racist.


      • #4
        Re: Valve Responds to "That's Racist!" Remarks Concerning Left 4 Dead 2

        People need to get the fuck out more and breathe in some fresh air.

