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New Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots and a Hands-on Preview

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  • New Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots and a Hands-on Preview

    Eurogamer was lucky enough to get some hands-on time with Valve's upcoming sequel, Left 4 Dead 2. To go with their largely positive impressions, the team also walked away with nine new images!

    The first new stage is a tense, nerve-wracking run through a battered New Orleans suburb in daylight. Survival under the sun is another signal addition to the sequel, adding visual variety. And if you're thinking that might strip away the tension, fear not.

    The environment is a tightly structured, claustrophobic rabbit warren of rooms across multiple storeys and multiple blocks. The constant, creeping fear that a zombie could emerge from around a corner, through a window, up a stairwell, from any direction, is shattering. And this is skilfully managed by the AI director which, for the most part, drip, drip, drip-feeds danger on the squad, while all four players wince in expectation of the inevitable flood.

    The Eurogamer team takes an updated look at the game's revamped take on the finale sequences.
    The finale of The Parish is the first example we've seen of 'gauntlet' gameplay, new to the sequel. Starting at one end of a bridge, your party has to make it to the other end, where - a radio message informs you - a rescue helicopter is waiting. There's no holing up and surviving until help arrives. Your mission is literally, and in the best Arnie voice I can muster: "Get to the chopper!"

    What plays out is an astonishingly relentless trek down the bridge, clambering over upturned cars and crashed trucks, while crashing waves of zombies burst towards you in a seething, ceaseless flow. There is no respite. There is nowhere to hide. There is only forwards. And if you die, you die. It's up to the remaining party members to push on regardless.

    For the full article that contains far more new information than we could possibly share with you here, head on over to Eurogamer! The screenshots above have five additional friends, but you will have to hit the jump to view those. So, what are you waiting for?<!--more-->

  • #2
    Re: New Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots and a Hands-on Preview

    What I don't like is the bright and optimistic look the graphics have. The original Left 4 Dead was all dark and night-time and stuff. This is all daylight and has that 'happy' glow to it. I think the graphics need to be edgier.


    • #3
      Re: New Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots and a Hands-on Preview

      This is just one campaign. Who knows how the other four will look like.


      • #4
        Re: New Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots and a Hands-on Preview

        Looks awesome. I'll probably wait until there was a special offer on though before buying it.


        • #5
          Re: New Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots and a Hands-on Preview

          Originally posted by snkcube View Post
          This is just one campaign. Who knows how the other four will look like.
          How do you know there is gonna be only 4????


          • #6
            Re: New Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots and a Hands-on Preview

            Originally posted by Grimbal View Post
            How do you know there is gonna be only 4????
            Because they said there were going to be 4 in earlier news post...


            • #7
              Re: New Left 4 Dead 2 Screenshots and a Hands-on Preview

              Originally posted by st_nick5
              Looks awesome. I'll probably wait until there was a special offer on though before buying it.
              I think it's great too. However, if they sell it for the same price Left 4 Dead was at launch, I probably won't be able to afford it.

